Фред Долтън Томсън (Fred Dalton Thompson)

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August 19, 1942 - Sheffield, Alabama, USA

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Всички филми на Фред Долтън Томсън (Fred Dalton Thompson)

Всички филми и роли на Фред Долтън Томсън (Fred Dalton Thompson)

Актьор - God's Not Dead 2(2016) - Senior Pastor
90 Minutes in Heaven(2015) - Jay B. Perkins (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
A Larger Life(2015) - Robert Parker (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Allegiance(Сериал)(2015) - FBI Director
23 Blast(2014) - Coach Powers (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Persecuted(2014/I) - Charles Luther (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Unlimited(2013/II) - Harold Finch (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
The Good Wife(Сериал)(2011-2012) - Frank Michael Thomas
Sinister(2012/I) - Sheriff (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
The Last Ride(2011) - O'Keefe (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Alleged(2010) - William Jennings Bryan (as Sen. Fred Dalton Thompson)
Ironmen(2010) - Governor Neeley (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Secretariat(2010) - Bull Hancock (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
The Genesis Code(2010) - Judge Hardin (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Life on Mars(Сериал)(2009) - Chief Harry Woolf
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee(2007) - President Ulysses S. Grant
Law & Order(Сериал)(2002-2007) - D.A. Arthur Branch
Conviction(Сериал)(2006) - D.A. Arthur Branch
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2003-2006) - D.A. Arthur Branch / Arthur Branch
Law & Order: Trial by Jury(Сериал)(2005-2006) - D.A. Arthur Branch
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World(2005) - Fred Dalton Thompson (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Law & Order: Criminal Intent(Сериал)(2005) - D.A. Arthur Branch
Last Best Chance(2005) - President Charles Ross (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Racing Stripes(2005) - Sir Trenton (voice
as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Evel Knievel(2004) - Jay Sarno (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Rachel and Andrew Jackson: A Love Story(2001) - Andrew Jackson (voice
as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Sex and the City(Сериал)(2000) - Politician on TV
Baby's Day Out(1994) - FBI Agent Dale Grissom (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
In the Line of Fire(1993) - Harry Sargent (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Born Yesterday(1993) - Sen. Hedges (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Barbarians at the Gate(1993) - Jim Robinson (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Matlock(Сериал)(1989-1993) - Gordon Lewis / Prosecutor Mr. McGonigal
Keep the Change(1992) - Otis (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Day-O(1992) - Frank DeGeorgio (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Stay the Night(1992) - Det. Malone (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
White Sands(1992) - Arms Dealer (uncredited)
Thunderheart(1992) - William Dawes (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Bed of Lies(1992) - Richard 'Racehorse' Haynes (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Aces: Iron Eagle III(1992) - Stockman (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Curly Sue(1991) - Bernard Oxbar (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Cape Fear(1991) - Tom Broadbent (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Necessary Roughness(1991) - Carver Purcell (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Class Action(1991) - Dr. Getchell (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Flight of the Intruder(1991) - Court-Martial Captain (uncredited)
Die Hard 2(1990) - Trudeau (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Days of Thunder(1990) - Big John (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
The Hunt for Red October(1990) - Admiral Painter (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Fat Man and Little Boy(1989) - Melrose Hayden Barry (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Roseanne(Сериал)(1989) - Keith Faber
China Beach(Сериал)(1989) - Lt. Col. Reinhardt
Wiseguy(Сериал)(1988) - Knox Pooley
Feds(1988) - Bilecki (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Unholy Matrimony(1988) - Frank Sweeny
No Way Out(1987) - Marshall (as Fred Dalton Thompson)
Marie(1985) - Fred Thompson


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