Дермът Мълроуни (Dermot Mulroney)

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October 31, 1963 - Alexandria, Virginia, USA

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Всички филми на Дермът Мълроуни (Dermot Mulroney)

Всички филми и роли на Дермът Мълроуни (Dermot Mulroney)

Актьор - 2 Men & a Pig - Rick Conti
The Gettysburg Address(Документален) - Andrew Curtin (voice)
The Inhabitant
The Warrant: Breaker's Law
Full Ride(2023)
Lights Out(2023) - Sage Parker
Breakwater(2022/I) - Ray Childress
Section Eight(2022) - Sam Ramsey
The Virgin of Highland Park(2022)
Along for the Ride(2022) - Robert
Agent Game(2022) - Harris
Umma(2022) - Danny
The Cow(2022)
Christmas Is Canceled(2021) - Jack Lockhart
Hanna(Сериал)(2020-2021) - John Carmichael
Montford: The Chickasaw Rancher(2021) - Boggy Johnson
Deadly Illusions(2021) - Tom / Mary's husband
The Blazing World(2021) - Tom Winter
Hard Luck Love Song(2020) - Rollo
Prodigal Son(Сериал)(2020) - Nicholas Endicott
That One Time(Сериал)(2020) - Paul Crest
Messiah(Сериал)(2020) - President Young
The Courier(2019) - Special Agent Roberts
The Purge(Сериал)(2018-2019) - Bobby Sheridan
The Righteous Gemstones(Сериал)(2019) - John Wesley Seasons
Four Weddings and a Funeral(Сериал)(2019) - Bryce Dylan
Arrested Development(Сериал)(2018-2019) - Dusty
Station 19(Сериал)(2018-2019) - Greg Tanner
Drunk History(Сериал)(2019) - Georges Ladoux
SGT. Will Gardner(2019) - Buddy
Into the Dark(Сериал)(2018) - Henry Tooms
I Still See You(2018) - August Bittner
Monster Challenge(Късометражен)(2018) - Ben's Agent
Homecoming(Сериал)(2018) - Anthony
Rob Riggle's Ski Master Academy(Сериал)(2018) - Dermot Mulroney
New Girl(Сериал)(2012-2018) - Russell Shiller
Cats(2018) - Blanket
LA to Vegas(Сериал)(2018) - Captain Steve
Shameless(Сериал)(2015-2017) - Sean Pierce
The Christmas Train(2017) - Tom Langdon
American Horror Story(Сериал)(2017) - Bob Thompson
The Mountain Between Us(2017) - Mark
The Cars That Made America(Мини Сериал)(2017) - Narrator
American Dad!(Сериал)(2017) - Jesse
Pure Genius(Сериал)(2016-2017) - Dr. Walter Wallace
Sleepless(2017/III) - Rubino
Mozart in the Jungle(Сериал)(2015-2016) - Andrew Walsh
Lavender(2016/I) - Patrick
Dirty Grandpa(2016) - David Kelly
Northpole: Open for Christmas(2015) - Ian
Truth(2015/I) - Lawrence Lanpher
Extant(Сериал)(2015) - Taalr
Insidious: Chapter 3(2015) - Sean Brenner
Sacrifice(2015/II) - Justin
Careful What You Wish For(2015) - Elliot Harper
The D Train(2015/I) - Dermot Mulroney
Crisis(Сериал)(2014) - Francis Gibson
August: Osage County(2013) - Steve Huberbrecht
Space Warriors(2013) - Andy Hawkins
Enlightened(Сериал)(2013) - Jeff Flender
Jobs(2013) - Mike Markkula
The Rambler(2013) - The Rambler
Stoker(2013) - Richard Stoker
A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III(2012) - Doctor
Trade of Innocents(2012) - Alex Becker
Struck by Lightning(2012) - Neal Phillips
Big Miracle(2012) - Colonel Scott Boyer
Beyond(2012/II) - Jack Musker
The Grey(2011) - Talget
Silent Witness(2011) - Tony Lord
J. Edgar(2011) - Colonel Schwarzkopf
The Family Tree(2011) - Jack Burnett
Abduction(2011/I) - Martin Price (uncredited)
The Rockford Files(2010) - Jim Rockford
Inhale(2010) - Paul Stanton
Kisses Over Babylon(Късометражен)(2009) - Warden
Flash of Genius(2008) - Gil Previck
Burn After Reading(2008) - Star of "Coming Up Daisy"
Jolene(2008) - Uncle Phil
The Memory Keeper's Daughter(2008) - Dr. David Henry
The Batman(Сериал)(2007-2008) - Green Lantern
Georgia Rule(2007) - Simon
Gracie(2007) - Bryan Bowen
Zodiac(2007) - Captain Marty Lee
Dante's Inferno(2007) - Dante (voice)
Griffin & Phoenix(2006) - Griffin
The Family Stone(2005) - Everett Stone
Must Love Dogs(2005) - Bob
The Wedding Date(2005) - Nick Mercer
Undertow(2004) - John Munn
Hair High(2004) - Rod (voice)
Friends(Сериал)(2003) - Gavin Mitchell
About Schmidt(2002) - Randall Hertzel
The Safety of Objects(2001) - Jim Train
Lovely & Amazing(2001) - Kevin McCabe
Intimate Affairs(2001) - Edgar
Trixie(2000) - Dex Lang
Where the Money Is(2000) - Wayne
Goodbye Lover(1998) - Jake Dunmore
My Best Friend's Wedding(1997) - Michael O'Neal
The Trigger Effect(1996) - Joe
Box of Moonlight(1996) - Wick
Bastard Out of Carolina(1996) - Lyle Parsons
Kansas City(1996) - Johnny O'Hara
Heroine of Hell(1996) - Callum
Copycat(1995) - Ruben Goetz
How to Make an American Quilt(1995) - Sam
Living in Oblivion(1995) - Wolf
Journeys North(1994) - Collum
There Goes My Baby(1994) - Pirate
Angels in the Outfield(1994) - Mr. Bomman - Roger's Dad
Bad Girls(1994) - Josh McCoy
The Last Outlaw(1993) - Eustis
The Thing Called Love(1993) - Kyle Davidson
Family Pictures(Мини Сериал)(1993) - Mack
Point of No Return(1993) - J.P.
Silent Tongue(1993) - Reeves McCree
Halfway House(Късометражен)(1992)
The Heart of Justice(1992) - Elliot Burgess
Where the Day Takes You(1992) - King
Samantha(1991) - Henry
Career Opportunities(1991) - Nestor Pyle
Arduous Moon(Късометражен)(1990)
Bright Angel(1990) - George
Longtime Companion(1989) - John
Staying Together(1989) - Kit McDermott
Unconquered(1989) - Richmond Flowers Jr.
Survival Quest(1988) - Gray
Young Guns(1988) - Dirty Steve Stephens
Sunset(1988) - Michael Alperin
Long Gone(1987) - Jamie Weeks
Daddy(1987) - Bobby
Shattered If Your Kid's on Drugs(1986)
CBS Schoolbreak Special(Сериал)(1986) - Doug Dawson
Fame(Сериал)(1986) - Max
Sin of Innocence(1986) - Tim / David's son

Режисьор: Love

Мини Биография

Дермот Мълрони е роден в Александрия, Вирджиния, в семейството на Елън и Майкъл Мълрони, професор по право във Виланова. Откакто е открит в Северозападния университет от холивудски агент за таланти преди 28 години, Мълрони се снима в над 70 филма. Мълрони е класически обучен виолончелист, който започва да свири в системата на държавните училища в Александрия, Вирджиния, когато е на 7 години. Свири с оркестрите за озвучаване на много филми на композитори, носители на "Оскар", като Джеймс Нютън Хауърд и Майкъл Джакино. - И.И. превод


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