Роксан Мескида (Roxane Mesquida)

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1981-10-1 - Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Роксан Мескида (Roxane Mesquida)

Всички филми и роли на Роксан Мескида (Roxane Mesquida)

Актриса - A Forgotten Place
Hallucinaut(Късометражен) - Beatrice
Méduse(2022) - Romane
The Gesture and The Word(Късометражен)(2020) - Aurore
Play or Die(2019) - Chloé
Now Apocalypse(Сериал)(2019) - Severine Bordeaux
Teeers: Overheat(2018) - Girl
Burning Shadow(2018) - Summer
Mercury in Retrograde(2017) - Isabelle
Despite the Night(2015) - Lena
Our Futures(2015) - Virginie
Reality(2014) - Awards Hostess
Das foto-shoot(Късометражен)(2013) - Model
The American Tetralogy(2013) - The Tortured Bride
The Doors(Късометражен)(2013) - Liz (as Roxanne Mezquida)
Wrong Cops(2013) - Special Guest
XIII: The Series(Сериал)(2012) - Betty Barnowsky
Kiss of the Damned(2012) - Mimi
Wrong Cops: Chapter 1(Късометражен)(2012)
The Most Fun You Can Have Dying(2012) - Sylvie
Gossip Girl(Сериал)(2011-2012) - Beatrice Grimaldi
Buck 65 Feat. Jenn Grant: Paper Airplanes(2011) - Woman
Quand j'étais gothique(Късометражен)(2011) - Aurore
Dans ta bouche(2010) - La fille à Los Angeles
Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps(2010) - Sennentuntschi
Kaboom(2010) - Lorelei
Rubber(2010) - Sheila
Adieu Molitor(Късометражен)(2010) - Jennifer
La dérive(2009) - Antonin's Sister
The Last Mistress(2007) - Hermangarde
Mentir un peu(2006) - Irène
Satan(2006) - Eve
Les vagues(2005) - Célia
The Great Journey(2004) - Lisa (photo et voix seulement)
Very Opposite Sexes(2002) - Hélène
Sex Is Comedy(2002) - The Actress
Carnets d'ado(Сериал)(2002) - Laura
Âges ingrats(Късометражен)(2002) - La jeune fille
Fat Girl(2001) - Elena Pingot
Gaia(Късометражен)(2000) - Jeune fille de 14 ans
The School of Flesh(1998) - Marine
Marie Baie des Anges(1997) - Mireille


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