Джон Хаусман (John Houseman)

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1902-9-22 - Bucharest, Romania

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Джон Хаусман (John Houseman)

Всички филми и роли на Джон Хаусман (John Houseman)

Актьор - The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!(1988) - Driving Instructor (uncredited)
Scrooged(1988) - John Houseman
Another Woman(1988) - Marion's Father
Bright Lights
Big City(1988) - Mr. Vogel
Lincoln(Мини Сериал)(1988) - Gen. Winfield Scott
Noble House(Мини Сериал)(1988) - Sir Geoffrey Allison
227(Сериал)(1987) - John Houseman
Silver Spoons(Сериал)(1982-1987) - Grandpa Stratton
The Paper Chase(Сериал)(1978-1986) - Professor Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.
A.D.(Мини Сериал)(1985) - Gamaliel
A Rose for Emily(Късометражен)(1983) - Narrator (voice)
Freedom to Speak(Мини Сериал)(1983) - Benjamin Franklin
The Winds of War(Мини Сериал)(1983) - Aaron Jastrow
American Playhouse(Сериал)(1983) - Network Newscaster
Marco Polo(Мини Сериал)(1982) - Patriarch of Aquileia
Murder by Phone(1982) - Stanley Markowitz
Mork & Mindy(Сериал)(1982) - Milt
Ghost Story(1981) - Sears James
Writing: Plain & Fancy(Късометражен)(1981) - Narrator
A Christmas Without Snow(1980) - Ephraim Adams
The Babysitter(1980) - Dr. Lindquist
My Bodyguard(1980) - Dobbs
Wholly Moses!(1980) - Archangel
Gideon's Trumpet(1980) - Chief Justice / Offscreen Narrator
The Associates(Сериал)(1980) - Professor Kingsfield
The Fog(1980) - Mr. Machen
The French Atlantic Affair(Мини Сериал)(1979) - Dr. Archady Clemens
The Last Convertible(Мини Сериал)(1979) - Dr. Wetherell
Old Boyfriends(1979) - Dr. Hoffman
The Cheap Detective(1978) - Jasper Blubber
Aspen(Мини Сериал)(1977) - Joseph Merrill Drummond
The Best of Families(Мини Сериал)(1977) - Host
Washington: Behind Closed Doors(Мини Сериал)(1977) - Myron Dunn
Our Town(1977) - Professor Willard (scenes deleted)
The Displaced Person(1977) - Father Flynn
Captains and the Kings(Мини Сериал)(1976) - Judge Newell Chisholm
The Bionic Woman(Сериал)(1976) - Dr. Franklin
The Six Million Dollar Man(Сериал)(1976) - Doctor Franklin
Six Characters in Search of an Author(1976) - The Director
St. Ives(1976) - Abner Procane
Hazard's People(1976) - John Hazard
Truman at Potsdam(1976) - Winston Churchill
The Adams Chronicles(Мини Сериал)(1976) - Justice Gridley
Fear on Trial(1975) - Mike Collins
Three Days of the Condor(1975) - Mr. Wabash
Great Performances(Сериал)(1975) - Dr. Fawcett
Rollerball(1975) - Bartholomew
The Paper Chase(1973) - Charles W. Kingsfield Jr.
Seven Days in May(1964) - Vice-Adm. Farley C. Barnswell (uncredited)
Too Much Johnson(1938) - Duelist / Keystone Kop

Режисьор: Sorry
Wrong Number(1946)


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