Рейф Спол (Rafe Spall)

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March 10, 1983 - East Dulwich, London, England, UK

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Рейф Спол (Rafe Spall)

Всички филми и роли на Рейф Спол (Rafe Spall)

Актьор - The English(Сериал)
Trying(Сериал)(2020-2022) - Jason Ross
Long Story Short(2021) - Teddy
The Salisbury Poisonings(Мини Сериал)(2020) - DS Nick Bailey
The War of the Worlds(Мини Сериал)(2019) - George
Denmark(2019) - Herb
Just Mercy(2019) - Tommy Chapman
Men in Black: International(2019) - Agent C
Kansas City(2018) - Ben Graham
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom(2018) - Eli Mills
Grandpa's Great Escape(2018) - Adult Jack (voice)
The Soul-Breaker(2018)
The Ritual(2017/I) - Luke
My Online Nightmare(Сериал)(Документална поредица)(2017) - Narrator
National Theatre Live: Hedda Gabler(2017) - Judge Brack
Mum's List(2016) - Singe Greene
Roadies(Сериал)(2016) - Reg Whitehead
Swallows and Amazons(2016) - Jim Turner / Captain Flint / Polski the Parrot
The BFG(2016) - Mr. Tibbs
Harry Price: Ghost Hunter(2015) - Harry Price
The Big Short(2015) - Danny Moses
Sons of Liberty(Мини Сериал)(2015) - John Hancock
Black Mirror(Сериал)(2014) - Potter
Get Santa(2014) - Steve Anderson
Off the Page: Death of England(Късометражен)(2014) - Son
A Brilliant Young Mind(2014) - Martin Humphreys
What If(2013/I) - Ben
The World's End(2013) - Young Man
I Give It a Year(2013) - Josh
How to Behave(Късометражен)(2012) - Edwardian Man
Life of Pi(2012) - Writer
Earthbound(2012) - Joe Norman
Prometheus(2012/I) - Millburn
Pete Versus Life(Сериал)(2010-2011) - Pete Griffiths
Anonymous(2011/I) - William Shakespeare
One Day(2011) - Ian
The Shadow Line(Сериал)(2011) - Jay Wratten
Sus(2010/I) - D.C. Wilby
Behind the Door(Късометражен)(2010) - Bobby
Modern Life Is Rubbish(Късометражен)(2009) - Liam
The Scouting Book for Boys(2009) - Steve
Desperate Romantics(Мини Сериал)(2009) - William 'Maniac' Hunt
Agatha Christie's Marple(Сериал)(2009) - Roger Bassington
Close(Късометражен)(2008/II) - Eric
Frankie Howerd: Rather You Than Me(2008) - Dennis Heymer
He Kills Coppers(2008) - Frank Taylor
A Room with a View(2007) - George Emerson
Get Off My Land(Късометражен)(2007) - Man
Hot Fuzz: Hot Funk: The TV Version(2007) - DC Andy Cartwright (uncredited)
Hot Fuzz: Outtakes(2007) - HimselfDC Andy Cartwright (uncredited)
Grindhouse(2007) - Featured Ghost (segment "Don't") (uncredited)
Hot Fuzz(2007) - DC Andy Cartwright
Dracula(2006) - Jonathan Harker
Wide Sargasso Sea(2006) - Edward Rochester
A Good Year(2006) - Kenny
Cracker(2006) - DS McAllister
The Last Drop(2006) - Pvt. David Wellings
The Chatterley Affair(2006) - Keith
Kidulthood(2006) - Lenny
The Romantics(Мини Сериал)(2006) - John Clare
Green Street Hooligans(2005) - Swill
Twisted Tales(Сериал)(2005) - Dominic
The Rotters' Club(Мини Сериал)(2005) - Sean Harding
The Calcium Kid(2004) - Stan Parlour
The Legend of the Tamworth Two(2004) - Crustie
Shaun of the Dead(2004) - Noel
The Lion in Winter(2003) - John
Out of Control(2002) - Ray
Beginner's Luck(2001)


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