Роси де Палма (Rossy de Palma)

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1964-9-16 - Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Роси де Палма (Rossy de Palma)

Всички филми и роли на Роси де Палма (Rossy de Palma)

Актриса - Second to Nun - Madame Laduree
Le vieux juif Blonde - Voyante
Carmen - Masilda
Clara Luciani: Amour toujours(2022) - Indra Wolfing
Once Upon a Time... But Not Anymore(Сериал)(2022) - Narrator / Mamen
Tercer Mondo(2021)
El refugio(2021)
Parallel Mothers(2021) - Elena
Do You Do You Saint-Tropez(2021) - Carmen Moreno
Carrément craignos(Мини Сериал)(2021) - Héléna
Little Birds(Сериал)(2020) - Contessa Mandrax
Trash(2020/I) - Bliss
Mermaid in Paris(2020) - Rossy
The Rodriguez and the Beyond(2019) - Doctora Pilar
Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri(2019) - Zia Dolores
Tu me manques(2019) - Rosaura
Despite Everything(2019) - Inés
For the Ones We Loved(2019) - Artémis
Haciendo cerveza(Сериал)(2018) - Visitante
The Man Who Killed Don Quixote(2018) - Farmer's Wife
Brillantissime(2018) - Charline
Toc Toc(2017) - Ana María
Madame(2017) - Maria
The White Princess(Мини Сериал)(2017) - Isabella of Castile
Give Me Patience(2017) - María
El intercambio(2017) - Dómina
En tu cabeza(2016) - Milagros (segment 'Milagros y Remedios')
Julieta(2016) - Marian
Incidencias(2015) - Azafata
Spy Time(2015) - Madre de Katia
Anclados(Сериал)(2015) - Palmira
Just a Little Chemistry(2015) - Reportera
Graziella(2015) - Graziella
Do Not Disturb(2014) - Maria
Traveling Lady: The perfect Brand(Късометражен)(2014) - Traveling Lady
Love of My Loves(2014) - Carmina
Madre Quentina(Късометражен)(2014) - Quentina
La Divanee(Късометражен)(2014) - Narrator (voice)
La que se avecina(Сериал)(2014) - María Luisa
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart(2013) - Luna (voice)
Three Many Weddings(2013) - Mónica
Esposados(Сериал)(2013) - Rossy
I Don't Know Whether to Slit My Wrists or Leave Them Long(2013) - Lola
&Me(2013) - Mother
Run a Way(2012) - Las Beneméritas
30° couleur(2012) - Amie de Patrick
Le monde à ses pieds(2011) - Caroline Fox
Gigola(2010) - Dominique
Miss Tacuarembó(2010) - Patricia Peinado (as Rossy De Palma)
My Daughters(Сериал)(2010) - Estrella Toledo
No pasaran(2009) - Inès
Broken Embraces(2009) - Julieta
Bruja(Късометражен)(2008) - The woman
La edad ideal(Късометражен)(2006)
Les aristos(2006) - Duquessa Maria de Malaga i Benidorm
Girlfriends(2006) - La mère de Marie
20 centímetros(2005) - La Frío - Ice Box
Do You Know Claudia?(2004) - Claudia (Aldo's Lover)
Double zéro(2004) - Le Monocle
People(2004) - Pilar
Laisse tes mains sur mes hanches(2003) - Myriam Bardem
Dead Weight(2002) - Pauline Reggio
L'origine du monde(2001) - The Sphynx
La mule(Късометражен)(2000) - La Colombienne
Nag la bombe(1999) - Leïla
Esa maldita costilla(1999) - Margarita
The Loss of Sexual Innocence(1999) - Blind Woman
Talk of Angels(1998) - Elena (as Rossy De Palma)
Spanish Fly(1998) - Rossy
Foul Play(1998) - Concepcion Alibera
Franchesca Page(1998) - Veronica
La femme du cosmonaute(1997) - Catherine
amie d'Anna
Los ladrones van a la oficina(Сериал)(1994-1997) - Eva Duarte
Airbag(1997) - Carmiña
Pastas Ardilla(Кратък телевизионен филм)(1996) - Rossy
A Body in the Woods(1996) - Teniente Cifuentes
The Blue Collar Worker and the Hairdresser in a Whirl of Sex and Politics(1996)
¡Qué noche tan movida!(1995) - Paula
The Flower of My Secret(1995) - Rosa
Peggio di così si muore(1995) - Myrna
What's It All About(1995) - Bibliotecària (segment "Amor")
Ready to Wear(1994) - Pilar (as Rossy De Palma)
Hermanos de leche(Сериал)(1994) - Berta
Chicken Park(1994) - Necrophilia
Mejor no hables(Късометражен)(1994)
Rose rosse per una squillo(1993) - Juliette
Kika(1993) - Juana
Mutant Action(1993) - Invitada de lujo (as Rosi De Palma)
George Michael: Too Funky(1992) - Midinette (uncredited)
Sam suffit(1992) - Chichi
el que no corre... vuela(1992) - Vecina
The Naked Target(1992) - Dama 2
Alcune signore per bene(1990) - Donatella
Nel giardino delle rose(1990) - Rosy
Don Juan
mi querido fantasma(1990) - Viuda de Prodini
Os outros feirantes(Мини Сериал)(1990) - Hermelina
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!(1989) - Traficante de drogas en Vespa
Delirios de amor(Сериал)(1989) - Robertina
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown(1988) - Marisa
¡Sufre mamón!(1987) - Artista 40 Principales (as Peor Impossible)
Law of Desire(1987) - Locutora tele. (as Rosy Von Donna)


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