Джонатан Деми (Jonathan Demme)

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February 22, 1944 - Baldwin, Long Island, New York, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Джонатан Деми (Jonathan Demme)

Всички филми и роли на Джонатан Деми (Jonathan Demme)

Актьор - Oz(Сериал)(2000) - Commercial Director
Scene by Scene(Сериал)(1999)
That Thing You Do!(1996) - Major Motion Picture Director
Married to the Mob(1988) - Man getting off elevator (unconfirmed
Joe Lamont: Secrets You Keep(Късометражен)(1985) - Man
Into the Night(1985) - Federal Agent
Last Embrace(1979) - Man on Train (uncredited)
The Incredible Melting Man(1977) - Matt Winters

Режисьор: Seven Seconds(2018)
The Power of Rock(2017)
Shots Fired(2017)
Protection Not Protest: The People of Standing Rock(2016)
Justin Timberlake + the Tennessee Kids(2016)
Ricki and the Flash(2015)
Another Telepathic Thing(2015)
What's Motivating Hayes(2015)
The New Yorker Presents(2015)
Line of Sight(2014)
The Killing(2013-2014)
A Master Builder(2013)
Enzo Avitabile Music Life(2012)
Kenny Chesney: Unstaged(2012)
A Gifted Man(2011)
Neil Young Journeys(2011)
I'm Carolyn Parker(2011)
Tavis Smiley Reports(2010)
Neil Young: Trunk Show(2009)
Rachel Getting Married: Deleted Scenes(2009)
Rachel Getting Married(2008)
Jimmy Carter Man from Plains(2007)
Right to Return: New Home Movies from the Lower 9th Ward(2007)
Neil Young: Heart of Gold(2006)
The Manchurian Candidate(2004)
The Agronomist(2003)
The Truth About Charlie(2002)
Bruce Springsteen: American Skin (41 Shots) - Live in New York City(2001)
Bruce Springsteen: The Complete Video Anthology 1978-2000(2001)
Bruce Springsteen: If I Should Fall Behind(2000)
The Pretenders: Greatest Hits(2000)
The Oprah Winfrey Show(1998)
Storefront Hitchcock(1998)
SUBWAYStories: Tales from the Underground(1997)
Bruce Springsteen: Murder Incorporated(1995)
The Complex Sessions(1994)
Bruce Springsteen: Streets of Philadelphia(1994)
Cousin Bobby(1992)
H.E.A.L.: Heal Yourself(1991)
The Silence of the Lambs(1991)
Red Hot + Blue: A Tribute to Cole Porter(1990)
Married to the Mob(1988)
Haiti Dreams of Democracy(1988)
Trying Times(1987)
Suzanne Vega: Solitude Standing(1987)
Swimming to Cambodia(1987)
Something Wild(1986)
Saturday Night Live(1980-1986)
New Order: The Perfect Kiss(1985)
Now That's What I Call Music 6(1985)
Survival Guide(1985)
UB40 and Chrissie Hynde: I Got You Babe(1985)
Artists United Against Apartheid: Sun City(1985)
Alive from Off Center(1984)
Talking Heads: Once in a Lifetime (Live)(1984)
Talking Heads: Slippery People (Live)(1984)
Tom Tom Club: Genius of Love - Live(1984)
Stop Making Sense(1984)
Swing Shift(1984)
American Playhouse(1982)
Melvin and Howard(1980)
Last Embrace(1979)
Citizens Band(1977)
Fighting Mad(1976)
Crazy Mama(1975)
Caged Heat(1974)
Fly Me(1973)

Мини Биография

Джонатан Дем е роден на 22 февруари 1944 г. в Болдуин, Лонг Айлънд, Ню Йорк, САЩ. Той е режисьор и продуцент, известен с филмите "Мълчанието на агнетата" (1991), "Филаделфия" (1993) и "Рейчъл се омъжва" (2008). Бил е женен за Джоан Хауърд и Евелин Пърсел. Умира на 26 април 2017 г. в Манхатън, Ню Йорк, Ню Йорк. - И.И. превод


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