Дейвид Финчър (David Fincher)

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August 28, 1962 - Denver, Colorado, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Дейвид Финчър (David Fincher)

Всички филми и роли на Дейвид Финчър (David Fincher)

Актьор - Logorama(Късометражен)(2009) - Pringles Original (voice)
Full Frontal(2002) - Film Director
Being John Malkovich(1999) - Christopher Bing (uncredited)

Режисьор: The Killer
Death & Robots(2022)
Gone Girl(2014)
Calvin Klein: Downtown(2013)
Justin Timberlake Ft. Jay-Z: Suit & Tie(2013)
House of Cards(2013)
Karen O & Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross: Immigrant Song(2011)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(2011)
The Social Network(2010)
Madonna: Celebration - The Video Collection(2009)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button(2008)
George Michael: Twenty Five(2006)
Nine Inch Nails: Only(2005)
Video Hits: Paula Abdul(2005)
Beer Run(2005)
Hewlett Packard: Constant Change(2004)
Panic Room(2002)
A Perfect Circle: Judith(2000)
Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99(1999)
Fight Club(1999)
Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael(1999)
The Game(1997)
Levi's: The Chase(1996)
The Wallflowers: 6th Avenue Heartache(1996)
Levi's: Restaurant(1994)
Aerosmith: Big Ones You Can Look At(1994)
The Best of Sting: Fields of Gold 1984-1994(1994)
The Rolling Stones: Love Is Strong(1994)
Coca-Cola: Blade Roller(1993)
Michael Jackson: Who Is It(1993)
Madonna: Bad Girl(1993)
Dangerous: The Short Films(1993)
Nike: Instant Karma(1992)
George Michael: Freedom! '90(1990)
Madonna: The Immaculate Collection(1990)
Wire Train: Should She Cry(1990)
Billy Idol: L.A. Woman(1990)
Iggy Pop: Home(1990)
Billy Idol: Cradle of Love(1990)
Madonna: Vogue(1990)
Neneh Cherry: Heart(1990)
Paula Abdul: It's Just
the Way That You Love Me (Version 2)(1989)
Aerosmith: Janie's Got a Gun(1989)
Madonna: Oh Father(1989)
Paula Abdul: Cold Hearted(1989)
Don Henley: The End of the Innocence(1989)
Paula Abdul: Forever Your Girl(1989)
Madonna: Express Yourself(1989)
Roy Orbison: She's a Mystery to Me(1989)
Gipsy Kings: Bamboléo (Mixed Version)(1989)
Jody Watley: Real Love(1989)
Paula Abdul: Straight Up(1989)
Gipsy Kings: Bamboléo (Version 2)(1989)
Martha Davis: Tell It to the Moon(1988)
Paula Abdul: It's Just
the Way That You Love Me (Version 1)(1988)
Steve Winwood: Holding On(1988)
Steve Winwood: Roll with It(1988)
Ry Cooder: Get Rhythm(1988)
Jody Watley: Most of All(1988)
Johnny Hates Jazz: Shattered Dreams (US Version)(1988)
Johnny Hates Jazz: Heart of Gold(1988)
Sting: Englishman in New York(1988)
Bourgeois Tagg: I Don't Mind at All(1987)
Colin James Hay: Can I Hold You?(1987)
Foreigner: Say You Will(1987)
Loverboy: Love Will Rise Again(1987)
Patrick Swayze Featuring Wendy Fraser: She's Like the Wind(1987)
Martha Davis: Don't Tell Me the Time(1987)
The Outfield: No Surrender(1987)
Loverboy: Notorious(1987)
Mark Knopfler & Willy DeVille: Storybook Love(1987)
The Hooters: Johnny B(1987)
Patty Smyth: Downtown Train(1987)
Eddie Money: Endless Nights(1987)
Wire Train: She Comes On(1987)
Howard Hewett: Stay(1986)
Now That's What I Call Music 7(1986)
Stabilizers: One Simple Thing(1986)
The Outfield: Everytime You Cry(1986)
Jermaine Stewart: We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off(1986)
The Outfield: All the Love in the World(1986)
Christopher Cross: Charm the Snake(1985)
Rick Springfield: Dance This World Away(1985)
Rick Springfield: State of the Heart(1985)
The American Cancer Society: Smoking Fetus(1985)
The Beat of the Live Drum(1985)
The Motels: Shock(1985)
The Motels: Shame(1985)
Rick Springfield: Celebrate Youth(1985)
Rick Springfield: Bop 'Til You Drop(1984)

Мини Биография

Дейвид Финчър е роден през 1962 г. в Денвър, Колорадо, и е израснал в окръг Марин, Калифорния. Когато е на 18 години, започва работа за Джон Корти в Korty Films в Мил Вали. Впоследствие работи в ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) в периода 1981-1983 г. Финчър напуска ILM, за да режисира телевизионни реклами и музикални клипове, след като подписва договор с Н. Лий Лейси в Холивуд. През 1987 г. основава "Пропаганда" заедно с колегите си режисьори Доминик Сена, Грег Голд и Найджъл Дик. Финчър е режисирал телевизионни реклами за клиенти, сред които Nike, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, Heineken, Pepsi, Levi's, Converse, AT&T и Chanel. Режисирал е музикални видеоклипове за Мадона, Стинг, The Rolling Stones, Майкъл Джексън, Aerosmith, Джордж Майкъл, Иги Поп, The Wallflowers, Били Айдъл, Стив Уинууд, The Motels и наскоро за A Perfect Circle. - И.И. превод


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