Алекс Уинтър (Alex Winter)

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July 17, 1965 - London, England, UK

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Всички филми на Алекс Уинтър (Alex Winter)

Всички филми и роли на Алекс Уинтър (Alex Winter)

Актьор - Destroy All Neighbors
Absolute Dominion
Bill & Ted Face the Music(2020) - Bill
Robot Chicken(Сериал)(2012-2019) - Bill S. Preston
Esq. / Steve / Earl the Lego Man
Into the Dark(Сериал)(2018) - The Voice
Anyone Can Quantum(Късометражен)(2016) - Alex Winter (uncredited)
Grand Piano(2013) - Assistant
Medium Rare(Сериал)(2010) - Timmy
Ben 10: Alien Swarm(2009) - Nanomech (voice)
Ben 10: Race Against Time(2007) - Constantine Jacobs
Saul of the Mole Men(Сериал)(2007) - King Mole Man
Bones(Сериал)(2007) - Monte Gold
Fever(1999) - Subway Passenger (uncredited)
The Borrowers(1997) - TV Gangster
Basic Values: Sex
Shock & Censorship in the 90's(1993) - Stinx On Ice
Brother Cane: Hard Act to Follow(1993) - Emcee
Freaked(1993) - Ricky Coogan
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey(1991) - Bill / Granny Preston
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures(Сериал)(1990) - Bill S. Preston
Aisles of Doom(Късометражен)(1989) - Grendel T.W. Ulcerous
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Knock Me Down(1989) - Young Man
Rosalie Goes Shopping(1989) - Schatzi Greenspace
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure(1989) - Bill S. Preston
Bar-B-Que Movie(Късометражен)(1988) - Mexican Hitchhiker
Haunted Summer(1988) - John Polidori
Medium Rare(1987) - Timmy
The Lost Boys(1987) - Marko (as Alexander Winter)
Squeal of Death(Късометражен)(1985) - Howie / Various Characters
The Equalizer(Сериал)(1985) - Jeffrey
Death Wish 3(1985) - Hermosa
Gauguin the Savage(1980) - Clovis

Режисьор: The YouTube Effect(2022)
Showbiz Kids(2020)
Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain(2018)
The Panama Papers(2018)
Trump's Lobby(2017)
Relatively Free(2016)
Quantum Is Calling(2016)
Anyone Can Quantum(2016)
Smosh: The Movie(2015)
Kirby Buckets(2015)
Bella and the Bulldogs(2015)
Deep Web(2015)
Maker Shack Agency(2014)
Marvin Marvin(2013)
Supah Ninjas(2011-2013)
Level Up(2012)
Blue Mountain State(2011)
Ben 10: Alien Swarm(2009)
Ben 10: Race Against Time(2007)
Dirty Famous(2005)
Tabla Beat Science: Talamanam Sound Clash(2003)
Jimmy Kimmel Live!(2003)
Helmet: Exactly What You Wanted(1996)
Helmet: Wilma's Rainbow(1995)
Bomb The Bass: Bug Powder Dust(1994)
Helmet: Milquetoast(1994)
The Idiot Box(1991)
Extreme: Photograffitti(1991)
Extreme: Decadence Dance(1990)
Ice Cube: Who's the Mack(1990)
Red Hot Chili Peppers: Taste the Pain(1989)
Bar-B-Que Movie(1988)
Squeal of Death(1985)


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