Томас Брюнел (Thomas Brunelle)

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Всички филми на Томас Брюнел (Thomas Brunelle)

Всички филми и роли на Томас Брюнел (Thomas Brunelle)

Актьор - Unstrung Heroes(1995) - Additional Voices (voice)
The New Age(1994)
Rich Girl(1991) - Additional Voices (voice)
Misery(1990) - Anchorman (as Tom Brunelle)
Bright Lights
Big City(1988) - Additional Voices (voice
as Tom Brunelle)
George Burns Comedy Week(Сериал)(1985) - Guest At The Reading
Solly's Diner(Късометражен)(1980) - Solly (as Tom Brunelle)
Laverne & Shirley(Сериал)(1979) - Rusty Grogan
Coming Attractions(1978) - Biker
Logan's Run(Сериал)(1977) - Guard #2


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