Ари Грос (Arye Gross)

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1960-3-17 - Los Angeles, California, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Ари Грос (Arye Gross)

Всички филми и роли на Ари Грос (Arye Gross)

Актьор - The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg - Red Leghorn
Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story(Мини Сериал)(2022) - Gerald Boyle
The Rookie(Сериал)(2022) - Professor Meadows
Theo(Късометражен)(2020/I) - Victor
How to Get Away with Murder(Сериал)(2020) - Connor's Lawyer
GLOW(Сериал)(2019) - Gene
First Love(2019/III) - Richard Crest
Health to the King(Късометражен)(2018) - Doctor
MacGyver(Сериал)(2018) - Dr. Isaac Herman
Nostalgia(2018/I) - Riley O'Bryan
Designated Survivor(Сериал)(2017) - Elias Grandi
The Lady Killers(2017) - Dan Casey
Diani & Devine Meet the Apocalypse(2016) - Clovis
Castle(Сериал)(2009-2016) - M.E. Sidney Perlmutter
Criminal Minds(Сериал)(2015) - Donnie Mallick
Commencement(2012) - Nate
Atlas Shrugged II: The Strike(2012) - Ken Danagger
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation(Сериал)(2003-2012) - Vincent Demarcus / Paul Winston
In Mexico(Късометражен)(2011) - Jason
Lone(Късометражен)(2011/I) - Pops
Fringe(Сериал)(2011) - Malcolm Truss
The Healer(Късометражен)(2011/II) - Doctor Williams
The Protector(Сериал)(2011) - Dr. Nolan Miller
The Defenders(Сериал)(2010-2011) - Bennie B. Hapwood / Benny Hapwood
Lie to Me(Сериал)(2010) - Dr. Joshua Hamill
The Mentalist(Сериал)(2010) - Dr. Saban
Leverage(Сериал)(2010) - Larry Duberman
Harvest(2010/I) - Benny Monopoli
Midlife(Късометражен)(2010) - Sam
Proposition 8 Trial Re-Enactment(Сериал)(Документална поредица)(2010) - Dr. Ilan Meyer
Dollhouse(Сериал)(2009) - Professor Gossen
Grey Gardens(2009) - Albert Maysles
Ghost Whisperer(Сериал)(2009) - Edwin Hathaway
Cold Case(Сериал)(2008) - Oscar Anderson '81
Side Effects(Късометражен)(2008/I) - Paul
CSI: NY(Сериал)(2008) - Wallace Carver / Frank Moore
The Riches(Сериал)(2007-2008) - Pete Mincey
Jim and Jung(Късометражен)(2008) - Carl
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2007) - Saul Picard
Burn Notice(Сериал)(2007) - Perry Clark
Medium(Сериал)(2007) - Cooper Conroy
Numb3rs(Сериал)(2007) - Professor Stanley Novich
Mystery Woman(Сериал)(2007) - Jonathan Stansfield
Grey's Anatomy(Сериал)(2006) - Adam Morris
Wildfire(Сериал)(2005-2006) - Charlie Hewitt
Three Wise Guys(2005) - Leo
Law & Order: Criminal Intent(Сериал)(2005) - Hubert Skoller
Without a Trace(Сериал)(2004) - Charles Potter
The Guardian(Сериал)(2004) - Mr. Tilden
Judging Amy(Сериал)(2000-2004) - Atty. Zahmber / Scott Zomber
The Lyon's Den(Сериал)(2003) - Edgar Haight
The West Wing(Сериал)(2003) - Obstetrician
Six Feet Under(Сериал)(2003) - Frank Muehler
The Practice(Сериал)(1997-2002) - Rabbi Daniel Warner / Attorney John Franklin
John Doe(Сериал)(2002) - Dr. Jansen
Strong Medicine(Сериал)(2002) - Gene Withers
Minority Report(2002) - Howard Marks
ER(Сериал)(2001) - Kevin
Accidents Don't Happen(2001) - Tommy
Touched by an Angel(Сериал)(2001) - John Baker
Burning Down the House(2001) - Bob Washington
The X-Files(Сериал)(2001) - Dr. Tom Puvogel
Citizen Baines(Сериал)(2000) - Shel Eidenberg
Once and Again(Сериал)(2000) - Todd Monroe
Gone in 60 Seconds(2000) - James Lakewood
Chicken Soup for the Soul(Сериал)(2000) - Adam
Big Eden(2000) - Henry Hart
Good vs Evil(Сериал)(2000) - Orson Williamson
Just Shoot Me!(Сериал)(2000) - Ben
Martial Law(Сериал)(2000) - Agent Randall Wicke
The Prince and the Surfer(1999) - Vince
Seven Girlfriends(1999) - Roman
In the Company of Spies(1999) - Todd Simar
Get Real(Сериал)(1999) - Dr. Larry Keehn
Arthur's Quest(1999) - Merlin
Fantasy Island(Сериал)(1999) - Jeremy Slater
Millennium(Сериал)(1998) - Ed
Chow Bella(1998) - David Felder
Diagnosis Murder(Сериал)(1998) - Carter Sweeney
Rugrats(Сериал)(1998) - Attendant / Bear
The Outer Limits(Сериал)(1998) - Bernard Selden
Cybill(Сериал)(1998) - Director
Spoiler(1998) - The Attendant
Michael Hayes(Сериал)(1998) - Lane
Profiler(Сериал)(1997-1998) - Greg Hayes
The Player(1997)
Big City Blues(1997) - Babs
Tinseltown(1997) - Max
Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man(Сериал)(1997) - Bobby
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - The Original Radio Drama(Сериал)(1996) - Lando Calrissian
The Elevator(1996) - Moshe
Timelock(1996) - Riley
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest(Сериал)(1996) - Matthees / Pilot
The Single Guy(Сериал)(1996) - Tony
Mother Night(1996) - Dr. Abraham Epstein
Brittle Glory(1996) - Lewis Rosen
Ellen(Сериал)(1994-1996) - Adam Green
Santo Bugito(Сериал)(1995) - Tad / Venus Fly Trap
Friends(Сериал)(1995) - Michael
Two Over Easy(Късометражен)(1994) - David
Confessions: Two Faces of Evil(1994) - Jay Jaffe
Hexed(1993) - Matthew Welsh
The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them(1992) - David Crown
A Midnight Clear(1992) - Stan Shutzer
Boris and Natasha(1992) - Bellhop
For the Boys(1991) - Jeff Brooks
Shaking the Tree(1990) - Barry
Coupe de Ville(1990) - Buddy Libner
A Matter of Degrees(1990) - Maxwell Glass
The Experts(1989) - Wendell
Tequila Sunrise(1988) - Andy Leonard
The Wonder Years(Сериал)(1988) - Kevin Arnold - The Narrator
The Couch Trip(1988) - Perry Kovin
Into the Homeland(1987) - Joel Bessman
House II: The Second Story(1987) - Jesse
Get Tux'd(Късометражен)(1987)
Soul Man(1986) - Gordon Bloomfeld
Heart of the City(Сериал)(1986) - Otis
Remington Steele(Сериал)(1986) - Albert Wellington
Just One of the Guys(1985) - Willie
Knight Rider(Сериал)(1985) - Elliott Sykes
Exterminator 2(1984) - Turbo
American Playhouse(Сериал)(1983) - Congregation
Diff'rent Strokes(Сериал)(1982) - Marko

Режисьор: The Prince and the Surfer(1999)


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