Хенри Армета (Henry Armetta)

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1888-7-4 - Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Хенри Армета (Henry Armetta)

Всички филми и роли на Хенри Армета (Henry Armetta)

Актьор - Colonel Effingham's Raid(1946) - Jimmy Economy
Anchors Aweigh(1945) - Hamburger Man
Penthouse Rhythm(1945) - Cafe Owner Joe
A Bell for Adano(1945) - Errante - Cart Man
Allergic to Love(1944) - Louie
Ghost Catchers(1944) - Signatelli (uncredited)
Once Upon a Time(1944) - Barber (uncredited)
Thank Your Lucky Stars(1943) - Angelo the Barber (uncredited)
Good Luck
Mr. Yates(1943) - Mike Zaloris
Stage Door Canteen(1943) - Henry Armetta
Slick Chick(1941)
The Big Store(1941) - Guiseppi
Caught in the Act(1941) - Mike Ripportella
We Who Are Young(1940) - Tony
You're Not So Tough(1940) - Salvatore
The Man Who Talked Too Much(1940) - Tony Spirella
3 Cheers for the Irish(1940) - Tony
Boss Foreman(1939)
The Escape(1939) - Guiseppi Peronni
Rio(1939) - Headwaiter (uncredited)
Dust Be My Destiny(1939) - Nick
I Stole a Million(1939) - Nick
The Lady and the Mob(1939) - Zambrogio
Winner Take All(1939) - Papa Luigi Gambini
Fisherman's Wharf(1939) - Beppo
Road Demon(1938) - Papa Luigi Gambini
Submarine Patrol(1938) - Luigi
My Pop(Късометражен)(1938)
Speed to Burn(1938) - Papa Gambini
Everybody Sing(1938) - Signor Vittorino
Manhattan Merry-Go-Round(1937) - Spadoni
Make a Wish(1937) - Moreta
Top of the Town(1937) - Bacciagalluppi
The Magnificent Brute(1936) - Buzell
Two in a Crowd(1936) - Toscani
The Crime of Dr. Forbes(1936) - Luigi
Poor Little Rich Girl(1936) - Tony
Let's Sing Again(1936) - Joe Pasquale
Carnival Day(Късометражен)(1936) - Tony
Magnificent Obsession(1935) - Tony
3 Kids and a Queen(1935) - Tony Orsatti
Romance of the West(Късометражен)(1935)
Manhattan Moon(1935) - Tony
Unknown Woman(1935) - Joe Scalise
Dinky(1935) - Tony Karamazo - the Junkman
Princess O'Hara(1935) - Spidoni
Straight from the Heart(1935) - Ice Cream Man
I've Been Around(1935) - Italian
Old Age Pension(Късометражен)(1935) - Father
Night Life of the Gods(1935) - Roigi
After Office Hours(1935) - Italian Diner Owner
The Man Who Reclaimed His Head(1934) - Laurent
Henry's Social Splash(Късометражен)(1934) - Henry
Cheating Cheaters(1934) - Prof. Tony Verdi
Imitation of Life(1934) - The Painter
The Merry Widow(1934) - Turk (uncredited)
Two Heads on a Pillow(1934) - Enrico Populopulini
Wake Up and Dream(1934) - Giovanni Cellini
One Night of Love(1934) - Cafe Owner (uncredited)
Embarrassing Moments(1934) - Morganza
Gift of Gab(1934) - Janitor
Hide-Out(1934) - Shuman
Romance in the Rain(1934) - Tulio
Kiss and Make-Up(1934) - Banquet Chairman
Half a Sinner(1934) - The Barber
Let's Talk It Over(1934) - Tony
Good Time Henry(Късометражен)(1934) - Henry Armetta
The Black Cat(1934) - The Sergeant
Viva Villa!(1934) - Alfredo Mendosa
Ceiling Whacks(Късометражен)(1934)
Full Coverage(Късометражен)(1934)
The Cat and the Fiddle(1934) - Taxi Driver
The Poor Rich(1934) - Tony
Cross Country Cruise(1934) - The Italian
Open Sesame(Късометражен)(1933)
Too Much Harmony(1933) - Mr. Gallotti
Hello Pop(Късометражен)(1933) - Italian Musician
Her First Mate(1933) - Socrates
Laughing at Life(1933) - Fruit Vendor
Don't Bet on Love(1933) - Caparillo
Barber (uncredited)
Bogus Bandits(1933) - Matteo
So This Is Africa(1933) - Street Cleaner (uncredited)
The Cohens and Kellys in Trouble(1933) - Captain Silva
Pick Me Up(Късометражен)(1933)
The Trial of Vince Barnett(Късометражен)(1933) - Judge
What-No Beer?(1933) - Tony
Family Troubles(Късометражен)(1933)
Rasputin and the Empress(1932) - Photographer (uncredited)
They Just Had to Get Married(1932) - Tony
Central Park(1932) - Tony
Hot Dog Vendor (uncredited)
A Farewell to Arms(1932) - Bonello (uncredited)
Uptown New York(1932) - Nick - Restaurant Proprietor (uncredited)
Men of America(1932) - Tony Garboni
Prosperity(1932) - Henry
a Barber
Deception(1932) - Nick
Hat Check Girl(1932) - Water Wagon Driver (uncredited)
Okay America!(1932) - Sam
Speak Easily(1932) - Tony
Bachelor's Affairs(1932) - Tony - Cosmetician (uncredited)
Red-Headed Woman(1932) - Waiter Warning Bill of Lipstick (uncredited)
Week Ends Only(1932) - Washroom Attendant
Huddle(1932) - Mr. Amatto
The Doomed Battalion(1932) - Angelo
Scarface(1932) - Pietro - Barber (uncredited)
Steady Company(1932) - Tony Capri
Arsène Lupin(1932) - Sheriff's Man
The Passionate Plumber(1932) - Bouncer
High Pressure(1932) - Italian Investor (uncredited)
Forbidden(1932) - Emile (uncredited)
Sightseeing in New York(Късометражен)(1931) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
The Unholy Garden(1931) - Nick the Goose
New Adventures of Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford(1931) - Henry - Barber (uncredited)
Hush Money(1931) - Bootlegger (uncredited)
Five and Ten(1931) - Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Just a Gigolo(1931) - Hotel Manager (uncredited)
Laughing Sinners(1931) - Tony (uncredited)
Strangers May Kiss(1931) - Waiter
A Tailor Made Man(1931) - Peter
La mujer X(1931) - Bit Role (uncredited)
The Wife O'Riley(Късометражен)(1931) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
He Loved Her Not(Късометражен)(1931) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
Hey Diddle Diddle(Късометражен)(1930) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
Moonlight and Monkey Business(Късометражен)(1930) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
Sei tu l'amore(1930) - The exporter (as Enrico Armetto)
Razored in Old Kentucky(Късометражен)(1930) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
Society Goes Spaghetti(Късометражен)(1930) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
Romance(1930) - Beppo
Little Accident(1930) - Rudolpho Amendelara
Who's Got the Body?(Късометражен)(1930) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
Off to Peoria(Късометражен)(1930) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
The Sins of the Children(1930) - Tony the Barber
Barnum Was Wrong(Късометражен)(1930) - Tony (as Tony Martin)
Die Sehnsucht jeder Frau(1930) - Angelo
Ladies Love Brutes(1930) - Tony
the Waiter (uncredited)
Lovin' the Ladies(1930) - Signore Sagatelli
The Girl Said No(1930) - Grove Cafe Waiter (uncredited)
A Lady to Love(1930) - Angelo
The Ship from Shanghai(1930) - Sailor (uncredited)
The Climax(1930) - Anton Donatelli
The Trespasser(1929) - Barber (uncredited)
Jazz Heaven(1929) - Tony
Live and Laugh(1929) - Tony
Half Marriage(1929) - Henry - Hot Dog Vendor (uncredited)
Sunny Side Up(1929) - Italian Husband (uncredited)
Madame X(1929) - Hotel Owner (uncredited)
Lady of the Pavements(1929) - Papa Pierre
Four A.M.(Късометражен)(1928)
In Old Arizona(1928) - Barber (uncredited)
Homesick(1928) - Bicycle Rider
The Red Dance(1928) - Prisoner (uncredited)
Lonesome(1928) - Ferris wheel guy (uncredited)
Street Angel(1928) - Masetto
A Girl in Every Port(1928) - Bartender in Panama (uncredited)
Paid to Love(1927) - Valet (uncredited)
A Midsummer Night's Steam(Късометражен)(1927)
7th Heaven(1927) - Extra (uncredited)
Girls(Късометражен)(1927) - Cafe Customer - Husband (uncredited)
The Missing Link(1927) - Organ Grinder
The Desert's Price(1925) - Shepherd
The Silent Command(1923) - Pedro
Fantomas(1920) - The Wop
The Face at Your Window(1920) - Danglo
The Jungle Trail(1919) - Grogas
The Eternal Sin(1917) - The Jester
The Marble Heart(1916)
The Plunderer(1915) - Pedro
The Nigger(1915)


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