Джон Щайнер (John Steiner)

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1941-1-7 - Chester, Cheshire, England, UK

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Джон Щайнер (John Steiner)

Всички филми и роли на Джон Щайнер (John Steiner)

Актьор - Paprika(1991) - Principe Ascanio Del Bardo
A Season of Giants(1990) - Cardinal Riario
Gioco al massacro(1989) - Danilo
The Nightmare Years(Мини Сериал)(1989) - Reverend Lenz
Sinbad of the Seven Seas(1989) - Jaffar
Big Man(Сериал)(1988) - Zebra
Appuntamento a Liverpool(1988) - Commissario inglese
The Commander(1988) - Duclaud
Night of the Sharks(1988) - Rosentski
Striker(1988) - Kariasin
Portami la luna(1987) - Walfredo
Julia and Julia(1987) - Alex
The Lone Runner(1986) - Skorm
Summer Night with Greek Profile
Almond Eyes and Scent of Basil(1986) - Frederick
Fulvia's lover
Body Count(1986) - Dr. Olsen
Cobra Mission(1986) - James Walcott
Troppo forte(1986) - Mike Adams
The Berlin Affair(1985) - Oskar Engelhart
Kommando Leopard(1985) - Smithy
A.D.(Мини Сериал)(1985) - Simon the Magus
I due carabinieri(1984) - Dirottatore Treno
Cut and Run(1984) - Vlado
Un caso d'incoscienza(1984) - Milton Tennyson
The Ark of the Sun God(1984) - Lord Dean
I racconti del maresciallo(Сериал)(1984) - Archibald Allen
Il mondo di Yor(Мини Сериал)(1983) - Il Supremo
Mystère(1983) - Ivanov
Yor: The Hunter from the Future(1983) - Overlord
Tenebrae(1982) - Christiano Berti
The Hunters of the Golden Cobra(1982) - Captain David Franks
The Salamander(1981) - Captain Roditi
Car Crash(1981) - Kirby
The Last Hunter(1980) - Major William Cash
The Sandbaggers(Сериал)(1980) - Trevor D'Arcy
Action(1980) - The Manager
Il piccolo Archimede(1979) - Alfred
Caligula(1979) - Longinus
BBC Play of the Month(Сериал)(1979) - Leo / Trenchard Voysey
Il prigioniero(1978) - Michele Laiesi
L'amour en question(1978) - Tom Hastings
Goodbye & Amen(1977) - Donald Grayson
L'avvocato della mala(1977) - Killer
La malavita attacca. La polizia risponde.(1977) - Rufy
A Man Called Blade(1977) - Valler
Shock(1977) - Bruno Baldini
Antonio Gramsci: i giorni del carcere(1977) - Laurin
Von Buttiglione Sturmtruppenführer(1977) - Schwein
La gabbia(1977) - Il professore
Violent Milan(1976) - Fausto
Deported Women of the SS Special Section(1976) - Herr Erner
Mark colpisce ancora(1976) - Paul Henkel
Plot of Fear(1976) - Hoffmann
Le guêpier(1976) - Fisher
Madam Kitty(1976) - Biondo
Dracula in the Provinces(1975) - Count Dragulescu
Violent Rome(1975) - Franco Spadoni 'Chiodo'
Waves of Lust(1975) - Giorgio
Sharon's Baby(1975) - Tommy Morris
The Last Day of School Before Christmas(1975) - Il Tenente
Challenge to White Fang(1974) - Beauty Smith / Charles Forth
Occupations(1974) - Terrini
L'invenzione di Morel(1974) - Morel
White Fang(1973) - Charles 'Beauty' Smith
Massacre in Rome(1973) - Col. Dollmann
The Police Serve the Citizens?(1973) - Lambro
La villeggiatura(1973) - Scagnetti
ITV Playhouse(Сериал)(1967-1973) - Johnny / Prince Borodski / Mr. Charles Dumby
Rads 1000(Късометражен)(1972)
Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina(1972) - Montelli
The Sextet(Сериал)(1972) - Simon Tesco
L'istruttoria è chiusa: dimentichi(1971) - Biro
Hine(Сериал)(1971) - Jeremy Windsor
Incontro d'amore(1970) - Glenn
L'asino d'oro: processo per fatti strani contro Lucius Apuleius cittadino romano(1970) - Aristomene
May Morning(1970) - Roderick Stanton
A Girl Called Jules(1970) - Luciano
El bosque del lobo(1970) - Robert
12 + 1(1969) - Stanley Duncan
Department S(Сериал)(1969) - Hershall
ITV Saturday Night Theatre(Сериал)(1969) - Stephen
Tepepa(1969) - Doctor Henry Price
Armchair Theatre(Сериал)(1968-1969) - Nigel / Gooch
The Franchise Trail(1968) - Oliver Donut
Work Is a Four Letter Word(1968) - Anthony
Bedazzled(1967) - TV Announcer (uncredited)
Mogul(Сериал)(1967) - Lord Flavell
Trapped(Сериал)(1967) - Paul Seers
Sanctuary(Сериал)(1967) - Mr. Waller
Marat/Sade(1967) - Monsieur Dupere
The Saint(Сериал)(1967) - Grey Wyler
Orlando(Сериал)(1966) - Trevor Beale
Public Eye(Сериал)(1966) - Brian Graham
The Wednesday Play(Сериал)(1965) - Thornton
Darling(1965) - Man in Conference Room (uncredited)
Front Page Story(Сериал)(1965) - Boscombe's Assistant


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