Тина Омонт (Tina Aumont)

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1946-2-14 - Hollywood, California, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Тина Омонт (Tina Aumont)

Всички филми и роли на Тина Омонт (Tina Aumont)

Актриса - La mécanique des femmes(2000)
ou la douleur des femmes(Мини Сериал)(2000) - Estelle
Corti Circuiti Erotici(Сериал)(1999) - La mère de Giulia / Giulia's mother
Giulia(1999/II) - La Mère / Mother
Marquis de Slime(Късометражен)(1997) - La Fée
Two Orphan Vampires(1997) - La Goule
Dinosaur from the Deep(1993) - Nora
Sale comme un ange(1991)
ZEN - Zona Espansione Nord(1988)
Les frères Pétard(1986) - Party goer in costume
Rebelote(1984) - La bouchère
Les enquêtes du commissaire Maigret(Сериал)(1982) - Laurence
La bande du Rex(1980) - Angélina
Holocaust 2: The Revenge(1980) - Dorothea's Mother
I problemi di Don Isidro(Сериал)(1978) - Lea Musante
L'uomo difficile(1978) - Edine Merenberg
Il Passatore(Мини Сериал)(1977-1978) - Venusta
Emmenez-moi au Ritz(1977) - Carla
A Simple Heart(1977) - Virginia
Fellini's Casanova(1976) - Henriette
A Matter of Time(1976) - Valentina
Giovannino(1976) - Nelly
Madam Kitty(1976) - Herta Wallenberg
Illustrious Corpses(1976) - The prostitute
The Nude Princess(1976) - Gladys
The Messiah(1975) - Adulteress
The Divine Nymph(1975) - Woman at party (uncredited)
Lifespan(1975) - Anna
Sexual Counselor(1974) - Laura
The Murri Affair(1974) - Rosa Bonetti
Brothers Blue(1973) - Polly
Storia de fratelli e de cortelli(1973) - Mara
Malicious(1973) - Luciana
Torso(1973) - Daniela Anselmi
La révolte des désespoirs(Късометражен)(1972)
Racconti proibiti... di niente vestiti(1972) - Dirce
Arcana(1972) - Brenda
White Sister(1972) - Mrs. Ricci
Il sergente Klems(1971) - Leila
Corbari(1970) - Ines
The Howl(1970) - Anita Annigoni
Metello(1970) - Idina
Come ti chiami
amore mio?(1969)
vocazione e prime esperienze di Giacomo Casanova
veneziano(1969) - Marcella
The Virgin's Bed(1969) - Prisoner
Satyricon(1969) - Circe
L'alibi(1969) - Filli
The Revolution Is Only a Beginning: Let's Continue Fighting(Късометражен)(1968)
Partner(1968) - Salesgirl
Visa de censure n°X(Късометражен)(1967)
Pride & Vengeance(1967) - Carmen
Troppo per vivere... poco per morire(1967) - Dolly (as Tina Marquand)
lei è favorevole o contrario?(1966) - Romina (as Tina Marquand)
Texas Across the River(1966) - Lonetta (as Tina Marquand)
The Game Is Over(1966) - Anne Sernet (as Tina Marquand)
Modesty Blaise(1966) - Nicole (as Tina Marquand)


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