Уил Патън (Will Patton)

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June 14, 1954 - Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Уил Патън (Will Patton)

Всички филми и роли на Уил Патън (Will Patton)

Актьор - You Can't Win - Foot and A Half George
Halloween Ends(2022) - Officer Hawkins
Outer Range(Сериал)(2022) - Wayne Tillerson
Yellowstone(Сериал)(2020-2022) - Garrett Randle / Garrett Randall
Halloween Kills(2021) - Officer Hawkins
Safe(Късометражен)(2021/III) - Francis
The Forever Purge(2021) - Caleb Tucker
The Devil Below(2021) - Schuttmann
Sweet Thing(2020) - Adam
Minari(2020) - Paul
Hammer(2019) - Stephen Davis
Radioflash(2019) - Frank
Swamp Thing(Сериал)(2019) - Avery Sunderland
Blood on Her Name(2019) - Richard Tiller
Salvage(2018) - Guy Hill
Halloween(2018/I) - Officer Hawkins
An Actor Prepares(2018) - Wisdom
Boarding School(2018) - Dr. Sherman
Shots Fired(Сериал)(2017) - Sheriff Daniel Platt
Megan Leavey(2017) - Jim
The Scent of Rain & Lightning(2017) - Hugh 'Senior' Linder
American Honey(2016) - Backseat
The Good Wife(Сериал)(2016) - Mike Tascioni
Falling Skies(Сериал)(2011-2015) - Captain Weaver / Colonel Dan Weaver / Colonel Weaver
The November Man(2014) - Perry Weinstein (as William Patton)
Abigail Harm(2012) - The Visitor / Narrator
The Girl(2012/I) - Tommy
Waking Madison(2010) - Steven Walker
Knucklehead(2010) - Vic
Ka'iulani: Crown Princess of Hawai'i(2010) - Sanford Dole
Meek's Cutoff(2010) - Soloman Tetherow
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation(Сериал)(2010) - CIA Associate Director Craig Halliday
The Fourth Kind(2009) - Sheriff August
The Canyon(2009) - Henry
Princess Kaiulani(2009) - Sanford Dole
Looking at Animals(Късометражен)(2009) - Raymond
24(Сериал)(2009) - Alan Wilson
American Experience(Сериал)(Документална поредица)(2009) - John Wilkes Booth
Brooklyn's Finest(2009) - Lt. Bill Hobarts
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond(2008) - Mr. Dobyne
American Violet(2008) - Sam Conroy
Wendy and Lucy(2008) - Mechanic
Lucky Days(2008) - J.C.
Numb3rs(Сериал)(2006-2007) - Lt. Gary Walker / Det. Gary Walker
Dog Days of Summer(2007) - Eli Cottonmouth
A Mighty Heart(2007) - Randall Bennett
The List(2007/I) - Michael Harriston
Code Name: The Cleaner(2007) - Riley
The Way(2006)
Road House 2: Last Call(2006) - Nate Tanner
Into the West(Мини Сериал)(2005) - James Fletcher
The Last Ride(2004) - Aaron Purnell
The Punisher(2004) - Quentin Glass
Family Sins(2004) - Philip Rothman
The Agency(Сериал)(2001-2003) - Jackson Haisley
The Mothman Prophecies(2002) - Gordon Smallwood
Remember the Titans(2000) - Coach Bill Yoast
Trixie(2000) - W. 'Red' Rafferty
Gone in 60 Seconds(2000) - Atley Jackson
Jesus' Son(1999) - John Smith
Entrapment(1999) - Cruz
Breakfast of Champions(1999) - Moe the Truck Driver
I Woke Up Early the Day I Died(1998) - Preacher
Armageddon(1998) - Chick
O.K. Garage(1998) - Sean
The Protector(Сериал)(1997) - Jeff
The Postman(1997) - General Bethlehem
Inventing the Abbotts(1997) - Lloyd Abbott
VR.5(Сериал)(1995-1997) - Dr. Frank Morgan
This World
Then the Fireworks(1997) - Lt. Morgan
Plain Pleasures(Късометражен)(1996)
Fled(1996) - Gibson
The Spitfire Grill(1996) - Nahum Goddard
Copycat(1995) - Nicoletti
Judicial Consent(1995) - Alan Warwick
Tollbooth(1994) - Dash Pepper
The Puppet Masters(1994) - Dr. Graves
The Client(1994) - Sgt. Hardy
Natural Causes(1994) - Michael Murphy
Midnight Edition(1993) - Jack Travers
Romeo Is Bleeding(1993) - Martie
Taking the Heat(1993) - Hadley
Lincoln and the War Within(1992)
A Child Lost Forever: The Jerry Sherwood Story(1992) - Frank Maxwell
In the Deep Woods(1992) - Eric Gaines
The Paint Job(1992) - Wesley
In the Soup(1992) - Skippy
Cold Heaven(1991) - Father Niles
The Rapture(1991) - Foster
Deadly Desire(1991) - Giles Menteer
Dillinger(1991) - Melvin Purvis
Nasty Boys
Part 2: Lone Justice(1990) - Batiste
Bright Angel(1990) - Woody (uncredited)
Nasty Boys(Сериал)(1990) - Raymond Batiste
A Shock to the System(1990) - Lt. Laker
Everybody Wins(1990) - Jerry
Signs of Life(1989) - Owen's Father
Wildfire(1988) - Mike
Stars and Bars(1988) - Duane Gage
No Way Out(1987) - Scott Pritchard
A Gathering of Old Men(1987) - Lou Dimes
Belizaire the Cajun(1986) - Matthew Perry
Search for Tomorrow(Сериал)(1984-1985) - Kentucky Bluebird (1984-1985) / Kentucky Bluebird
The Equalizer(Сериал)(1985) - Officer Nick Braxton
After Hours(1985/I) - Horst
Desperately Seeking Susan(1985) - Wayne Nolan
Chinese Boxes(1984) - Marsh
The Beniker Gang(1984) - Forest Ranger
Silkwood(1983) - Joe
Variety(1983) - Mark
King Blank(1983) - Bar Customer
Ryan's Hope(Сериал)(1982) - Ox Knowles
CBS Library(Сериал)(1982) - Ben Moody
Kent State(1981) - Peter
Minus Zero(1979) - Schreiber

Мини Биография

Уил Патън е роден в Чарлстън, Южна Каролина. Баща му, Бил Патън, е драматург, преподавател по актьорско майсторство и режисура и лютерански свещеник. Патън посещава Училището по изкуствата в Северна Каролина. Носител е на две награди OBIE за най-добър актьор - за пиесите извън Бродуей "Fool for Love" (от Сам Шепърд) и за постановката на Public Theatre "What Did He See?". (от Ричард Форман). - И.И. превод


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