Лари Д. Ман (Larry D. Mann)

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1922-12-18 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Лари Д. Ман (Larry D. Mann)

Всички филми и роли на Лари Д. Ман (Larry D. Mann)

Актьор - Homefront(Сериал)(1991) - Eddie
Equal Justice(Сериал)(1990-1991) - Judge Richard Shelton / Judge C.E. Boyd
Lies and Murder(Мини Сериал)(1991) - Parole Board Member #1
MacGyver(Сериал)(1985-1990) - Capt. Ion Cuzo / Daniel Sims
Hill Street Blues(Сериал)(1983-1985) - Judge Lee Oberman
The New Leave It to Beaver(Сериал)(1984-1985) - Fred Rutherford / Fred Rutheford
The New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show(Сериал)(1983)
Hangin' In(Сериал)(1983) - Sam Gold
The Little Rascals(Сериал)(1982) - Additional Voices
Dennis the Menace in Mayday for Mother(Кратък телевизионен филм)(1981) - George Wilson (voice)
The Dukes of Hazzard(Сериал)(1981) - Boss J. W. Hickman
A Snow White Christmas(1980) - Mirror (voice
as Larry Mann)
The Octagon(1980) - Tibor
The New Misadventures of Ichabod Crane(Кратък телевизионен филм)(1979) - Rip van Winkle (voice)
California Fever(Мини Сериал)(1979) - Goldman
Plastic Man(Сериал)(1979) - Additional Voices (1979) (voice)
ABC Weekend Specials(Сериал)(1978-1979) - Alligator Ike
The All New Pink Panther Show(Сериал)(1978) - Crazylegs Crane
The Pink Panther Show(Сериал)(1978) - Crazylegs Crane
Fangface(Сериал)(1978) - Additional Voices
Crane Brained(Късометражен)(1978) - Crazy Legs Crane
Life with Feather(Късометражен)(1978) - Crazy Legs Crane
How the West Was Won(Сериал)(1978) - Pennington / Mr. Pennington
Quincy M.E.(Сериал)(1978) - Dr. Jones
Columbo(Сериал)(1978) - Albert
Super Witch(Сериал)(1977) - Uncle Ambrose (voice)
Rosetti and Ryan(Сериал)(1977) - Sachs
Pony Express Rider(1976) - Blackmore
The Pink Panther Laugh and a Half Hour and a Half Show(Сериал)(1976) - Fester / Crazywolf (voice)
Baretta(Сериал)(1975) - T-Bone
Police Surgeon(Сериал)(1972-1975) - Lt. Jack Gordon
The Magical World of Disney(Сериал)(1966-1975) - Halper / The Marshall / Sheriff / ...
Mother Dogfather(Късометражен)(1974) - Crazylegs Crane (voice)
Oliver Twist(1974) - Bumble (voice)
Mesa Trouble(Късометражен)(1974) - Townspeople (voice
as Larry Mann)
Saddle Soap Opera(Късометражен)(1974) - Judge Sayabe / Hotel Clerk (voice
as Larry Mann)
Big Beef at the O.K. Corral(Късометражен)(1974) - Billy the Kidder (voice
as Larry Mann)
By Hoot or by Crook(Късометражен)(1974) - The Fox / Coach Driver / Guard (voice)
The Badge and the Beautiful(Късометражен)(1974) - Townspeople / Bartender / Priest / ... (voice
as Larry Mann)
Black Eye(1974) - Rev. Avery (as Larry Mann)
Little Boa Peep(Късометражен)(1974) - Blue Racer / Ant / Elephant / ... (voice)
Gold Struck(Късометражен)(1974)
Treasure Island(1973) - Doctor Livesey (voice)
The Sting(1973) - Train Conductor
Ten Miles to the Gallop(Късометражен)(1973) - Crazywolf (voice
as Larry Mann)
Pay Your Buffalo Bill(Късометражен)(1973) - Crazywolf / Big Red (voice
as Larry Mann)
Gunsmoke(Сериал)(1968-1973) - Prichard / Bakman
Aches and Snakes(Късометражен)(1973) - Blue Racer / Crazylegs Crane (voice)
Snake Preview(Късометражен)(1973) - Blue Racer / Crazylegs Crane / Bee (voice)
Oklahoma Crude(1973) - Deke Watson
Fowl Play(Късометражен)(1973) - Blue Racer / Rooster / Chick / ... (voice)
Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow(Късометражен)(1973) - Blue Racer / Bear / Flophouse Owner / ... (voice)
Blue Aces Wild(Късометражен)(1973) - Blue Racer / Crazylegs Crane / Giraffe (voice)
Killarney Blarney(Късометражен)(1973) - Blue Racer (voice)
Cotter(1973) - Mr. Wolfe
Charley and the Angel(1973) - Felix
Wham and Eggs(Късометражен)(1973) - Blue Racer (voice)
The New Temperatures Rising Show(Сериал)(1973) - Senator
The Boa Friend(Късометражен)(1973) - Blue Racer / Calypso Bee / Homer (voice)
Kloot's Kounty(Късометражен)(1973) - Crazywolf (voice
as Larry Mann)
American Style(Сериал)(1973) - Sy (segment "Love and the Twanger Tutor")
Sheriff Hoot Kloot(Сериал)(1973) - Crazywolf
Blue Racer Blues(Късометражен)(1972) - Blue Racer (voice)
Yokahama Mama(Късометражен)(1972) - Blue Racer / Hen / Baby Ostrich (voice)
Mod Squad(Сериал)(1972) - Harry Burns
Camera Bug(Късометражен)(1972) - Blue Racer (voice)
Love and Hisses(Късометражен)(1972) - Blue Racer / Elephant (voice)
Nippon Tuck(Късометражен)(1972) - Blue Racer (voice)
Punch and Judo(Късометражен)(1972) - Blue Racer (voice)
Hiss and Hers(Късометражен)(1972) - Blue Racer (voice)
The Blue Racer(Сериал)(1972) - Blue Racer
Get to Know Your Rabbit(1972) - Mr. Seager
Night Gallery(Сериал)(1972) - Hannify (segment "Deliveries in the Rear")
Dead Men Tell No Tales(1971) - Sam Mirakian
Do Not Fold
Spindle or Mutilate(1971) - Police Sergeant Lutz
The Strange Monster of Strawberry Cove(1971) - Halper
Scandalous John(1971) - Bartender
A Leap in the Deep(Късометражен)(1971) - Crazylegs Crane / Toad (voice)
Fastest Tongue in the West(Късометражен)(1971) - Cactus Kidd / Sheriff (voice)
The Egg and Ay-Yi-Yi!(Късометражен)(1971) - Crazylegs Crane / Older Bird (voice)
Green Acres(Сериал)(1970-1971) - Lawrence David / Mr. Wheeler / Sam Fogel
Bonanza(Сериал)(1971) - Alex Steiner
Hitched(1971) - Governor
Two Jumps and a Chump(Късометражен)(1971) - Crazylegs Crane (voice)
Snake in the Gracias(Късометражен)(1971) - Crazylegs Crane / Blue Racer (voice)
Matt Lincoln(Сериал)(1970) - Morrie
Groovie Goolies(Сериал)(1970) - Dr. Hyde / Boneapart / Batso
The Wild Country(1970) - The Marshal (uncredited)
Sabrina the Teenage Witch(Сериал)(1969-1970) - Batso / Boneapart / Dimples the Dragon / ...
The High Chaparral(Сериал)(1970) - Tobin Boggs
There Was a Crooked Man...(1970) - Harry
The Liberation of L.B. Jones(1970) - Grocer
Ironside(Сериал)(1970) - John Barnesworth
Go for Croak(Късометражен)(1969) - Crazylegs Crane (voice)
Bewitched(Сериал)(1965-1969) - Harold Bartenbach / Oscar Durfee / Colonel Burkett / ...
Here Comes the Grump(Сериал)(1969)
The Pink Panther(Сериал)(1969)
Angel in My Pocket(1969) - Bishop Morenschild
Here Come the Brides(Сериал)(1968-1969) - Ashley / Judge Cody
It Takes a Thief(Сериал)(1968-1969) - Achille Morales / Dedier
Hogan's Heroes(Сериал)(1966-1969) - Illyich Igor Zagoskin / SS General Brenner / Doctor Vanetti
The Name of the Game(Сериал)(1969) - Max Korbell
The Guns of Will Sonnett(Сериал)(1968) - Mort Lucas
The Felony Squad(Сериал)(1966-1968) - Ham / Jake Krebs
Bullitt(1968) - Voice (uncredited)
That's Life(Сериал)(1968) - Pierre - Florist
Mannix(Сериал)(1968) - Orlando Quinn
The Second Hundred Years(Сериал)(1968) - General Small
Accidental Family(Сериал)(1967-1968) - Marty Warren
The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz(1968) - Grossmeyer
He & She(Сериал)(1967) - Mr. McManus
In the Heat of the Night(1967) - Watkins
Rough Night in Jericho(1967) - Purley (uncredited)
Caprice(1967) - Inspector Kapinsky
The Perils of Pauline(1967) - Prince Benji's Father (uncredited)
Dragnet 1967(Сериал)(1967) - Pete Benson
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.(Сериал)(1966-1967) - Jonathan Trumbull / Arnold Fairbanks / Blodgett
Landlord(Сериал)(1967) - Dr. Riggleby
I Spy(Сериал)(1967) - Arbuckle
The Green Hornet(Сериал)(1967) - Dr. Eric Mabouse
Rango(Сериал)(1967) - Purcell
A Covenant with Death(1967) - Chillingworth
Captain Nice(Сериал)(1967) - Sheik Abdul
Get Smart(Сериал)(1966) - Victor Slade
The Swinger(1966) - John Mallory
Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round(1966) - Officer Howard (as Lawrence Mann)
The Appaloosa(1966) - Priest
The Daydreamer(1966) - Various (voice
as Larry Mann)
The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming(1966) - Man with Cat (uncredited)
The Singing Nun(1966) - Mr. Duvries
Honey West(Сериал)(1965-1966) - Willis Van Wyck / Tripp - Bald Man
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea(Сериал)(1966) - Diver
Run for Your Life(Сериал)(1966) - Dr. Albert Mann
My Favorite Martian(Сериал)(1965-1966) - Butterball / Fat Man
Instant French(Късометражен)(1965)
Ben Casey(Сериал)(1965) - Joe Ricci
The Big Valley(Сериал)(1965) - Jacob Kyles
Burke's Law(Сериал)(1965) - Maximillian Darvas
Harlow(1965/I) - Editor (uncredited)
Willy McBean and His Magic Machine(1965) - Professor Von Rotten (voice
as Larry Mann)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer(1964) - Yukon Cornelius / Abominable Snow Monster (voice
as Larry Mann)
Kisses for My President(1964) - Tour Guide (uncredited)
Playdate(Сериал)(1961-1964) - Mirko Czentovic / Leon / Industrialist / ...
Robin and the 7 Hoods(1964) - Workman (uncredited)
The Serial(Сериал)(1964) - hotel manager Jenkins
Quest(Сериал)(1961-1964) - Circus Owner / Uncle Asher / Ogre
Return to Oz(1964) - Rusty (the Tin Man) (voice
as Larry Mann)
Time of Your Life(Мини Сериал)(1964)
Spencer's Mountain(1963) - Spencer Brother (uncredited)
The Quick and the Dead(1963) - Parker (as Larry Mann)
Festival(Сериал)(1961-1962) - Hill / Phil / The First Judge
The New Breed(Сериал)(1962) - Metro Squad Officer
Tales of the Wizard of Oz(Сериал)(1961) - Rusty the Tin Man
Summer Circuit(Мини Сериал)(1961)
Encounter(Сериал)(1958-1961) - Bishop Tache / Harry Summers / Uncle Izzie / ...
Q for Quest(Сериал)(1961)
The New Adventures of Pinocchio(Сериал)(1960) - Foxy Q. Fibble (1960-1961)
Midnight Zone(Сериал)(1960) - Host
The Unforeseen(Сериал)(1959-1960) - Max / Mike Wilson / Andrew
The Man and the Challenge(Сериал)(1960) - Jim Fitzpatrick
R.C.M.P.(Сериал)(1960) - Miller
Cannonball(Сериал)(1959) - Rocky / Manny
First Performance(Сериал)(1956-1958) - Police inspector
The Adventures of Chich(Сериал)(1958) - Host
On Camera(Сериал)(1956-1958) - Director / Lenny / Hotel Detective
The Adventures of Tugboat Annie(Сериал)(1958) - Louie
Flaming Frontier(1958) - Bradford
Folio(Сериал)(1956-1958) - Aristophanes / Sam
Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans(Сериал)(1957) - Sealy / Turner / Simmons
Playbill(Сериал)(1955) - Joe
The Wayne & Shuster Show(Сериал)(1955) - Various (1954-1958)
Howdy Doody(Сериал)(1954) - Cap'n Scuttlebutt / Flub-a-Dub
Ad and Lib(Сериал)(1954) - Lib
Let's See(Сериал)(1952) - Regular


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