Вики Крипс (Vicky Krieps)

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1983-10-4 - Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

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Всички филми на Вики Крипс (Vicky Krieps)

Всички филми и роли на Вики Крипс (Vicky Krieps)

Актриса - Sexual Healing - Eugenie Vis
Hot Milk
Bachmann & Frisch - Ingeborg Bachmann
The Three Musketeers: Milady(2023) - Anne d'Autriche
The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan(2023) - Anne d'Autriche
The Wall(2022/I) - Jessica Comley
More Than Ever(2022) - Hélène
Corsage(2022) - Empress Elisabeth
The Survivor(2021) - Miriam Wofsoniker
Beckett(2021) - Lena
Frida(Късометражен)(2021) - Nurse
Old(2021) - Prisca
Hold Me Tight(2021) - Clarisse
Bergman Island(2021) - Chris
Next Door(2021) - The New Tennant
Faithful(2020) - Hélène Iveton
Das Boot(Сериал)(2018-2020) - Simone Strasser
The Last Vermeer(2019) - Minna Holmberg
The Girl in the Spider's Web(2018) - Erika Berger
For the Hungry Boy(2018) - Alma
3 Days in Quiberon(2018) - Hotel Maid
Phantom Thread(2017) - Alma
Gutland(2017) - Lucy Loschetter
Der Kriminalist(Сериал)(2017) - Dr. Kim Koch
The Young Karl Marx(2017) - Jenny von Westphalen-Marx
We Used to Be Cool(2016) - Stella
Berlin One(2015) - Charlotta Barnekow
Colonia(2015) - Ursel
Outside the Box(2015/I) - Yvonne von Geseke
Pitter Patter Goes My Heart(Късометражен)(2015) - Lisa
M as in Martha(Късометражен)(2015) - Helene
Mon cher petit village(2015) - Elisabeth
Tag der Wahrheit(2015) - Marie Hoffmann
Das Zeugenhaus(2014) - Marie-Claude Vaillant-Couturier
The Chambermaid Lynn(2014) - Lynn
Elly Beinhorn - Alleinflug(2014) - Elly Beinhorn
Meer zwischen uns(Късометражен)(2014) - Karen
A Most Wanted Man(2014) - Niki
Brotherhood of Tears(2013) - La femme rousse
Avant l'hiver(2013) - Caroline
Möbius(2013) - Olga
Tied(2013) - L'ange
Rommel(2012) - Comtesse La Rochefoucauld
Measuring the World(2012) - Johanna Gauss
Two Lives(2012) - Kathrin Lehnhaber
Schatzritter(2012) - Marie Kutter
D'Belle Epoque(Документален)(2012) - Belle
Formentera(2012) - Mara
Anonymous(2011/I) - Bessie Vavasour
Elle ne pleure pas
elle chante(2011) - L'infirmière
Tatort(Сериал)(2011) - Mariam Sert
Hanna(2011) - Johanna Zadek (as Vicky Kreips)
If Not Us
Who?(2011) - Dörte
Legal.Illegal(Късометражен)(2011) - Kicki
House of Boys(2009) - Flower Shop Girl
X on a Map(Късометражен)(2009) - Ana
La nuit passée(Късометражен)(2008) - Christina


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