Уилям Макнамара (William McNamara)

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1965-3-31 - Dallas, Texas, USA

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Всички филми на Уилям Макнамара (William McNamara)

Всички филми и роли на Уилям Макнамара (William McNamara)

Актьор - A Perfect Date - Joe
3rd Floor - Jack Stevens
Lockwood(Сериал) - Ted Cummings
Quigley 2 - Vinnie
Amber Road - James
Deprivation - David
The Trouble with Billy - Bill Mack
Mojave Diamonds(2023) - Jason David
American Desert - Buddy
Honeymoon in Paradise - Ben Shalks
Life in Reverse - Stephen Parker
Blowback(2022) - Doc Byrne
Risk for Honor - George
Paper Empire(Сериал)(2022) - Chris Parmel
Age of the Living Dead(Сериал)(2018-2022) - Dr. Howard
Heartlight(2021) - Guard Anderson
The Trouble(2021) - Billy Mack
Raunch and Roll(2021) - Don
The Christmas High Note(2020) - Brad
Nowheresville(2020) - Agent Gallagher
The 2nd(2020) - Jalil
The Wrong Stepfather(2020) - Mr. Crane
Hacked(Късометражен)(2020/I) - Tyler Fuller
The Beginning: Feel the Dead(2019) - Daniel
The Wrong Tutor(2019) - Mr. Lloyd
Da Pinche Code II(2019) - Spiritual Healer
Justice for Vincent(Късометражен)(2019) - Roger Evans
Clark(Късометражен)(2018) - Man
A Wedding for Christmas(2018) - Frank
Left for Dead(2018) - Dean
Requiescat(Късометражен)(2018) - Troy
The Wrong Cruise(2018) - Pat
Rottentail(2018) - Jake Mulligan
Feel the Dead(Сериал)(2017) - Daniel
Happenstance(2017) - Bodhi
I Believe(2017) - Robert
Opus of an Angel(2017) - Stephen
The Audit(Късометражен)(2017/II) - Jack Healey
Nun(2017) - Dr. Ernest Hancock
Running Away(2017) - Richard
The Wrong Student(2017) - Detective Andrade
Down on the Farm(2017)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde(2017) - Bradshaw
Star Paws(2016) - General Ruff
Brothers in Arms(Късометражен)(2016/I) - Dennis
The Secrets of Emily Blair(2016) - Mr. Regan
Enemy Within(2016/II) - Solano
Fishes 'n Loaves: Heaven Sent(2016) - Jimmy Watkins
Last Man Club(2016) - Joe Scanlin
Streets of East L.A.(2016) - Mr. Zelman
The Wrong Roommate(2016) - Mark
The Wicked Within(2015) - David
Medusa(2015/IV) - Dr. Gleason
Dry(2015/III) - Dr. Brown
The Astronaut Wives Club(Сериал)(2015) - Robert Kennedy
Beyond the Farthest Star(2015) - Calvin Clayman
Je T'aime
Au Revoir(2014) - Clark
The Virus(2014/I) - Luke Mezrich
High School Possession(2014) - Reverend Young
Day of the Mummy(2014) - Jack
Panama Canal Stories(2014) - Jerry (segment "2013")
Doc Holliday's Revenge(2014/II) - Doc Holliday
Cut!(2014) - Bryan Wolff
My Stepbrother Is a Vampire!?!(2013) - Gordon
Ambushed(2013) - Agent Waters
The Devil's Dozen(2013)
DTLA(Сериал)(2012) - Norm
Henry(Късометражен)(2011/II) - Paul (as William MacNamra)
The Legend of Hell's Gate: An American Conspiracy(2011) - Jones Moon (as Billy McNamara)
The Ascent(2010) - Joel
The Bleeding(2009) - Det. Dan Williams
The Grift(2008) - Hugh Babcock / Tulsa
A Dance for Bethany(2007) - James Fisher
April Moon(2007) - David
Beyond the Break(Сериал)(2007) - Richard
The Iron Man(2006) - Gerard
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King(Мини Сериал)(2006) - Ricky Nelson
The Still Life(2006) - Teacher
American Black Beauty(2005) - Wilford (as Billy McNamara)
McBride: Murder Past Midnight(2005) - Tony Harriman
NYPD Blue(Сериал)(2005) - Richard Pencava
The Kings of Brooklyn(2004) - Chris Parmel
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2003) - Sam Bishop
The Calling(2002/I) - Bobby Murky
Time Lapse(2001) - Clayton Pirce
Trapped(2001) - C. Whitmore Evans
Beggars and Choosers(Сериал)(1999-2000) - Brad Advail
Just Sue Me(2000) - Daniel
The Hunger(Сериал)(2000) - Kent Johanssen
Knockout(2000/I) - Michael DeMarco
Paper Bullets(1999) - Laurence McCoy
The Outer Limits(Сериал)(1999) - Kimble
Implicated(1998) - Tom Baker
Ringmaster(1998) - Troy Davenport
Brimstone(Сериал)(1998) - Gilbert Jax
Welcome to Paradox(Сериал)(1998) - Q.M. Cooper
Something to Believe In(1998) - Mike
The Brylcreem Boys(1998) - Sam Gunn
Sweet Jane(1998) - Stan Bleeker
Glam(1997) - Sonny Daye
The Deli(1997) - Kevin
Stag(1997) - Jon DiCapri
Perversions of Science(Сериал)(1997) - Nick Boyer
Snitch(1996) - Shakley
The Art of the Cigar(1996)
Natural Enemy(1996) - Jeremy
Dead Girl(1996) - Damon
Copycat(1995) - Peter Foley
Girl in the Cadillac(1995) - Rick Davis
Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story(1995) - Montgomery Clift
Radio Inside(1994) - Matthew Anderson
Chasers(1994) - Eddie Devane
Surviving the Game(1994) - Derek Wolfe Jr
Storybook(1994) - Prince Arthur
Sworn to Vengeance(1993) - Michael Burke (as Billy McNamara)
Extreme Justice(1993) - Mark Franklin (uncredited)
Aspen Extreme(1993) - Todd Pounds
Honor Thy Mother(1992) - Chris
Doing Time on Maple Drive(1992) - Matt Carter
Silk Stalkings(Сериал)(1992) - Clay Edwards
Wildflower(1991) - Sammy Perkins
ABC Afterschool Specials(Сериал)(1991) - Johnny Dumont
Texasville(1990) - Dickie Jackson
Island Son(Сериал)(1989-1990) - Sam / Sam Kulani
Stella(1990) - Pat Robbins
The Edge(Сериал)(1989) - Boy
Dream a Little Dream(1989) - Joel
Stealing Home(1988) - Teenage Billy Wyatt
The Beat(1988) - Billy Kane
Secret of the Sahara(Мини Сериал)(1988) - Philip Jordan
Opera(1987) - Stefano
CBS Schoolbreak Special(Сериал)(1987) - Jay Medford

Режисьор: The Trouble with Billy
The Trouble(2021)


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