Актриса - Pretty Hattie's Baby(1991) - Annie / Sarah - as a Teenager
Servant(Сериал)(2020-2021) - Aunt May
Lean on Pete(2017) - Aunt Margy
Counting for Thunder(2017) - Sis Stalworth
20th Century Women(2016) - Julie's Mother
The Phenom(2016) - Susan Gibson
Hello Ladies(Сериал)(2013) - Nicole Morgan
Magic Valley(2011) - Martha Garabrant
Terriers(Сериал)(2010) - Laura Ross
Law & Order(Сериал)(2008-2009) - Rita Shalvoy
Long Island Confidential(2008) - Kate Larkin
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford(2007) - Mar
... tha Bolton
A House Divided(2006) - Ruth
Griffin & Phoenix(2006) - Terry
Birth(2004) - Laura
ER(Сериал)(2003) - Paula Martin
12(2003/I) - Marie-Noel
A Wrinkle in Time(2003) - Mrs. Who
Red Betsy(2003) - Winifred Rounds
The Song of the Lark(2001) - Thea Kronborg
The Wonderful World of Disney(Сериал)(2000) - Anne Sullivan
The Eternal(1998) - Nora / Niamh
The Song of the Lark(Късометражен)(1997) - Thea Kronborg
The Wings of the Dove(1997) - Milly
The Spitfire Grill(1996) - Percy Talbott
Indictment: The McMartin Trial(1995) - Peggy Ann Buckey
The Underneath(1995) - Rachel
The Buccaneers(Мини Сериал)(1995) - Virginia St. George
Wyatt Earp(1994) - Lou Earp
Monkey Trouble(1994) - Tessa
Black Tie Affair(Сериал)(1993) - Eve Saskatchewan
Another Round(Кратък телевизионен филм)(1993) - Jessica
ABC Afterschool Specials(Сериал)(1990) - Cindy
Living Dolls(Сериал)(1989) - Martha Lambert
Who's the Boss?(Сериал)(1989) - Martha Lambert