Винсент Гало (Vincent Gallo)

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1961-4-11 - Buffalo, New York, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Винсент Гало (Vincent Gallo)

Всички филми и роли на Винсент Гало (Vincent Gallo)

Актьор - Shut In(2022/I) - Sammy
The Human Trust(2013) - Harold Marcus
The Legend of Kaspar Hauser(2012) - Pusher / Sheriff
Two Days in New York(2012) - Vincent Gallo (uncredited)
Loosies(2011) - Jax
42 One Dream Rush(Късометражен)(2010) - Pan (segment "Night of Pan")
The Agent(Късометражен)(2010) - Vincent Gallo
Promises Written in Water(2010) - Kevin
Essential Killing(2010) - Mohammed
Metropia(2009) - Roger Olofsson (voice)
1989(Късометражен)(2009/I) - Ernest
Tetro(2009) - Angelo 'Tetro' Tetrocini
Night of Pan(Късометражен)(2009) - Pan
Oliviero Rising(2007) - Oliviero
Dirt(Сериал)(2007) - Sammy Winter
Moscow Zero(2006) - Owen
Vincent Gallo vs. Sonic Youth(Късометражен)(2004) - Vincent Gallo
Jay-Z: 99 Problems(2004) - Vincent Gallo
The Curse of Manuel Chiche(Късометражен)(2003) - Black Magic
The Undesirables(2003) - Antonino 'Tony' Bendando
The Brown Bunny(2003) - Bud Clay
Glassjaw: Cosmopolitan Blood Loss(2002) - Man
The Groovenians(Кратък телевизионен филм)(2002) - Nixon (voice)
Vincent Gallo: Honey Bunny(Музикален видеоклип)(2001) - The Emotional Man (uncredited)
Get Well Soon(2001) - Bobby Bishop / Kevin Moss
Stranded(2001) - Luca Baglioni
Trouble Every Day(2001) - Shane Brown
My Vitriol: Grounded(2000) - Man
Downtown 81(2000) - Vincent Gallo (uncredited)
Hide and Seek(2000) - Frank
Drive(Късометражен)(1999) - Johnny Daisy
Freeway II: Confessions of a Trickbaby(1999) - Sister Gomez
L.A. Without a Map(1998) - Moss
Goodbye Lover(1998) - Mike (uncredited)
Johnny 316(1998) - Johnny
Buffalo '66(1998) - Billy Brown
Vincent Gallo Has A Thing Or Two Say About The British(Късометражен)(1997) - Vincent Gallo
Truth or Consequences
N.M.(1997) - Raymond Lembecke
Ford - The shoe (starring Vincent Gallo)(1996)
The Funeral(1996) - Johnny
Nénette et Boni(1996) - Vincenzo / Baker
Basquiat(1996) - Party Guest Vincent Gallo (uncredited)
Palookaville(1995) - Russell Pataki
The Perez Family(1995) - Orlando
Angela(1995) - Preacher
Casting Director Billy Hopkins Leaves a Message for Vincent Gallo(Късометражен)(1994)
Tous les garçons et les filles de leur âge...(Сериал)(1994) - Captain Brown
The Hanging(Късометражен)(1993) - The Guy
The House of the Spirits(1993) - Esteban Garcia
Arizona Dream(1993) - Paul Leger
Mark Curry: Sorry About the Weather(1992) - Vincent Gallo
Figaro Story(1992) - Vito Brown (segment "Keep It for Yourself")
Keep It for Yourself(Късометражен)(1991) - Vito Brown
Alex(1991) - Mario aka Alex
Goodfellas(1990) - Henry's 70's Crew (as Vinnie Gallo)
Gallo 2000(Късометражен)(1989) - Gallo 2000
The Equalizer(Сериал)(1989) - Tony Santiago
That Smell(Късометражен)(1988)
Doc's Kingdom(1988) - Jimmy
Crime Story(Сериал)(1987) - Charlie Riccio
The Gunlover(Късометражен)(1986) - Dino
Wedding(Късометражен)(1986) - The Groom
The Way It Is(1985) - Victor / Heurtebise
Gaslight LeStat(Късометражен)(1984) - The Vampire
Too Many Fish(Късометражен)(1984) - Prince Vince
Graffiti Rock(1984) - Dancer (as Prince Vince)
Vincent Gallo as Flying Christ(Късометражен)(1981) - Jesus New York

Режисьор: Anea 17(2019)
Short Plays(2014)
United States Wins the World Cup(2014)
The Agent(2010)
Promises Written in Water(2010)
The Curse of Manuel Chiche(2003)
The Brown Bunny(2003)
John Frusciante: Going Inside(2001)
John Frusciante: Moments Have You(2001)
Vincent Gallo: Honey Bunny(2001)
John Frusciante Plays and Sings(2001)
L'arc-en-ciel: Anemone(2000)
Buffalo '66(1998)
Looking for Enemies Finding Friends(1997)
Vincent Gallo Directs(1997)
Vincent Gallo Has A Thing Or Two Say About The British(1997)
Casting Director Billy Hopkins Leaves a Message for Vincent Gallo(1994)
Gallo 2000(1989)
That Smell(1988)
The Gunlover(1986)
If You Feel Froggy


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