Джери Луис (Jerry Lewis)

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1926-3-16 - Newark, New Jersey, USA

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Всички филми на Джери Луис (Jerry Lewis)

Всички филми и роли на Джери Луис (Jerry Lewis)

Актьор - The Trust(2016) - Stone's Father
The King of Comedy: Deleted and Extended Scenes(2014) - Jerry Langford
Till Luck Do Us Part 2(2013) - Bellboy
Max Rose(2013) - Max Rose
Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey!(2009) - Stationmaster (voice)
The Nutty Professor(2008) - Julius Kelp / Buddy Love (voice)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2006) - Uncle Andrew Munch
The Simpsons(Сериал)(2003) - Professor John Frink
Funny Bones(1995) - George Fawkes
Mad About You(Сериал)(1993) - Freddy Statler
Arizona Dream(1993) - Leo Sweetie
Mr. Saturday Night(1992) - Jerry Lewis
Good Grief(Сериал)(1991) - Jerry Lewis
Cookie(1989) - Arnold Ross
Wiseguy(Сериал)(1988-1989) - Eli Sternberg
Brothers(Сериал)(1987) - Jerry Lewis
Fight for Life(1987) - Dr. Bernard Abrams
How Did You Get In? We Didn't See You Leave(1984) - Clovis Blaireau
To Catch a Cop(1984) - Jerry Logan
Cracking Up(1983) - Warren Nefron / Dr. Perks / Gangster / ... (as Jerry --- Who Else?)
The King of Comedy(1982) - Jerry Langford
Slapstick of Another Kind(1982) - Wilbur Swain / Caleb Swain
Pink Lady(Сериал)(1980) - Jerry Lewis
Hardly Working(1980) - Bo Hooper
The Day the Clown Cried(1972) - Helmut Doork
The Red Skelton Hour(Сериал)(1970) - Magician's Assistant
Which Way to the Front?(1970) - Brendan Byers III / Field Marshal Erik Kesselring
One More Time(1970) - Bandleader (voice
Line and Sinker(1969) - Peter J. Ingersoll / Fred Dobbs
Don't Raise the Bridge
Lower the River(1968) - George Lester
Sheriff Who(1967)
The Big Mouth(1967) - Gerald Clamson / Syd Valentine
Way... Way Out(1966) - Peter Mattemore
Batman(Сериал)(1966) - Citizen
Three on a Couch(1966) - Christopher Pride / Warren / Ringo / ...
Boeing(1965) - Robert Reed
Red Line 7000(1965) - Driver (uncredited)
The Family Jewels(1965) - Willard Woodward / James Peyton / Everett Peyton / ...
Ben Casey(Сериал)(1965) - Dr. Dennis Green
The Disorderly Orderly(1964) - Jerome Littlefield
The Patsy(1964) - Stanley Belt / Singers of the Trio
Who's Minding the Store?(1963) - Norman Phiffier
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World(1963) - Driver Running Over Hat (uncredited)
The Nutty Professor(1963) - Prof. Julius Kelp / Buddy Love
It's Only Money(1962) - Lester March
The Errand Boy(1961) - Morty S. Tashman
The Ladies Man(1961) - Herbert H. Heebert / Mama Heebert
Cinderfella(1960) - Cinderfella
The Bellboy(1960) - Stanley / Jerry Lewis
Visit to a Small Planet(1960) - Kreton
Li'l Abner(1959) - Itchy McRabbit (uncredited)
Startime(Сериал)(1959) - Joey Robin / Joey Rabinowitz
Don't Give Up the Ship(1959) - John Paul Steckler I / John Paul Steckler IV / John Paul Steckler VII
The Geisha Boy(1958) - Gilbert Wooley
Rock-a-Bye Baby(1958) - Clayton Poole
The Sad Sack(1957) - Private Meredith C. Bixby
The Delicate Delinquent(1957) - Sidney L. Pythias
Hollywood or Bust(1956) - Malcolm Smith
Pardners(1956) - Wade Kingsley Jr. / Wade Kingsley Sr.
Artists and Models(1955) - Eugene Fullstack
You're Never Too Young(1955) - Wilbur Hoolick
3 Ring Circus(1954) - Jerome F. 'Jerry' Hotchkiss
Living It Up(1954) - Homer Flagg
Money from Home(1953) - Virgil Yokum
The Caddy(1953) - Harvey Miller
Scared Stiff(1953) - Myron Mertz
Road to Bali(1952) - Woman in Lala's Dream (uncredited)
Jumping Jacks(1952) - Hap Smith
Sailor Beware(1952) - Melvin Jones
The Stooge(1951) - Theodore 'Ted' Rogers
That's My Boy(1951) - 'Junior' Jackson
At War with the Army(1950) - Pfc. Alvin Korwin
My Friend Irma Goes West(1950) - Seymour
How to Smuggle a Hernia Across the Border(Късометражен)(1949)
My Friend Irma(1949) - Seymour

Режисьор: Good Grief(1991)
How Are the Kids?(1990)
Super Force(1990)
Cracking Up(1983)
Hardly Working(1980)
That's Life(1979)
The Day the Clown Cried(1972)
The Bold Ones: The New Doctors(1970)
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson(1970)
Which Way to the Front?(1970)
One More Time(1970)
The Big Mouth(1967)
Three on a Couch(1966)
The Family Jewels(1965)
Ben Casey(1965)
The Patsy(1964)
The Nutty Professor(1963)
The Errand Boy(1961)
The Ladies Man(1961)
The Bellboy(1960)
The Jerry Lewis Show(1958/I)
Komedy Kapers(1956)
How to Smuggle a Hernia Across the Border(1949)


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