Лари Фесенден (Larry Fessenden)

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1963-3-23 - New York City, New York, USA

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Всички филми на Лари Фесенден (Larry Fessenden)

Всички филми и роли на Лари Фесенден (Larry Fessenden)

Актьор - Dorothy - Thomas
Summoners - Doug Whitman
The Wild Man
What Doesn't Float - Marco
Brooklyn 45(2022)
Cold Wind Blowing(2022) - The Wolf (AM Radio DJ)
Paltrocast with Darren Paltrowitz(Сериал)(2022)
Dashcam(2021/II) - Lieberman
Size Up(Късометражен)(2021) - The Doctor
Isolation(2021/III) - Man (segment: "Fever")
The Spine of Night(2021) - Prophet of Doom
Jakob's Wife(2021) - Jakob Fedder
Offseason(2021) - H. Grierson
Channel Zed(Сериал)(2020)
Dementer(2019) - Larry
Sister Mercy(Късометражен)(2019) - Col. Randolph Coil
The Dead Don't Die(2019) - Danny Perkins
Depraved(2019) - Ratso
Sadistic Intentions(2018) - Father
Only a Switch(2018) - Mr. Farrow
The Mountain(2018/II) - Meals
86'd(Късометражен)(2018/I) - The Drunk
The Ranger(2018) - Uncle Pete
Clara's Ghost(2018) - Fan Man
Gray Matter(Късометражен)(2017/III) - Richie
Hidden Agenda(Видео Игра)(2017) - Vernon LeMay (voice)
15-Love(Късометражен)(2017) - Mailman
Psychopaths(2017) - Starkweather
Most Beautiful Island(2017) - Rudy
Small Crimes(2017) - Earl
Like Me(2017/II) - Marshall
Girlfriend's Day(2017) - Taft
The Stakelander(2016) - Biggs
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood(Видео Игра)(2016) - Dan T. (voice)
Stray Bullets(2016) - Charlie
No Way to Live(2016) - Jerry
Good Funk(2016) - Kevin
The Transfiguration(2016) - Drunk Man
Callback(2016/I) - Joe
In a Valley of Violence(2016) - Roy
Carnage Park(2016) - Travis 'Whiskey' Ginger
Darling(2015/II) - Officer Maneretti
Southbound(2015) - The D.J.
The Mind's Eye(2015) - Mike Connors
Until Dawn(Видео Игра)(2015) - Flamethrower Guy (voice)
Pod(2015/I) - Smith
We Are Still Here(2015/I) - Jacob Lewis
Body(2015/I) - Arthur
The Unlovables(2014) - Frank
The Adults(Късометражен)(2014) - Phil
Worst Friends(2014) - Jerry
The Strain(Сериал)(2014) - Jack Noon
Louie(Сериал)(2014) - Upset Man
All for One(Късометражен)(2014) - Bedroom Dad
Night of the Wolf(2014) - O'Brien
Wild Canaries(2014) - Poker Player
Ritual(2013/I) - Motel Clerk
Riding Shotgun(Късометражен)(2013) - Countryman
Chinese Puzzle(2013) - Le premier rocker
The Unlovables(Сериал)(2012-2013) - Frank
Jug Face(2013) - Sustin
We Are What We Are(2013) - Bearded Tenant
The Businessman(Късометражен)(2012) - Mr. Bond
Bro'(2012) - Louis
All the Light in the Sky(2012) - Rusty
The Battery(2012) - Frank
Wolf Dog(2012) - Wolf Dog
Hellbenders(2012) - Detective Elrod
Wolf Dog Tales(2012) - Wolf Dog (voice)
Stray Bullets(2012)
You're Next(2011) - Erik Harson
Silver Bullets(2011) - Sam
Hypothermia(2010) - Fishing Host
Stake Land(2010) - Roadhouse Bartender
Vanishing on 7th Street(2010) - Bike Messenger
Satan Hates You(2010) - Glumac
Bitter Feast(2010) - William Coley
Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever(2009) - Bill the Water Truck Driver
Blood Red Earth(Късометражен)(2009) - Cowboy
I Sell the Dead(2008) - Willy Grimes
House of Satisfaction(2008) - Brent
Wendy and Lucy(2008) - Man in Park
I Can See You(2008) - Mickey Hauser
The Brave One(2007) - Sandy Combs
Trigger Man(2007) - Henchman
The Hunter(Късометражен)(2007) - Kenny
Mulberry St(2006) - Man Behind the Gate
The Pod(Късометражен)(2006) - Telly
The Last Winter(2006) - Charles Foster
Automatons(2006) - Enemy Guard
Dress Rehearsal(2006) - Jack Ing
Law & Order: Criminal Intent(Сериал)(2005) - Boaz
Headspace(2005) - Father
The Resurrection Apprentice(Късометражен)(2005) - Willie
Broken Flowers(2005) - Will
Satellite(2005/II) - Jim Mullins
The Roost(2005) - Tow Truck Driver
The Off Season(2004) - Phil
Imaginary Heroes(2004) - Store Clerk
Family Portraits: A Trilogy of America(2003) - Jimmy Doyle
The Paper Boy(Късометражен)(2003) - The Deaf Peeping Tom
Happy Here and Now(2002) - Clifton
Bad Day for a Tow(Късометражен)(2002) - Tow Guy
Session 9(2001) - Craig McManus
Margarita Happy Hour(2001) - Max
Third Watch(Сериал)(2001) - Rudy Granger
You Are Here*(2000) - Palichuck
Happy Accidents(2000) - Junkie
Animal Factory(2000) - Benny (as Larry Fesendon)
Hamlet(2000) - Kissing Man
Bringing Out the Dead(1999) - Cokehead
Habit(1995) - Sam
River of Grass(1994) - Lee Ray Harold
No Telling(1991) - Eden Ridge Employee
Habit(1982) - Sam
A Face in the Crowd(1981) - Narrator (voice)
Lifeline(Късометражен)(1981) - Man
White Trash(Късометражен)(1980) - Man Who Looks Through Trash

Режисьор: Isolation(2021/III)
Fessenden's Depraved: Making Frankenstein in a Brooklyn Loft(2019)
ABCs of Death 2(2014)
Frankenstein Cannot Be Stopped(2014)
Stake Land: Origins(2011)
Santa Claws(2008)
Fear Itself(2008)
The Last Winter(2006)
Searching for the Wendigo(2002)
No Telling(1991)
Hollow Venus: Diary of a Go-Go Dancer(1989)
Stunt: A Musical Motion Picture(1989)
Experienced Movers(1985)
A Face in the Crowd(1981)
The Field(1980)
White Trash(1980)
The Eliminator(1979)


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