Иги Поп (Iggy Pop)

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April 21, 1947 - Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Иги Поп (Iggy Pop)

Всички филми и роли на Иги Поп (Iggy Pop)

Актьор - The Sandman - The Sandman
Killing Daniel(2021) - Edward Powell
Squirrel Mountain 'Iggy to the Rescue'(Късометражен)(2020) - Iggy Pop
The Dawn(Късометражен)(2020) - Magnus
The Dead Don't Die(2019) - Male Coffee Zombie
Iggy Pop - FREE Listening Experience(Късометражен)(2019)
Death Valley Girls: Disaster (Is What We're After)(2018) - Iggy Pop
Oneohtrix Point Never: The Pure and the Damned(2017) - Iggy Pop
Song to Song(2017/I) - Iggy Pop
Gutterdammerung(2016) - Vicious
Blood Orange(2016) - Bill / Husband
Sheriff Callie's Wild West(Сериал)(2016) - Sneaky Silverado
Mr. Pickles(Сериал)(2014) - Texas Red
Asthma(2014) - Local Drunk
Once Upon a Time in Wonderland(Сериал)(2013-2014) - The Caterpillar
L'étoile du jour(2012) - La Conscience
Arthur 3: The War of the Two Worlds(2010) - Darkos (voice)
Art House(2010) - Gordon Ohr
Suck(2009) - Victor
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned(Видео Игра)(2009) - LRR 97.8 Liberty Rock Radio DJ (voice)
Grand Theft Auto IV(Видео Игра)(2008) - LRR 97.8 Liberty Rock Radio DJ (voice)
Lil' Bush: Resident of the United States(Сериал)(2007-2008) - Lil' Rummy
Persepolis(2007) - Anoush (2008) (English version
American Dad!(Сериал)(2007) - Jerry
Wayne County Ramblin'(2006) - Simon
Driv3r(Видео Игра)(2004) - Baccus / Additional Voices (voice)
Coffee and Cigarettes(2003) - Iggy (segment "Somewhere in California")
Fastlane(Сериал)(2002) - Teddy McNair
Red Tide Rising: Venice and Mars(2002) - AA Group Leader
Snow Day(2000) - Mr. Zellweger
Death in Vegas: Aisha(1999)
Iggy Pop: Corruption(1999) - Iggy Pop
The Rugrats Movie(1998) - Newborn Baby (singing voice)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine(Сериал)(1998) - Yelgrun
The Brave(1997) - Man Eating Bird Leg
Private Parts(1997) - Iggy Pop (uncredited)
The Crow: City of Angels(1996) - Curve
The Adventures of Pete & Pete(Сериал)(1994-1995) - James Mecklenberg
Atolladero(1995) - Madden
Dead Man(1995) - Salvatore 'Sally' Jenko
Tank Girl(1995) - Rat Face
Iggy Pop: Beside You(1994) - Iggy Pop
Wild America(1993)
Coffee and Cigarettes III(Късометражен)(1993) - Iggy
Ofra Haza feat. Iggy Pop: Daw Da Hiya(1992) - Iggy Pop (voice)
White Zombie feat. Iggy Pop: Black Sunshine(1992) - Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop Feat. Kate Pierson: Candy(1990) - Iggy Pop
Hardware(1990) - Angry Bob (voice)
Iggy Pop: Home(1990) - Iggy Pop
Tales from the Crypt(Сериал)(1990) - Iggy Pop
Shannon's Deal(Сериал)(1990) - Danny Axton
Cry-Baby(1990) - Belvedere Rickettes
Spirit of the Forest(1989) - Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop: Cold Metal(1988) - Iggy Pop
Iggy Pop: Real Wild Child (Wild One)(1986) - Iggy Pop
The Color of Money(1986) - Skinny Player on Road
Iggy Pop: Cry for Love(1986) - Iggy Pop
Sid and Nancy(1986) - Prospective Guest
Rock & Rule(1983) - Monster From another Dimension (voice)
Nico: Evening of Light(1969) - Iggy Pop (uncredited)

Мини Биография

Иги Поп е роден на 21 април 1947 г. в Ан Арбър, Мичиган, САЩ. Той е актьор и композитор, известен с филмите Coffee and Cigarettes (2003), Cry-Baby (1990) и Dead Man (1995). От 22 ноември 2008 г. е женен за Нина Алу. Преди това е бил женен за Сучи Асано и Уенди Вайсберг. - И.И. превод


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