Питър Рийгърт (Peter Riegert)

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April 11, 1947 - New York City, New York, USA

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Всички филми на Питър Рийгърт (Peter Riegert)

Всички филми и роли на Питър Рийгърт (Peter Riegert)

Актьор - Extrapolations(Сериал)(2022) - Ben Zucker
Bull(Сериал)(2022) - Dr. Cohen
Succession(Сериал)(2021) - Roger Pugh
Extra Innings(Късометражен)(2019/I) - Pete
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt(Сериал)(2017-2019) - Artie Goodman
Disjointed(Сериал)(2018) - Walter
American Pastoral(2016) - Lou Levov
Show Me a Hero(Мини Сериал)(2015) - Oscar Newman
Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll(Сериал)(2015) - Ted
Dads(Сериал)(2013-2014) - David Sachs
The Walk(Късометражен)(2014/I) - Alfred Foxman
At Middleton(2013) - Boneyard Sims
The Good Wife(Сериал)(2009-2012) - Judge Harvey Winter
We Bought a Zoo(2011) - Delbert McGinty
Oka!(2011) - Dr. Maguire
One Tree Hill(Сериал)(2010-2011) - Dr. August Kellerman
White Irish Drinkers(2010) - Whitey
The Chosen One(2010) - Bob
Love Conquers Paul(2009) - Mr. Feigenbaum
Leverage(Сериал)(2009) - Peter Blanchard
The Response(Късометражен)(2008) - Colonel Jefferson
Cashmere Mafia(Сериал)(2008) - Len Dinerstein
Damages(Сериал)(2007) - George Moore / The Executive
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2004-2007) - Chauncey Zeirko
Dorothy(2006) - Mel
Back When We Were Grownups(2004) - Zeb Davitch
King of the Corner(2004) - Leo Spivak
Where Are They Now?: A Delta Alumni Update(2003) - Donald 'Boon' Schoenstein
Family Guy(Сериал)(2003) - Max Weinstein
The Sopranos(Сериал)(2001-2002) - Assemblyman Zellman / Assemblyman Ronald Zellman
Bleacher Bums(2001) - Decker
The Beast(Сериал)(2001) - Ted Fisher
Bojangles(2001) - Marty
Club Land(2001) - Rabbi
Traffic(2000) - Attorney Michael Adler
How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog(2000) - Larry
In the Weeds(2000) - Barry
Sports Night(Сериал)(2000) - Jay Rydell
Passion of Mind(2000) - Dr. Peters
Scandalous Me: The Jacqueline Susann Story(1998) - Irving Mansfield
Hi-Life(1998) - Minor
The Baby Dance(1998) - Richard
Seinfeld(Сериал)(1998) - James Kimbrough
Jerry and Tom(1998) - Stanley
Face Down(1997) - Lt. Coop Cooper
North Shore Fish(1997) - Porker
Infinity(1996) - Mel Feynman
Law & Order(Сериал)(1996) - Jerold Dixon
An Element of Truth(1995) - Sidney Wiltz
Pie in the Sky(1995) - Dad Dunlap
Mystery Dance(Сериал)(1995) - Alan Baker
The Infiltrator(1995) - Rabbi Cooper
Coldblooded(1995) - Steve
Bleeding Hearts(1994) - Doctor
The Mask(1994) - Lt. Mitch Kellaway
Gypsy(1993) - Herbie
Barbarians at the Gate(1993) - Peter Cohen
Middle Ages(Сериал)(1992) - Walter Cooper
Passed Away(1992) - Peter Syracusa
Utz(1992) - Marius Fisher
The Runestone(1991) - Capt. Gregory Fanducci
Oscar(1991) - Aldo
The Object of Beauty(1991) - Larry
Beyond the Ocean(1990) - Eric
A Shock to the System(1990) - Robert Benham
Trying Times(Сериал)(1989) - Bill
American Masters(Сериал)(Документална поредица)(1989) - W. Eugene Smith
That's Adequate(1989) - Adult Baby Elroy
Crossing Delancey(1988) - Sam Posner
The Stranger(1987) - Dr. Harris Kite
A Man in Love(1987) - Michael Pozner
News at Eleven(1986) - Eric Ross
The Twilight Zone(Сериал)(1985) - Gus Rosenthal (segment "One Life
Furnished in Early Poverty")
Ellis Island(Мини Сериал)(1984) - Jacob Rubinstein
American Playhouse(Сериал)(1984) - Richard M. Nixon
The City Girl(1984) - Tim
Le grand carnaval(1983) - Walter Giammanca
Local Hero(1983) - Mac
Table Settings(1982)
Movie Madness(1982) - Jason Cooper ("Growing Yourself")
War Babies(1981)
Chilly Scenes of Winter(1979) - Sam
Americathon(1979) - Eric McMerkin
National Lampoon's Animal House(1978) - Donald Schoenstein
M*A*S*H(Сериал)(1977) - Cpl. Igor Straminsky
Isabella and the Magic Brush(Късометражен)(1976)

Режисьор: King of the Corner(2004)
By Courier(2001)


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