Корин Немец (Corin Nemec)

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November 5, 1971 - Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

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Всички филми на Корин Немец (Corin Nemec)

Всички филми и роли на Корин Немец (Corin Nemec)

Актьор - Quantum Investigations: The Quantum Heist
Enterfear 2: The Next Wave - Sea Bass
Half Dead Fred - Freddy Nash
Haunted: 333 - Robbie Ratcliffe
Hollywould(Сериал) - Jeff
The Heat of the Beat(Сериал) - Officer P.D Beaureguard
Day Labor(2022) - Floyd
Blackwater Blues Indiegogo Presentation(2021) - Pollux Bennington
My True Fairytale(2021) - Terry Knight
Deadly Excursion: Kidnapped from the Beach(2021) - David McCarthy
The Wrong Cheerleader Coach(2020) - Jon
Run Hide Fight(2020) - Beat Cop
The Wrong Stepfather(2020) - Craig
All Roads to Pearla(2019) - Cowboy Loy
Puppy Swap: Love Unleashed(2019) - Powers
The Wrong Stepmother(2019) - Michael
The Circuit: Star Crew(2019)
Deadly Excursion(2019) - David McCarthy
One Nightmare Stand(2018) - Kevin Peterson
Rottentail(2018) - Peter Cotten aka Rottentail
Evil Doctor(2018) - Matt Lewis
This Is Christmas(2017)
A Christmas Cruise(2017) - Gil
Doomsday Device(2017) - Cole
Renegades(Сериал)(2017) - Capt. Alvarez / Captain Alvarez
Girlfriend Killer(2017) - Detective Baker
Star Trek: Renegades(Сериал)(2015-2017) - Captain Alvarez
Marriage of Lies(2016) - Gus
Drone Wars(2016) - Elias
Kirby Buckets(Сериал)(2015) - Future Kirby
Lake Placid vs. Anaconda(2015) - Tull
Extinction: Patient Zero(2014) - Simmons
Robocroc(2013) - Duffy
This Magic Moment(2013) - Jack
Dracano(2013) - Simon Lowell
Rise of the Dinosaurs(2013) - Colonel Carter
NCIS: Los Angeles(Сериал)(2013) - Anwar Amurov
Dragonwasps(2012) - John Hammond
The Buzz on Dragon Wasps(Късометражен)(2012)
Nuclear Family(2012) - John
Besties(2012) - Danny
Sand Sharks(2012) - Jimmy Green
Supernatural(Сериал)(2010) - Christian Campbell / Demon Christian Campbell / Demon
Exhibit B-5(Късометражен)(2010) - Doug (uncredited)
House of Bones(2010) - Quentin French
Privateer(Късометражен)(2009) - Andrew Jackson
Robodoc(2009) - Dr. Callaby
Bundy: A Legacy of Evil(2009) - Ted Bundy
Star-ving(Сериал)(2009) - Corin
Shattered!(2008) - Jordan
The American Standards(2008) - Doc Jennings
CSI: Miami(Сериал)(2008) - Carl Reston
Cop Dog(2008) - Clint
Boston Strangler: The Untold Story(2008) - Stuart Whitmore
Sea Beast(2008) - Will McKenna
Ghost Whisperer(Сериал)(2008) - Paul Eastman / Masked Man
My Apocalypse(2008/I) - Stewart Savage
Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck(2007) - Richard Speck
NCIS(Сериал)(2007) - Len Grady
Hidden Secrets(2006) - Michael Stover
Three Moons Over Milford(Сериал)(2006) - Roark
S.S. Doomtrooper(2006) - Captain Malloy
High Hopes(2006) - Tom
Parzania(2005) - Allan
McBride: Murder Past Midnight(2005) - Tom Manning
Raging Sharks(2005) - Dr. Mike Olsen
Mansquito(2005) - Lt. Thomas Randall
CSI: NY(Сериал)(2004) - Todd Camden
Stargate SG-1(Сериал)(2002-2004) - Jonas Quinn / Probie
Toby Keith Feat. Willie Nelson: Beer for My Horses(2003) - Corin Nemec
Sit and Spin(Късометражен)(2002) - Mike Gordan
Smallville(Сериал)(2002) - Jude Royce
Brother's Keeper(2002) - Ellis Pond
Free(2001) - Mark
Killer Bud(2001) - Waylon Smythe
Blackout(2001/I) - Eric Sessions
Hussy: Life Is Nice 2000(Късометражен)(2000) - Booker
Shadow Hours(2000) - Vincent
Foreign Correspondents(1999) - Trevor
L.A. Doctors(Сериал)(1999) - Dr. Dennis DiMayo
The Process(1998) - Hitler
Legacy(1998/I) - Black
Blade Squad(1998) - Cully
Silencing Mary(1998) - David MacPherson
The First to Go(1997) - Danny Ames
Goodbye America(1997) - John Stryzack
Beverly Hills
90210(Сериал)(1997) - Derrick Driscoll
Mojave Moon(1996) - Car Thief
The War at Home(1996) - Donald
Summer of Fear(1996) - Simon
White Wolves II: Legend of the Wild(1996) - Ben Harris
NYPD Blue(Сериал)(1995) - Howie
Operation Dumbo Drop(1995) - Sp5 Lawrence Farley
In the Living Years(1994) - Teen Dan Donahue
Drop Zone(1994) - Selkirk
Tales from the Crypt(Сериал)(1994) - Hal
The Stand(Мини Сериал)(1994) - Harold Lauder
The Lifeforce Experiment(1994) - Ken Ryan
Parker Lewis Can't Lose(Сериал)(1990-1993) - Parker Lloyd Lewis / Parker Lewis
My Son Johnny(1991) - Anthony
For the Very First Time(1991) - Michael
Solar Crisis(1990) - Mike Kelso (as Corin 'Corky' Nemec)
Island Son(Сериал)(1989) - Greg Caldwell
I Know My First Name Is Steven(Мини Сериал)(1989) - Steven Gregory Stayner / Dennis Parnell
What's Alan Watching?(1989) - Alan Hoffstetter
Cadets(1988) - Cadet Preston Langly (as Corky Nemec)
Tucker: The Man and His Dream(1988) - Noble (as Corky Nemec)
Webster(Сериал)(1987-1988) - Nicky Papadapolis
Sidekicks(Сериал)(1987) - Kyle

Режисьор: The Chosen One(2013)
Kev Hicks: Eye Jockey(2012)


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