Карл Джонсън (Karl Johnson)

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March 1, 1948 - Wales, UK

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Карл Джонсън (Karl Johnson)

Всички филми и роли на Карл Джонсън (Karl Johnson)

Актьор - The Following Events are Based on a Pack of Lies(Сериал) - Bill
Harry the Hamster(Късометражен) - Grandad
Halo(Сериал)(2022) - Truth
Suspicion(Сериал)(2022) - Eric Cresswell
Too Close(Мини Сериал)(2021) - James de Cadenet
Keeping Faith(Сериал)(2020) - Lord Prentice
Dream Horse(2020) - Kerby
The Last Vermeer(2019) - Bernard Bakker
Mum(Сериал)(2016-2019) - Reg
Peterloo(2018) - Lord Sidmouth
the Home Secretary
King Lear(2018) - Fool
Britannia(Сериал)(2017) - Cormac
The Death of Stalin(2017) - Dr. Lukomsky
Born to Kill(Мини Сериал)(2017) - Mr. Williams
Winter Thaw(2016) - Stepanovich
Lovesick(Сериал)(2016) - Richard
Kaleidoscope(2016/II) - John
Domestic Policy(Късометражен)(2016)
Mother(Късометражен)(2016/IV) - Old Man in Café
The Carer(2016/I) - Joseph
Dickensian(Сериал)(2015) - Grandfather
Hamlet(2015) - Ghost of Hamlet's Father / Gravedigger
Plebs(Сериал)(2014) - Judge
Mr. Turner(2014) - Mr Booth
Under Milk Wood(2014) - Drowned / Voice
Epitaph(Късометражен)(2013/I) - Claude
Mr Invisible(Късометражен)(2013) - The Handler
Atlantis(Сериал)(2013) - Itheus
The Sea(2013) - Blunden
It's Kevin(Сериал)(2013) - Various
Call the Midwife(Сериал)(2013) - Mr. Masterson
Good Vibrations(2012) - George
The Deep Blue Sea(2011) - Mr Miller
The Pier(2011/I) - Larry McCarthy
Frankenstein(2011) - De Lacey
her father-in Law
Lark Rise to Candleford(Сериал)(2008-2011) - Twister Turrill
Merlin(Сериал)(2010) - Taliesin
Third Star(2010) - Ticket Seller
Small Island(Мини Сериал)(2009) - Arthur Bligh
Underground(Късометражен)(2009/II) - Painter
I Know You Know(2008) - Ernie
Is Anybody There?(2008) - Arthur (uncredited)
The Edge of Love(2008) - Dai Fred (uncredited)
10 Days to War(Мини Сериал)(2008) - Robin Cook
Ladies and Gentlemen(2007) - Uncle Philip
Dog Altogether(Късометражен)(2007) - Jack
Hot Fuzz(2007) - PC Bob Walker
The Trial of Tony Blair(2007) - Father Lunt
Four Last Songs(2007) - Erico
Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire(Мини Сериал)(2006) - Marcellus
Copying Beethoven(2006) - Stefan Holtz
New Tricks(Сериал)(2006) - Gary Kendall
The Chatterley Affair(2006) - Mr. Justice Byrne
The Illusionist(2006) - Doctor / Old Man
Elizabeth David: A Life in Recipes(2006) - Norman Douglas
Rome(Сериал)(2005) - Porcius Cato
Heidi(2005/I) - Old Man
Midsomer Murders(Сериал)(2005) - Derek Lockwood
Frozen(2005/I) - Coastguard Bill
The Bill(Сериал)(1989-2004) - Jon Jennings / Len Rogers / Geoff Hallwood / ...
When I'm Sixty-Four(2004) - Billy
England Expects(2004) - Gilbert
Dalziel and Pascoe(Сериал)(2004) - Stevie Earle
77 Beds(Късометражен)(2003) - Spiritual Father
The Mayor of Casterbridge(2003) - Fall
Born and Bred(Сериал)(2003) - Alec Rossendale
Pure(2002/I) - Grandad
Tomorrow La Scala!(2002) - Sydney
Without Motive(Сериал)(2000-2001) - Robert Jackson
David Copperfield(Мини Сериал)(1999) - Tungay
Vanity Fair(Мини Сериал)(1998) - Major Loder
Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon(1998) - John Deakin
The Temptation of Franz Schubert(1997) - Doctor
Wing and a Prayer(Сериал)(1997) - Tony Clifton
Soup(Късометражен)(1996) - Wittgenstein
Out of This World(Сериал)(1996) - Tomas Hartland aka Lukas the Ghost
An Independent Man(Сериал)(1995) - Bill Rutherford
Catherine the Great(1995) - Sheshkovsky
The Lifeboat(Сериал)(1994) - Hughie Jones
Wales Playhouse(Сериал)(1993) - Gareth Gwynne
Poirot(Сериал)(1993) - Saunders
Wittgenstein(1993) - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Casualty(Сериал)(1993) - Brian Russell
Let Him Have It(1991) - Parris
Close My Eyes(1991) - Colin
Boon(Сериал)(1989) - Joe
Rules of Engagement(Мини Сериал)(1989) - Dave Gillespie
A Tale of Two Cities(Мини Сериал)(1989) - Barsad
The Play on One(Сериал)(1989) - Charles
Bergerac(Сериал)(1989) - Henry Morant
Screenplay(Сериал)(1988) - PC Hughes
Bulman(Сериал)(1987) - DS 'Ace' Lawson
A Prayer for the Dying(1987) - Fitzgerald
Prick Up Your Ears(1987) - Douglas Orton
The Mysteries(Сериал)(1985-1986) - Jesus / Abel
The World Walk(1984) - Anton Vlaer
The Home Front(Сериал)(1983) - Vernon Hemingway
The Magic Shop(Късометражен)(1982)
Masterpiece Theatre: Sons and Lovers(Мини Сериал)(1981) - Paul Morel
Shoestring(Сериал)(1979) - Dennis Philips
Angels(Сериал)(1978-1979) - Simon Mellan / Busker
The Tempest(1979) - Ariel
an airy spirit
The Other Side(Сериал)(1979) - Colin
ITV Playhouse(Сериал)(1978) - Geoff
Jubilee(1978) - Sphinx
Rock Follies of '77(Сериал)(1977) - Charlie Chime
BBC Play of the Month(Сериал)(1975) - Wilf Seaford
The Sooty Show(Сериал)(1974)
Rainbow(Сериал)(1973-1974) - Karl

Мини Биография

Карл Джонсън е роден на 1 март 1948 г. в Уелс. Той е актьор, известен с филмите Hot Fuzz (2007), Lark Rise to Candleford (2008) и The Death of Stalin (2017). - И.И. превод


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