Исак Флорентин (Isaac Florentine)

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Всички филми на Исак Флорентин (Isaac Florentine)

Всички филми и роли на Исак Флорентин (Isaac Florentine)

Актьор - Acts of Vengeance(2017) - Karate Sensei
Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School(Късометражен)(1990) - German Soldier #1
Terminator(Късометражен)(1987) - Schneider

Режисьор: Hounds of War
Acts of Vengeance(2017)
Close Range(2015)
Ninja: Shadow of a Tear(2013)
Assassin's Bullet(2012/I)
Undisputed 3: Redemption(2010)
The Shepherd(2008)
Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing(2006)
Battleground: The Art of War(2005)
Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon(2004)
Special Forces(2003)
The Life and Legend of Bob Wall(2003)
Power Rangers Time Force - Quantum Ranger: Clash for Control(2001)
Power Rangers Time Force(2001)
U.S. Seals II(2001)
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue(2000)
Bridge of Dragons(1999)
Cold Harvest(1999)
High Voltage(1998)
Power Rangers in Space(1998)
WMAC Masters(1995-1997)
Power Rangers Zeo(1996)
Power Rangers Zeo: Zeo Quest(1996)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers(1996)
Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills(1994-1995)
Desert Kickboxer(1992)


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