Карел Струйкен (Carel Struycken)

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1948-7-30 - The Hague, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Карел Струйкен (Carel Struycken)

Всички филми и роли на Карел Струйкен (Carel Struycken)

Актьор - Class of '85(2022) - Roy
The Eden Theory(2021) - The Stranger
Doctor Sleep(2019) - Grampa Flick
Two Minutes to Midnight(Мини Сериал)(2018) - Shire
Gerald's Game(2017) - Moonlight Man
Twin Peaks(Сериал)(2017) - The Fireman / ???????
Another Brick in the Wall(2016) - Roy
Gotham(Сериал)(2016) - Tall Monster
The Blacklist(Сериал)(2014) - Matthew Kincaid
Trophy Heads(2014) - Brother Humphrey
Cold Case(Сериал)(2010) - Lester 'Gargantuan' Smith '10
Sinterklaas en het geheim van het grote boek(2008) - Dr. Ferdinand
Revamped(2007) - Mr. Vincent
My Name Is Earl(Сериал)(2006) - Paul
The Fallen Ones(2005) - High Priest #1
Agavé(2004) - J.C / Cowboy
De erfenis(Сериал)(2004) - Lafayette
Fatal Kiss(2002) - Mortician
Science Fiction(2002) - Strange man
Charmed(Сериал)(2002) - Giant Demon
The Vampire Hunters Club(2001) - Host Vampire
Tinnef(2000) - Kran
Enemy Action(1999) - Eyepatch
Addams Family Reunion(1998) - Lurch
I Woke Up Early the Day I Died(1998) - Undertaker
Men in Black(1997) - Arquillian
Star Trek: Voyager(Сериал)(1996) - Spectre
Oblivion 2: Backlash(1996) - Gaunt
Out There(1995) - Mr. Burke
Under the Hula Moon(1995) - Clyde
Babylon 5(Сериал)(1994) - Trader
Oblivion(1994) - Gaunt
Addams Family Values(1993) - Lurch
Journey to the Center of the Earth(1993) - Dallas
Star Trek: The Next Generation(Сериал)(1987-1992) - Mr. Homn
Hammer: Addams Groove(Музикален видеоклип)(1991) - Lurch
The Addams Family(1991) - Lurch
Twin Peaks(Сериал)(1990-1991) - Giant / The Giant
Servants of Twilight(1991) - Kyle Barlow
Framed(1990) - Jinx
Night of the Kickfighters(1988) - Ponti (as Carel Struyker)
St. Elsewhere(Сериал)(1988) - The Giant
Hunter(Сериал)(1987) - Occult Store Owner
The Witches of Eastwick(1987) - Fidel
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor(1985) - Terak
The Prey(1983) - The Monster
Go West
Young Man(1980) - Dr. Struycken
Die Laughing(1980) - Gregor the Giant
Bigfoot and Wildboy(Сериал)(1979) - The Titan
Tarzana(Късометражен)(1978) - A big
ugly Polynesian fella
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band(1978) - The Brute


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