Джош Мостел (Josh Mostel)

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December 21, 1946 - New York City, New York, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Джош Мостел (Josh Mostel)

Всички филми и роли на Джош Мостел (Josh Mostel)

Актьор - Swerve: The story of a downtown delivery - Larry Fitz
The Blacklist(Сериал)(2020) - Mickey
Hunters(Сериал)(2020) - Rabbi Steckler
Dead Layer(Късометражен)(2019) - Moishe
The Amazing Ray(Късометражен)(2018) - Ray
Mr. Robot(Сериал)(2017) - Bo
The Congressman(2016) - Bernie Gimpel
Blue Bloods(Сериал)(2015) - Victor Flores
Growing Up and Other Lies(2014) - Chuck MacArthur
Beneath the Harvest Sky(2013) - Principal
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2012) - Mr. Roth
State of Play(2009) - Pete
Law & Order(Сериал)(2003) - Harvey Anchin
Knockaround Guys(2001) - Mac McCreadle
Big Daddy(1999) - Arthur Brooks
The Out-of-Towners(1999) - Dr. Faber
Rounders(1998) - Zagosh
Thicker Than Blood(1998) - Kendall
Great Expectations(1998) - Jerry Ragno
Wings(Сериал)(1996) - Dave
Let It Be Me(1995) - Jordan
The Maddening(1995) - Chicky Ross
Billy Madison(1995) - Principal Max Anderson
The Basketball Diaries(1995) - Counterman
City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly's Gold(1994) - Barry Shalowitz
Auf Wiedersehen Amerika(1994) - Abe
The Chase(1994) - Officer Figus
Tracey Takes on New York(1993)
Searching for Bobby Fischer(1993) - Chess Club Regular
Tribeca(Сериал)(1993) - Sidney Goldberg
Cheers(Сериал)(1992) - Cue Card Guy
Nervous Ticks(1992) - Saul Warshow
Little Man Tate(1991) - Physics Professor
Passion(1991) - Kirby Taylor
City Slickers(1991) - Barry Shalowitz
City of Hope(1991) - Mad Anthony
Beverly Hills
90210(Сериал)(1990) - Mr. Ridley
Naked Tango(1990) - Bertoni the Jeweler
Animal Behavior(1989) - Mel Gorsky
Murphy's Law(Сериал)(1988-1989) - Wesley Harden
Wall Street(1987) - Ollie
Matewan(1987) - Cabell Testerman
Radio Days(1987) - Abe
The Equalizer(Сериал)(1987) - Winston Erdlow
Spenser: For Hire(Сериал)(1986) - Leonard
The Money Pit(1986) - Jack Schnittman
Stoogemania(1985) - Howard F. Howard
Compromising Positions(1985) - Dicky Dunck
The Boy Who Loved Trolls(1984) - Wiseman
Almost You(1984) - David
Windy City(1984) - Sol
The Brother from Another Planet(1984) - Casio Vendor
At Ease(Сериал)(1983) - Maxwell
Star 80(1983) - Private Detective
Sophie's Choice(1982) - Morris Fink
Dead Ringer(1982)
Fighting Back(1982/I) - Duster
Delta House(Сериал)(1979) - Jim 'Blotto' Blutarsky
Off Campus(1977) - Steve
Seventh Avenue(Мини Сериал)(1977) - Barney Green
Atlantic City Jackpot(1976) - Wheel-of-fortune operator
Deadly Hero(1975) - Victor (as Joshua Mostel)
Harry and Tonto(1974) - Norman (as Joshua Mostel)
Jesus Christ Superstar(1973) - King Herod (as Joshua Mostel)
...and Then It Happened(Късометражен)(1972) - Wally (as Joshua Mostel)
The King of Marvin Gardens(1972) - Frank
Going Home(1971) - Bonelli


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