Зак Уард (Zack Ward)

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August 31, 1970 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Всички филми на Зак Уард (Zack Ward)

Всички филми и роли на Зак Уард (Zack Ward)

Актьор - Fallen Cards(Сериал) - The Drifter (2021)
A Christmas Story 3(2022) - Scut Farkus
Fallen Cards - The Drifter
Survive the Game(2021) - Mickey Jean
Piranha Blood Lake(2020)
Beyond the Law(2019) - Desmond Packard
2nd Chance for Christmas(2019) - Dave
Good Girl(Късометражен)(2018/II) - Charles
Z Nation(Сериал)(2018) - Lt. Dante
Swedish Dicks(Сериал)(2018) - Jeremy
American Horror Story(Сериал)(2017) - Roger
Bethany(2017) - Aaron
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia(Сериал)(2017) - Davy Mara
A Christmas in Vermont(2016) - David Briggs
Izzie's Way Home(2016) - Thurston (voice)
Restoration(2016/I) - Harold Stone
The Curse of Sleeping Beauty(2016) - Nathan
Rise of the Tomb Raider(Видео Игра)(2015) - Konstantin
Sharknado: Heart of Sharkness(2015) - Zack
How to Make a Deal with the Devil(2015) - Stan
Lab Coats: Life After the Zombie Apocalypse(Кратък телевизионен филм)(2015) - Axel
Borgore & Sikdope: Unicorn Zombie Apocalypse(Музикален видеоклип)(2014) - Scientist
Don't Blink(2014) - Alex
Blood Lake: Attack of the Killer Lampreys(2014) - Will
Murdered: Soul Suspect(Видео Игра)(2014) - Additional Voices (voice)
Haunted(2014/IV) - Chris McCulluch
Mike & Molly(Сериал)(2013) - Donny
Liv and Maddie(Сериал)(2013) - Officer Mike Clarkson
The Exes(Сериал)(2013) - Bradley
In the Void(2013) - Mark
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel(Видео Игра)(2013) - Alpha (voice)
Sick Building Syndrome(Късометражен)(2013) - Amy's Boss
Chicago Fire(Сериал)(2012) - Ted Griffin
CSI: NY(Сериал)(2012) - Keith Milner
Save the Supers(Сериал)(2012) - Jokester
CSI: Miami(Сериал)(2012) - Clyde Novak
End of the Road(2011/I) - Lt. Falco / Zack
In My Pocket(2011) - Rob
Hawaii Five-0(Сериал)(2011) - Billy Murphy
The Mentalist(Сериал)(2011) - Whit Naylor
Drop Dead Diva(Сериал)(2011) - Keith Geary
Breakout Kings(Сериал)(2011) - Christian Beaumont
Accidentally in Love(2011) - Scott Dunbar
Monster Mutt(2011) - Sirus Caldwell
Warehouse 13(Сериал)(2010) - Leo
Repo(2010) - Red
I'm in the Band(Сериал)(2010) - Xander
Dollhouse(Сериал)(2009-2010) - Zone
The Devil's Tomb(2009) - Nickels
Cold Case(Сериал)(2009) - Ed Dubinski
Battle Planet(2008) - Jordan Strider
Alone in the Dark 2(2008) - Xavier
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles(Сериал)(2008) - Wells
Dead and Gone(2008) - The Weatherman
Kissing Cousins(2008) - Charlie / Amir's friend
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation(Сериал)(2007) - Steve Card
BloodRayne II: Deliverance(2007) - Billy the Kid
Moving McAllister(2007) - Earl
Postal(2007) - Dude
Transformers(2007) - First Sergeant Donnelly
Girlfriends(Сериал)(2006-2007) - Mike
Trade(2007/I) - Alex Green
Pennies(Късометражен)(2006) - Stoner Todd
Hollywood Kills(2006) - Nate Folds
All of Us(Сериал)(2005) - Jeff Sizemore
NCIS(Сериал)(2005) - Officer Billy Krieg
Deadwood(Сериал)(2004-2005) - Hotel Desk Clerk
Aurora Borealis(2005) - Lindstrom
Lost(Сериал)(2005) - Marc Silverman
Crossing Jordan(Сериал)(2005) - FBI Agent Blair
A Night at Sophie's(2004) - Tony
Significant Others(Сериал)(2004) - Zack
Charmed(Сериал)(2004) - Sirk / Kevin Casey
Resident Evil: Apocalypse(2004) - Nicholai Ginovaeff
L.A. Twister(2004) - Lenny
Chasing Alice(2003)
The Pink House(2003) - Murray
April's Shower(2003) - August
Freddy vs. Jason(2003) - Bobby Davis (Mark's Brother)
Monte Walsh(2003) - Powder Kent
Ghost Dog: A Detective Tail(2003) - Howie Tibbadoe
MDs(Сериал)(2002) - Dr. Lewis
Titus(Сериал)(2000-2002) - Dave Scouvel
She Spies(Сериал)(2002) - The Thin Man in Black
The Outer Limits(Сериал)(2002) - Link
Completely Totally Utterly(2001) - Chad
Chasing Destiny(2001) - Eric
Almost Famous(2000) - The Legendary Red Dog
Civility(2000) - Billy
Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story(Мини Сериал)(2000) - Moody Spurgeon
Brotherhood of Murder(1999) - Charles Higgins
Y2K(1999) - Rick Rothman
Atomic Train(Мини Сериал)(1999) - Stan Atkins
Profiler(Сериал)(1999) - Reed / Little Joshua
The Pretender(Сериал)(1999) - Theodore Reed / Little Joshua
The Fair(1999) - Jimmy
Viper(Сериал)(1999) - Crup
JAG(Сериал)(1998) - Curtis Dastuge
NYPD Blue(Сериал)(1995-1998) - Dan Evers / Jerry
Nash Bridges(Сериал)(1998) - Paul Pangborn
Blade Squad(1998) - Billy Mustard
Fast Track(Сериал)(1998)
How to Make the Cruelest Month(1998) - Manhattan's Neighbor
Lancelot: Guardian of Time(1997) - A.J.
The Sentinel(Сериал)(1997) - Orange Glasses Man
Texas Ranger(Сериал)(1997) - Jerry 'Mad Dog' Sullivan
Wild America(1997) - D.C.
Party of Five(Сериал)(1997) - Ted
Sliders(Сериал)(1995-1996) - Gerald Thomas / Security Guard
The Size of Watermelons(1996) - Skinhead
Ed(1996) - Dusty Richards (as Zacharias Ward)
Star Hunter(1996) - Cooper (as Zach Ward)
Harvest for the Heart(1994) - Ross Hansen
The Club(1994) - Kyle
Boogies Diner(Сериал)(1994) - Kirby
Just for Fun(Късометражен)(1993) - Tom
Spenser: Ceremony(1993) - Hummer
Forever Knight(Сериал)(1992) - Topper
Maniac Mansion(Сериал)(1991) - Tim
Neon Rider(Сериал)(1990) - Digger
My Secret Identity(Сериал)(1990) - Daniel
Friday the 13th: The Series(Сериал)(1988) - Greg Mazzey
Taking Care of Terrific(1987) - Seth Sandruff
Anne of Avonlea(Мини Сериал)(1987) - Moody Spurgeon
Anne of Green Gables(Мини Сериал)(1985) - Moody Spurgeon
A Christmas Story(1983) - Scut Farkus

Режисьор: Fallen Cards
Patsy Lee & The Keepers of the 5 Kingdoms
Protocol X(2012)


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