Лий Евънс (Lee Evans)

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1964-2-25 - Avonmouth, Bristol, England, UK

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Лий Евънс (Lee Evans)

Всички филми и роли на Лий Евънс (Lee Evans)

Актьор - Doctor Who(Сериал)(2009) - Malcolm
The Dinner Party(2007) - Leo
The History of Mr Polly(2007) - Alfred Polly
Sprung! The Magic Roundabout(2005) - Train (English version
Freeze Frame(2004) - Sean Veil
Jester Till(2003) - Jester Till (English version
The Medallion(2003) - Arthur Watson
Vacuums(2003) - Toady
Undertaking Betty(2002) - Delbert Butterfield
Dinotopia(Мини Сериал)(2002) - Zipeau / Zippo
The Martins: Deleted Scenes(2001) - Robert Martin
The Martins: Outtakes(2001) - Robert Martin
The Martins(2001) - Robert Martin
Lee Evans: So What Now?(Сериал)(2001) - Lee
The Ladies Man(2000) - Barney
There's Something About Mary(1998) - Tucker
Mousehunt(1997) - Lars Smuntz
The Fifth Element(1997) - Fog
Brooms(Късометражен)(1996) - Can Man
The World of Lee Evans(Сериал)(1995) - Lee / Attendant
Funny Bones(1995) - Jack Parker
Clair de Lune(1995) - Pete


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