Талия Шайър (Talia Shire)

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1946-4-25 - Lake Success, Long Island, New York, USA

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Всички филми на Талия Шайър (Talia Shire)

Всички филми и роли на Талия Шайър (Talia Shire)

Актриса - Chantilly Bridge
Romancing Brazil(2021) - Ida Stern
Working Man(2019) - Iola Parkes
Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce(Сериал)(2018) - Meryl Frumpkis
Con Man(2018) - Carol Minkow
Grace and Frankie(Сериал)(2018) - Teddie
Kingdom(Сериал)(2017) - Annette Kulina
Dreamland(2016/II) - Victoria
Palo Alto(2013) - Mrs. Ganem
The Return of Joe Rich(2011) - Gloria Neiderman
Pizza with Bullets(2010) - Mary Perspirino
My Secret Billionaire(2009) - Mrs. Mancini
The Deported(2009) - Dina
Dim Sum Funeral(2008) - Viola
Looking for Palladin(2008) - Rosario
Homo Erectus(2007) - Ishbo's Mother
Christmas at Cadillac Jack's(2007) - Peg
Blue Smoke(2007) - Bianca Hale
Pomegranate(2005) - Aunt Sophia
Biography(Сериал)(Документална поредица)(2005) - Actress
I Heart Huckabees(2004) - Mrs. Silver
Dunsmore(2003) - Mildred Green
Family Tree(Късометражен)(2003) - Patricia
Kiss the Bride(2002) - Irena
The Whole Shebang(2001) - Contessa Bazinni
The Visit(2000/I) - Parole Board Member Marilyn
Lured Innocence(2000) - Martha Chambers
Palmer's Pick-Up(1999) - Mr. Price
Divorce: A Contemporary Western(1998) - Lacey
Caminho dos Sonhos(1998) - Ida Stern
The Landlady(1998) - Melanie Leroy
Can I Play?(Късометражен)(1998) - Roberta
River Made to Drown In(1997) - Jaime's Mother
She's So Lovely(1997) - Restaurant Owner (uncredited)
Born Into Exile(1997) - Donna Nolan
Nothing to Believe In(Късометражен)(1996)
Blossom(Сериал)(1995) - Talia Shire
Deadfall(1993) - Sam
Chantilly Lace(1993) - Maggie
CBS Schoolbreak Special(Сериал)(1992) - Mrs. Leland
For Richer
for Poorer(1992) - Millie Katourian
Mark Twain and Me(1991) - Jean Clemens
Bed & Breakfast(1991) - Claire
Cold Heaven(1991) - Sister Martha
The Godfather: Part III(1990) - Connie Corleone Rizzi
Rocky V(1990) - Adrian
New York Stories(1989) - Charlotte (segment "Life without Zoe")
Faerie Tale Theatre(Сериал)(1987) - Wilma Van Winkle
Blood Vows: The Story of a Mafia Wife(1987) - Gina
Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star(1986) - Dr. Tedra Rosen
Rad(1986) - Mrs. Jones
Rocky IV(1985) - Adrian
Rocky III(1982) - Adrian
Windows(1980) - Emily Hollander
Prophecy(1979) - Maggie
Rocky II(1979) - Adrian
Old Boyfriends(1979) - Dianne
I Don't Like It Like This(1978) - Carol Agnelli
The Godfather: A Novel for Television(Мини Сериал)(1977) - Connie Corleone Rizzi
Kill Me If You Can(1977) - Rosalie Asher
Rocky(1976) - Adrian
Rich Man
Poor Man(Мини Сериал)(1976) - Teresa Santoro
Doctors' Hospital(Сериал)(1976)
Foster & Laurie(1975) - Adelaide Laurie
The Godfather: Part II(1974) - Connie Corleone
Maxie(1973) - Sandy (as Tallia Shire)
The Outside Man(1972) - Make-up Girl
The Godfather(1972) - Connie
The Christian Licorice Store(1971) - Last Party Guest (as Talia Coppola)
Gas! -or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It.(1970) - Coralee (as Tally Coppola)
My World and Welcome to It(Сериал)(1970) - Lydia #3
The Dunwich Horror(1970) - Nurse Cora (as Talia Coppola)
The Wild Racers(1968) - June - Katherine's Friend (as Talia Coppola)

Режисьор: One Night Stand(1995)

Мини Биография

Талия Шиър е родена на 25 април 1946 г. в Лейк Успех, Лонг Айлънд, Ню Йорк, САЩ. Тя е актриса и продуцент, известна с филмите "Роки" (1976), "Кръстникът" (1972) и "Кръстникът, част II" (1974). Преди това е била омъжена за Джак Шварцман и Дейвид Шиър. - И.И. превод


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