Жасмин Тринка (Jasmine Trinca)

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1981-4-24 - Rome, Lazio, Italy

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Жасмин Тринка (Jasmine Trinca)

Всички филми и роли на Жасмин Тринка (Jasmine Trinca)

Актриса - You
Mine(2023) - Isabella
Montessori(2022) - Maria Montessori
Supereroi(2021) - Anna
Ultimo: Supereroi(Музикален видеоклип)(2021)
The Catholic School(2021) - Coralla Martirolo
The Story of My Wife(2021) - Viola
Romantic Guide to Lost Places(2020) - Allegra
The Goddess of Fortune(2019) - Annamaria Muscarà
Simple Women(2019) - Federica
An Almost Ordinary Summer(2019) - Penelope
Il ragazzo più felice del mondo(2018) - Attrice Famosa
On My Skin: The Last Seven Days of Stefano Cucchi(2018) - Ilaria Cucchi
Euphoria(2018) - Elena
Fortunata(2017) - Fortunata
Slam(2016) - Antonella
Tommaso(2016) - Chiara
You Can't Save Yourself Alone(2015) - Delia
Wondrous Boccaccio(2015) - Giovanna
The Gunman(2015) - Annie
Ti amo troppo per dirtelo(2014) - Francesca
Saint Laurent(2014) - Talitha Getty
Another Life(2013) - Aurore
Honey(2013) - Irene
Un giorno devi andare(2013) - Augusta
Giulia ha picchiato Filippo(Късометражен)(2012)
House of Tolerance(2011) - Julie
Ultimatum(2009/II) - Luisa
The Big Dream(2009) - Laura
solo(2007) - Cinzia
The Caiman(2006) - Teresa
Romanzo Criminale(2005) - Roberta
Cefalonia(2005) - Elena
Manual of Love(2005) - Giulia
La fuga degli innocenti(2004) - Tilla Nagler
The Best of Youth(2003) - Giorgia Esposti
The Son's Room(2001) - Irene Sermonti

Режисьор: Marcel!(2022)
Being My Mom(2020)


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