Гюстав Керверн (Gustave Kervern)

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1962-12-27 - Mauritius

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Гюстав Керверн (Gustave Kervern)

Всички филми и роли на Гюстав Керверн (Gustave Kervern)

Актьор - Aujourd'hui
j'ai tué John Wayne - Vadim
Drops of God(Сериал) - Philippe Chassangre
En même temps(2022) - Le patron du restaurant
Murder Party(2022) - Armand
Love Song for Tough Guys(2021) - Jacky
Capitain Marleau(Сериал)(2021) - Christophe Lemaire
Plus belle l'eau de vie(2021)
The Voiceless(2020) - Le Bigleux
Inhuman Resources(Мини Сериал)(2020) - Charles Bresson
Delete History(2020) - L'autre dodo
Sexfish(2019) - Daniel Luxet
Perfumes(2019) - Arsène Pélissier - le gérant
Relai(Късометражен)(2019) - Benoît
Snowlidays(2019) - Sami
All About Mothers(2018) - Grégoire
the Howling Miller(2017) - Le Maire Cardamone
See You Up There(2017)
Mr. Stein Goes Online(2017) - Bernard
The Invitation(2016) - Philippe
le collègue
150 Milligrams(2016) - Kermarec
Cigarettes et chocolat chaud(2016) - Denis Patar
The Poisoning Angel(2016) - Abbé Riallan
Odd Job(2016) - Tom
Saint Amour(2016) - L'oncle
Groland le gros métrage(2015) - L'Inventeur
Simon(2015/I) - Marc
Macadam Stories(2015) - Sterkowitz
Vengeance et terre battue(Късометражен)(2014) - Marius
Near Death Experience(2014) - Collègue Orange 2
Patchwork Family(2014) - Paul Gracineau (as Gustave de Kervern)
In the Courtyard(2014) - Antoine Le Garrec
Bande annonce Fifigrot 2013 (II)(Късометражен)(2013) - Gustave Kervern (as Gustave de Kervern)
Déferlente(Късометражен)(2012) - Le maître-chien
Nuts(2012) - Bertrand
alias Buse Invincible
Made in Groland(Сериал)(2012)
La rentrée des émissions(Кратък телевизионен филм)(2012) - Machin
Mange(2012) - Vinnie
Bocuse(Късометражен)(2012) - Eric
Torpedo(2011) - Le garagiste
All Together(2011) - Le vendeur des pompes funèbre
Holidays by the Sea(2011) - Gofeur vert
Bas-fonds(2010) - L'amant (as Gustaver Kervern)
Henry(2010/I) - Van de Breek
Mammuth(2010) - L'employé charcuterle
Groland magzine(Сериал)(2008-2010) - Gus
Louise-Michel(2008) - Le capitaine du bateau
Avida(2006) - Le captif sourd muet (as Gustave de Kervern)
Locked Out(2006) - Flic déposition (as Gustave de Kervern)
7 jours au Groland(Сериал)(2005) - L'Ogre
Aaltra(2004) - L'ouvrier agricole (as Gustave K/Vern)
Caméra café(Сериал)(2002) - Le plombier marseillais
Patron sur mesure(2002) - Pedro (as Gustave de Kervern)
Grolandsat(Сериал)(2001) - Various Characters (as Gustave de Kervern)
Toc toc toc(Мини Сериал)(2001) - Gus (as Gustave de Kervern)
H(Сериал)(1999) - Clément Dufresne
Delphine 1
Yvan 0(1996) - Le serveur (as Gustave de Kervern)

Режисьор: En même temps(2022)
Delete History(2020)
I Feel Good(2018)
Saint Amour(2016)
Near Death Experience(2014)
Le grand soir(2012)
Ya basta!(2010)
La collection pique sa crise(2010)


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