Джон Стокуел (John Stockwell)

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March 25, 1961 - Galveston, Texas, USA

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Всички филми на Джон Стокуел (John Stockwell)

Всички филми и роли на Джон Стокуел (John Stockwell)

Актьор - Escape at Dannemora(Мини Сериал)(2018) - Cabin Owner
Breaking the Girls(2012) - David Layton
Ride the Wake(Късометражен)(2008) - Grant
Turistas(2006) - Male Backpacker
Cheaters(2000) - News Producer
Breast Men(1997) - Robert Renaud
Legal Deceit(1997) - Adam
Stag(1997) - Victor Mallick
The Nurse(1997) - Jack Martin
Nixon(1995) - Staffer #1
I Shot a Man in Vegas(1995) - Grant
Aurora: Operation Intercept(1995) - Andy Aldrich
Hart to Hart: Crimes of the Hart(1994) - Peter Rubin
The Young Riders(Сериал)(1992) - Bill Barlow
Born to Ride(1991) - Capt. Jack Hassler
Millions(1991) - David Phipps
Nightmare Classics(Сериал)(1989) - Malcolm Barrington
Friday the 13th: The Series(Сериал)(1988) - Tim Ayres
Billionaire Boys Club(Мини Сериал)(1987) - Brad Sedgwick
Trying Times(Сериал)(1987) - Maxwell Fletcher
Top Gun(1986) - Cougar
Dangerously Close(1986) - Randy McDevitt
North and South
Book I(Мини Сериал)(1985) - Billy Hazard
My Science Project(1985) - Michael Harlan
Radioactive Dreams(1985) - Phillip Chandler
City Limits(1984) - Lee
Christine(1983) - Dennis
Quarterback Princess(1983) - Scott Massey
Eddie and the Cruisers(1983) - Keith Livingston
Losin' It(1982) - Spider
So Fine(1981) - Jim Sterling

Режисьор: Armed Response(2017)
Kickboxer: Vengeance(2016)
Cat Run 2(2014)
In the Blood(2014/I)
Kid Cannabis(2014)
Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden(2012)
Dark Tide(2012)
Killer in the Family(2011)
Cat Run(2011)
The L Word(2007-2009)
Middle of Nowhere(2008)
Rocky Point(2005)
Into the Blue(2005)
The Break(2003)
Blue Crush(2002)
Under Cover(1987)


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