Патриша Нийл (Patricia Neal)

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1926-1-20 - Packard, Kentucky, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Патриша Нийл (Patricia Neal)

Всички филми и роли на Патриша Нийл (Patricia Neal)

Актриса - Flying By(2009) - Margie
For the Love of May(Късометражен)(2001) - Grammy May
Cookie's Fortune(1999) - Jewel Mae 'Cookie' Orcutt
Heidi(Мини Сериал)(1993) - Grandmother
A Mother's Right: The Elizabeth Morgan Story(1992) - Antonia Morgan
She Wrote(Сериал)(1990) - Milena Maryska
Caroline?(1990) - Miss Trollope
An Unremarkable Life(1989) - Frances McEllany
Shattered Vows(1984) - Sister Carmelita
Love Leads the Way: A True Story(1984) - Mrs. Frank
Glitter(Сериал)(1984) - Madame Lil
Ghost Story(1981) - Stella
The Patricia Neal Story(1981) - Patricia Neal (uncredited)
All Quiet on the Western Front(1979) - Paul's Mother
The Passage(1979) - Ariel Bergson
The Bastard(Сериал)(1978) - Marie Charboneau
Nido de viudas(1977) - Lupe
A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story(1977) - Mrs. Gehrig
Tail Gunner Joe(1977) - Sen. Margaret Chase Smith
The American Woman: Portraits of Courage(1976) - Narrator
Movin' On(Сериал)(1975) - Maddie
Little House on the Prairie(Сериал)(1975) - Julia Sanderson
Eric(1975) - Lois Swensen
Hay que matar a B.(1974) - Julia
Things in Their Season(1974) - Peg Gerlach
Kung Fu(Сериал)(1974) - Sara Kingsley
Happy Mother's Day
Love George(1973) - Cara Perry
Baxter!(1973) - Dr. Clemm
Circle of Fear(Сериал)(1972) - Ellen Alexander
The Homecoming: A Christmas Story(1971) - Olivia Walton
The Night Digger(1971) - Maura Prince
The Subject Was Roses(1968) - Nettie Cleary
In Harm's Way(1965) - Maggie
Psyche 59(1964) - Allison Crawford
Espionage(Сериал)(1963) - Jeanne
Hud(1963) - Alma Brown
Ben Casey(Сериал)(1963) - Dr. Louise Chapelle
Zero One(Сериал)(1962) - Margo
Winter Journey(1962) - Georgie Elgin - Frank's Wife
Westinghouse Presents: That's Where the Town Is Going(1962) - Ruby Sills
The Untouchables(Сериал)(1962) - Maggie Storm
Checkmate(Сериал)(1962) - Fran Davis
Drama 61-67(Сериал)(1962) - Beebee Fenstermaker
Breakfast at Tiffany's(1961) - 2E Failenson
Rendezvous(Сериал)(1961) - Kate Merlin
Special for Women: Mother and Daughter(1961) - Ruth Evans
Play of the Week(Сериал)(1960-1961) - Grace Wilson / Amelia / Miss Y
the Mistress (in 'The Stronger')
Strindberg on Love(1960) - The Mistress (segment "The Stronger")
Clash by Night(1959) - Mae Wilenski
Pursuit(Сериал)(1958) - Mrs. Conrad
BBC Sunday-Night Theatre(Сериал)(1958) - Julia Cavendish / Marion Froude
Studio One(Сериал)(1954-1958) - Caroline Mann / Miriam Leslie
Playhouse 90(Сериал)(1957-1958) - Rena Menken / Margaret Flood
Suspicion(Сериал)(1958) - Paula Elgin
A Face in the Crowd(1957) - Marcia Jeffries
Omnibus(Сериал)(1955) - Queen Herodias (segment "Salome")
La tua donna(1954) - Contessa Germana de Torri
The Venusian(1954) - Susan North
Goodyear Playhouse(Сериал)(1954)
Something for the Birds(1952) - Anne Richards
Washington Story(1952) - Alice Kingsley
Diplomatic Courier(1952) - Joan Ross
Week-End with Father(1951) - Jean Bowen
The Day the Earth Stood Still(1951) - Helen Benson
Raton Pass(1951) - Ann Challon
Operation Pacific(1951) - Lt. (j.g.) Mary Stuart
The Breaking Point(1950) - Leona Charles
Three Secrets(1950) - Phyllis Horn
Bright Leaf(1950) - Margaret Jane Singleton
The Hasty Heart(1949) - Sister Parker
It's a Great Feeling(1949) - Patricia Neal (uncredited)
The Fountainhead(1949) - Dominique Francon
John Loves Mary(1949) - Mary McKinley


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