Дейвид Дженсън (David Jensen)

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September 23, 1952 - Pinckneyville, Illinois, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Дейвид Дженсън (David Jensen)

Всички филми и роли на Дейвид Дженсън (David Jensen)

Актьор - God Hospital(Късометражен) - Dove
Off Ramp: Juggalo Road - Virle
MK Ultra(2022) - Dr. Miller
Salt of the Earth(Късометражен)(2022) - Paul Jarrico
Moriah(Късометражен)(2020) - Abe
Queen Sugar(Сериал)(2016-2022) - Samuel Landry / Sam Landry
Bingo Hell(2021) - Mario
The Underground Railroad(Мини Сериал)(2021) - Vevay Townsman
Hillbilly Elegy(2020) - Mr. Selby
Walkaway Joe(2020) - Merle
The Quarry(2020) - Judge
The Long Shadow(2019) - Doc
True Detective(Сериал)(2019) - Roy Purcell
Hover(2018) - Farm Intruder
The Domestics(2018) - Old Man
Father/Son(Късометражен)(2017) - George Prescott
Same Kind of Different as Me(2017) - Homeless Man
Geostorm(2017) - Dr. Brackish Quigley
Manhunt(Сериал)(2017) - Jerry Burns
Camera Obscura(2017/I) - Bernard
Mudbound(2017) - Conductor
Like Son(2016/I) - Wiley
The Hand(Късометражен)(2016/II) - Brondo Sanster
Free State of Jones(2016) - Defense Attorney
Loving(2016) - Judge Bazile
Smothered(2016) - Asshole
Midnight Special(2016) - Elden
The King of New Orleans(2015) - Larry Shirt
The Parallax Theory(Мини Сериал)(2015) - Phillip Cooper
Zoo(Сериал)(2015) - Victor Holman
Hot Pursuit(2015) - Wayne
Focus(2015/II) - German Tourist (uncredited)
Zipper(2015) - Urologist
The Best of Me(2014) - Dr. Pundt
Black or White(2014) - Eldridge
Kristy(2014) - Clerk
Desiree(2014) - Doctor
Salem(Сериал)(2014) - Captain
Barefoot(2014/I) - Mr. Phelpmitter
King of Herrings(2013) - Gat
Second Sight(2013) - Herman Ortiz
Bonnie & Clyde(Мини Сериал)(2013) - Henry Barrow
The Butler(2013/I) - MacGeorge Bundy (uncredited)
This Is the End(2013) - Cannibal #1
The Last Exorcism Part II(2013) - Calder
Looper(2012) - Apt Super
Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning(2012) - Dr. Su
Alien Tornado(2012) - Armstrong
Battleship(2012) - NASA Director
The Courier(2012) - San Fran Tanna
Carjacked(2011) - Customer
Creature(2011) - Jimmy
Escapee(2011) - Police Chief Gaines
Seeking Justice(2011) - Gas Station Attendant
Battle Los Angeles(2011) - Psychiatrist
The Mortician(2011/I) - Officier Laurel
Seconds Apart(2011) - Dr. Houska
Ticking Clock(2011) - Jax
Journey to Promethea(2010) - Wiseman 1
Scanned(Късометражен)(2010) - Inspector
The Virginity Hit(2010) - Nicole's Dad
Leonie(2010) - Frederick Stokes
Cool Dog(2010) - Rueben
Jonah Hex(2010) - Turnbull's Henchman
Welcome to the Rileys(2010) - Ed
Taking Chances(2009) - Chief Samuel Many Bulls
Wolvesbayne(2009) - Dracula
Universal Soldier: Regeneration(2009) - Dr. Su
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt(2009) - Gary Spota
Wonderful World(2009) - Tow Truck Driver
Midnight Bayou(2009) - Realtor
The Way of War(2009) - The Hat Man
I Love You Phillip Morris(2009) - Judge
Becoming Monkey(Късометражен)(2008) - Tree Painter
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button(2008) - Doctor at Benjamin's Birth
Pulse 2: Afterlife(2008) - Schizophrenic (uncredited)
Warbirds(2008) - Col. Hamilton
The Mist(2007) - Myron
K-Ville(Сериал)(2007) - Lanky
The Riches(Сериал)(2007) - Conner
The Reaping(2007) - Jim Wakeman
In(2006) - Assilman
Deja Vu(2006) - Ferry Official
The Last Time(2006) - J.D. Wachowitz
Life Is Not a Fairytale: The Fantasia Barrino Story(2006) - Interviewer
Just My Luck(2006) - Stage Manager (as David E. Jensen)
Thief(Мини Сериал)(2006) - Pinky
Glory Road(2006) - Doctor (uncredited)
The Skeleton Key(2005) - Country Doctor (uncredited)
Heartless(2005/I) - Mitchel Harding
Searching for David's Heart(2004) - Mr. Casey
The Madam's Family: The Truth About the Canal Street Brothel(2004) - FBI Supervisor Taylor
Frankenstein(2004) - Fullbright
Pop Rocks(2004) - Izzy
A Love Song for Bobby Long(2004) - Junior
Infidelity(2004) - Dr. Conway
Runaway Jury(2003) - Shamburg (as David E. Jensen)
Sonny(2002) - Mr. Penn (as David E. Jensen)
Ocean's Eleven(2001) - Eye-in-the-Sky Technician #2
Tempted(2001) - Blades Man #1
Traffic(2000) - John
The Newton Boys(1998) - William Fahy
Profiler(Сериал)(1998) - Getz
The Big Easy(Сериал)(1996) - Automatic Slim
Schizopolis(1996) - Elmo Oxygen (uncredited)
Body Count(1995) - Forensics #1
The Underneath(1995) - Satellite Dish Installer
King of the Hill(1993) - Front Desk Clerk
Kafka(1991) - The Laughing Man
Reservoir Dogs(1991) - Joe Cabot (uncredited)
Winston(Късометражен)(1987) - David

Мини Биография

Актьорът Дейвид Дженсън е роден в Дукуин, Илинойс. Учи театър в LSU при Джон Денис и работи по ранните филми на Стивън Содърбърг, като кулминацията е "Шизополис" - нискобюджетна комедия в духа на Ричард Лестър и Бунюел. Известен е с филмите "Мъглата", "Midnight Special", "Benjamin Buttons", "Love Song for Bobby Long". - И.И. превод


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