Ръсел Симпсън (Russell Simpson)

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1880-6-17 - Danville, California, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Ръсел Симпсън (Russell Simpson)

Всички филми и роли на Ръсел Симпсън (Russell Simpson)

Актьор - The Horse Soldiers(1959) - Sheriff Goodbody
The Texan(Сериал)(1959) - Zeb Waters
Mackenzie's Raiders(Сериал)(1959) - Albert Penn
The Gray Ghost(Сериал)(1958) - Slocum
Goodyear Theatre(Сериал)(1958) - Mr. Austin
The Court of Last Resort(Сериал)(1958) - Glover
Sergeant Preston of the Yukon(Сериал)(1957) - Jonah
General Electric Theater(Сериал)(1956-1957)
The Tin Star(1957) - Clem Hall
Wagon Train(Сериал)(1957) - Mr. Carr
The Lonely Man(1957) - Red Bluff Poker Player (uncredited)
The Brass Legend(1956) - Deputy 'Pop' Jackson
Friendly Persuasion(1956) - Brother Griffith - Elder (uncredited)
The Millionaire(Сериал)(1956) - Frank MacKeever
These Wilder Years(1956) - Farmer (uncredited)
The 20th Century-Fox Hour(Сериал)(1955) - Old Man
Oklahoma!(1955) - The Minister (uncredited)
The Tall Men(1955) - Emigrant (uncredited)
The Last Command(1955) - The Parson
Many Rivers to Cross(1955) - Man at Inn (uncredited)
TV Reader's Digest(Сериал)(1955) - Sheriff Jim Roberts
Public Defender(Сериал)(1954) - Lundquist
Cavalcade of America(Сериал)(1953-1954) - Judge Grant / Quatermaster
Broken Lance(1954) - Judge (uncredited)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers(1954) - Mr. Bixby
Gypsy Colt(1954) - Mr. Minter (uncredited)
The Lone Ranger(Сериал)(1953) - Jack Brewster
The Sun Shines Bright(1953) - Dr. Lewt Lake
Meet Me at the Fair(1953) - Sheriff Evans
Feudin' Fools(1952) - Grandpa Smith
Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair(1952) - Clem Johnson
Gang Busters(Сериал)(1952) - George Dunkin
Lone Star(1952) - Maynard Cole
Personal Appearance Theater(Сериал)(1952)
Across the Wide Missouri(1951) - Hoback (uncredited)
Comin' Round the Mountain(1951) - Judge
Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok(Сериал)(1951) - Sam
Call of the Klondike(1950) - Andy McKay
Saddle Tramp(1950) - Pop
Wagon Master(1950) - Adam Perkins
The Outriders(1950) - Farmer (uncredited)
Free for All(1949) - Farmer
The Gal Who Took the West(1949) - Bartender (as old Timer)
The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend(1949) - Grandpa
Tuna Clipper(1949) - Capt. Fergus MacLennan
Joan of Arc(1948) - Old Man with Pipe (uncredited)
Sundown in Santa Fe(1948) - Sheriff Jim Wyatt
The Untamed Breed(1948) - Minister (uncredited)
Tap Roots(1948) - Big Sam Dabney
Coroner Creek(1948) - Walt Hardison
Albuquerque(1948) - Abner Huggins
The Fabulous Texan(1947) - Wade Clayton
Bowery Buckaroos(1947) - Luke Barlow
The Romance of Rosy Ridge(1947) - Dan Yeary
The Millerson Case(1947) - Squire Tuttle (uncredited)
A Boy and His Dog(Късометражен)(1946) - Mr. Thornycroft
My Dog Shep(1946) - Matt Hodgkins
Lady Luck(1946) - Daniel Boone (uncredited)
My Darling Clementine(1946) - John Simpson
Death Valley(1946) - Old Silas Bagley
Bad Bascomb(1946) - Elijah Walker
California Gold Rush(1946) - Colonel Parker
They Were Expendable(1945) - 'Dad' Knowland
Incendiary Blonde(1945) - Jenkins (uncredited)
Along Came Jones(1945) - Pop de Longpre
Roughly Speaking(1945) - The Colonel - Drill Instructor (uncredited)
The Big Bonanza(1944) - Adam Parker
Tall in the Saddle(1944) - Pat Foster (uncredited)
Man from Frisco(1944) - Dr. Hershey
Roaring Guns(Късометражен)(1944) - Farmer MacKenzie
Texas Masquerade(1944) - J.K. Trimble
The Woman of the Town(1943) - Sime
Moonlight in Vermont(1943) - Uncle Rufus
Riding High(1943) - Frenchy McQuire (uncredited)
Colt Comrades(1943) - Sheriff (uncredited)
Border Patrol(1943) - Orestes Krebs
Tennessee Johnson(1942) - Kirby
The Spoilers(1942) - Flapjack Sims
Lone Star Ranger(1942) - Tom Duane
Shut My Big Mouth(1942) - Mayor Potter
Wild Bill Hickok Rides(1942) - Edward 'Ned' Nolan
Nazi Agent(1942) - 2nd Captain (uncredited)
Swamp Water(1941) - Marty McCord
Last of the Duanes(1941) - Tom Duane
Wild Geese Calling(1941) - Marshal Len Baker
Bad Men of Missouri(1941) - Hank Younger
Citadel of Crime(1941) - Jess Meekins
Meet John Doe(1941)
Tobacco Road(1941) - Chief of Police
Santa Fe Trail(1940) - Shubel Morgan
Wyoming(1940) - Mr. Bronson (uncredited)
Brigham Young(1940) - U.S. Army Major
Three Faces West(1940) - Minister
Virginia City(1940) - Gaylord
The Grapes of Wrath(1940) - Pa Joad
Geronimo(1939) - Army Scout (uncredited)
Drums Along the Mohawk(1939) - Dr. Petry
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington(1939) - Kenneth Allen (uncredited)
Desperate Trails(1939) - Sheriff Big Bill Tanner
The Bill of Rights(Късометражен)(1939) - Frontiersman (uncredited)
Western Caravans(1939) - Winchester Thompson
Young Mr. Lincoln(1939) - Woolridge (uncredited)
Dodge City(1939) - Jack Orth
The Arizona Wildcat(1939) - Rancher (uncredited)
Heart of the North(1938) - Dave MacMillan
The Sisters(1938) - First Sailor (uncredited)
Valley of the Giants(1938) - McKenzie
Sons of the Plains(Късометражен)(1938)
The Girl of the Golden West(1938) - Fred - Outrider in Prologue (uncredited)
Gold Is Where You Find It(1938) - MacKenzie
Paradise Isle(1937) - Baxter
Wild West Days(1937) - Matt Keeler
Yodelin' Kid from Pine Ridge(1937) - Bayliss Baynum
Parnell(1937) - Dead Child's Father (uncredited)
That I May Live(1937) - Bish Plivens
Mountain Justice(1937) - Mr. Matthew Turnbull
Green Light(1937) - Sheep Man
Maid of Salem(1937) - Village Marshal (uncredited)
Wild Brian Kent(1936) - Race Judge (uncredited)
Ramona(1936) - Scroggs
Back to Nature(1936) - Sheriff (uncredited)
The Crime of Dr. Forbes(1936) - Sheriff Neil
San Francisco(1936) - 'Red' Kelly
Girl of the Ozarks(1936) - Bascomb Rogers
The Harvester(1936) - Abner Prewett
Man Hunt(1936) - Jeff Parkington
Paddy O'Day(1936) - Benton
Way Down East(1935) - Squire Amasa Bartlett
Motive for Revenge(1935) - McAllister
The Hoosier Schoolmaster(1935) - Doc Small
The County Chairman(1935) - Vance Jimmison
West of the Pecos(1934) - Roy Neal
Radio Scout(Късометражен)(1934) - Pappy Tolliver
The World Moves On(1934) - Notary (1825)
Ever Since Eve(1934) - Jim Wood
Three on a Honeymoon(1934) - Ezra MacDuff
Carolina(1934) - Richards
Frontier Marshal(1934) - Editor Pickett
Sixteen Fathoms Deep(1934) - A.B. Crockett
Thru Thin and Thicket
or Who's Zoo in Africa(Късометражен)(1933)
The Power and the Glory(1933) - College Engineering Professor (uncredited)
Stolen by Gypsies or Beer and Bicycles(Късометражен)(1933) - Speaker
The Moonshiner's Daughter(Късометражен)(1933) - Paw Catfield - The Moonshiner (as Russel Simpson)
Secrets(1933) - Doctor (uncredited)
Face in the Sky(1933) - Pa Nathan Brown
Born to Fight(1932) - Jackson
Silver Dollar(1932) - Hamlin
Call Her Savage(1932) - Old Man in Wagon Train
White Eagle(1932) - Gray Wolf (uncredited)
The Cabin in the Cotton(1932) - Uncle Joe
Two Lips and Juleps; or
Southern Love and Northern Exposure(Късометражен)(1932)
Hello Trouble(1932) - Jonathan Kenyon
The Honor of the Press(1932) - Dan Perkins - City Editor
The Engineer's Daughter; or
Iron Minnie's Revenge(Късометражен)(1932)
Flames(1932) - Jake
The Riding Tornado(1932) - Sheriff
Rule 'Em and Weep(Късометражен)(1932) - King's Aide
The Famous Ferguson Case(1932) - Banker Craig
Lena Rivers(1932) - Grandfather Nichols
Law and Order(1932) - Judge R.W. Williams
Ridin' for Justice(1932) - Marshal Joseph Slyde
Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise)(1931) - Doctor
Alexander Hamilton(1931) - Harvey Taylor - Ex-Soldier (uncredited)
The Great Meadow(1931) - Thomas Hall
Man to Man(1930) - Uncle Cal
Billy the Kid(1930) - Angus McSween
Abraham Lincoln(1930) - Lincoln's Employer
The Lone Star Ranger(1930) - Colonel John Aldridge
After the Fog(1929) - Joshua Barker
The Sap(1929) - The Banker
Innocents of Paris(1929) - Emile Leval
My Lady's Past(1929) - John Parker
Call of the Rockies(1929) - Gunner Bill
The Kid's Clever(1929) - John Decker
Noisy Neighbors(1929) - Ebenezer
Tropical Nights(1928) - Singapore Joe
The Bushranger(1928) - Sir Eric
Life's Mockery(1928) - Wolf Miller
The Trail of '98(1928) - Old Swede
Wild Geese(1927) - Caleb Gare
Now We're in the Air(1927) - Lord Abercrombie McTavish
The First Auto(1927) - Hank Armstrong
The Frontiersman(1927) - Andrew Jackson
The Heart of the Yukon(1927) - 'Cash' Cynon
Annie Laurie(1927) - Sandy
God's Great Wilderness(1927) - Richard Stoner
Lovey Mary(1926) - Stubbins
The Social Highwayman(1926) - The Mayor's Partner
Rustling for Cupid(1926) - Hank Blatchford
The Earth Woman(1926) - Ezra Tilden
Ship of Souls(1925) - Angus Garth
The Splendid Road(1925) - Capt. Lightfoot
The Eagle(1925) - The Eagle's Lieutenant / Coach Driver (uncredited)
Why Women Love(1925) - Silas Martin
Thunder Mountain(1925) - Si Pace
Paint and Powder(1925) - Riley
Faint Perfume(1925) - Grandpa Crumb
Old Shoes(1925)
Beauty and the Bad Man(1925) - Chuckwalla Bill
The Re-Creation of Brian Kent(1925) - Jap Taylor
The Narrow Street(1925) - Gaarvey
Painted People(1924) - Fred Lane
Desire(1923) - Patrick Ryan
The Virginian(1923) - Trampas
Defying Destiny(1923) - Mr. Wilkens
The Huntress(1923) - Big Jack Skinner
Circus Days(1923) - Eben Holt
The Rip-Tide(1923) - The Maharajah
The Girl of the Golden West(1923) - Jack Rance
When Love Is Young(1922)
The Kingdom Within(1922) - Caleb Deming
Peg o' My Heart(1922) - Jim O'Connell
Hearts Aflame(1922) - Black Joe
Fools of Fortune(1922) - Magpie Simpkins
Rags to Riches(1922) - The Sheriff
Human Hearts(1922) - Paul Logan
Across the Deadline(1922) - Enoch Kidder
Shadows of Conscience(1921) - Jim Logan
Under the Lash(1921) - Simeon Krillet
Snowblind(1921) - Hugh Garth
Bunty Pulls the Strings(1921) - Tammas Biggar
Godless Men(1920) - 'Black' Pawl
The Branding Iron(1920) - John Carver
Lahoma(1920) - 'Brick' Willock
The Deadlier Sex(1920) - Jim Willis
Out of the Dust(1920) - Captain John Evans
The Blue Bandanna(1919) - Jim Yancy
Desert Gold(1919/I) - Ladd
Fighting Cressy(1919) - Hiram McKinstry
Bill Apperson's Boy(1919) - Bill Apperson
The Brand(1919) - Dan McGill
The Challenge Accepted(1918) - Uncle Zeke Sawyer
Johnny!(1918) - Adele's Father
The Uphill Path(1918) - James Lawton
The Border Legion(1918) - Overland Bradley
Riders of the Night(1918) - Sally's Grandfather
Breakers Ahead(1918) - Captain Scudder
A Weaver of Dreams(1918) - Martin Chandler
Salt of the Earth(1917) - Sinful John
Blue Jeans(1917) - Jacob Tutwiler
The Girl Without a Soul(1917) - Judge (uncredited)
The Food Gamblers(1917) - Samuel Sloane
The Barrier(1917) - John Gaylord / John Tale
The Feud Girl(1916) - Zeb Bassett
Lovely Mary(1916) - Peter Nelson
The Old Homestead(1915) - Sheriff
Sherman Was Right(Късометражен)(1914)
The Virginian(1914) - Rancher (uncredited)


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