Роберт Миано (Robert Miano)

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September 25, 1942 - New York City, New York, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Роберт Миано (Robert Miano)

Всички филми и роли на Роберт Миано (Robert Miano)

Актьор - Something Happened: The Untold Story of Mice and Men - Mister Mann
The Target
The Elephant Ride - Papadopoulos
African Mystique
American Paradise - Clint Anderson
Devotion - Jimmy Carbone
Dirtbags(Сериал) - Old Man (2020-2021)
Italian Cowboy - Anthony Di Fusco
La Octane(Късометражен) - Don Sedrone
Stupid Cupid - Zeus
Who Killed Jimmy Gumdrops(2023) - Jimmy Gumdrops
The INN(2022) - Sal Roth
CIA International - US Attorney (as Robert Manio)
Deep Stage - Javi
My Name is Arya - Conrad
The Gold Rush Boogie - Tony Larocca
The Moretti Brothers - Sal Carboni
DYING FOR LIVING(2022) - Abbott
Someone Dies Tonight(2022) - Bruno
For Nothing(Сериал) - Richard LoGalbo (2020)
Impuratus - Dr. Heysinger
Unverified - Judge Taylor
Pig Killer(2023) - Karl Eastman
Bloodslinger(2022) - Jimmy / Simon
Bloodlands(2022) - Edward
Renegades: Ominara - Prof. Steiner
Saving Little Italy
Starf*cker - Fred
Minx(Сериал)(2022) - Lev
Night Caller(2022) - Charles Carter
Civil Disobedience(Сериал)(2021) - Older Officer / Detective Smith
Sangre Negra... Black Blood(Сериал)(2021) - Vinnie Sabatini
The American Connection(2021) - Bobby
Overrun(2021) - Ray Barren
American Liar(2021)
9-1-1(Сериал)(2021) - Arthur
Legend of Fall Creek(2021) - Old Man Granger
Sidewinder(Късометражен)(2020) - Old Man Gallo
BAB(2020) - Bascum
Out of the Fight(2020) - Col. Atchison
The Deep Ones(2020) - Russel Marsh
Elvis from Outer Space(2020) - Big Little Joey
Fierce(2020) - Mr. Greenberg
Sangre Negra(Сериал)(2016-2020) - Vinnie Sabatinni / Vincent Sabatini / Vinnie Sabotini / ...
The Nowhere Inn(2020) - Richard the Record Exec
Muna(2019) - Luca
Misfits(2019) - Uncle Frank
A Brief Wait(Късометражен)(2019) - Clifford
Exorcism at 60
000 Feet(2019) - Father Romero
Get Gone(2019/II) - Don Maxwell
Ian's Realm Saga Concept Film(Късометражен)(2019) - The Wizard
What/If(Мини Сериал)(2019) - Mr. Willis
Defeated(2018) - Tony
Frank and Ava(2018) - Hank Sanicola
Attack in LA(2018) - Wilco
The Actor(2018/I) - General Eugene Clark / Abdulrahman
Inheritance(2018/II) - Giovanni Delvecchio
Dream Wagon(2017)
Sunset Park(2017) - 'Gramps' Sarcione
The Neighborhood(2017/I) - Joey B
Executor(2017) - Isaac
Broken Dreams Blvd(2017) - Abe Zemmle
Girls Trip(2017) - Hobo Bob
Criminal Minds(Сериал)(2017) - Prospector
Call Me King(2017) - Elio
Emperor of the Free World(2016) - Giovanni
The Two Pamelas(2016) - Detective Galento
Bloody Bobby(2016) - Old Man Granger
Happy Birthday(2016/VI) - El Gato Enfermo
Assassin X(2016) - Joey
Parasites(2016/I) - Wilco
A Fighting Chance(Късометражен)(2016/II) - Bob
Last Stop(2016/I) - Albert
Tunnel Vision(2016/I) - Robert French
Cassandra's Castle(Сериал)(2016) - Silvio
The Green Fairy(Документален)(2016) - Schwyzerdutsch
Ghost Aliens(2015) - Doctor Stewart
No Way Out(2015/III) - Rodolfo
If I Tell You I Have to Kill You(2015) - Detective Wilkes
Art of Anarchy: Til the Dust Is Gone(2015) - Robert Miano
An Act of War(2015) - Sully
Mafia Heaven(2014) - Mob Guy
Rick's Parking(2014) - Gino Mafia
Being American(2014) - Atash
No Loose Ends(Късометражен)(2014)
Reflections(Късометражен)(2014/II) - Dr. Grimaldi
The Sparrows(Сериал)(2014) - Gus Sparrow
A Winter Rose(2014) - Jimmy
Lost in Gray(Късометражен)(2014) - Frank
Charlie Murphy's Law(Сериал)(2014) - Mr. Phelps
63lbs(Късометражен)(2013) - Mr. Prescot
Pendejo (Idiot)(2013) - Rodney
The Book of Daniel(2013) - Old Daniel
Blood of Redemption(2013) - Sergio (Serge) Grimaldi
Chavez Cage of Glory(2013) - Bret Johnson
Independence(2013) - Tom
The Cloth(2013) - Lewis
The Book of Esther(2013) - Mordecai
Revelation Road: The Beginning of the End(2013) - Narrator (voice)
Samuel Bleak(2013) - Reverend John
Broken Blood(2013) - Capra
Lady of RAGE(Късометражен)(2013) - The Smithsonian
Match Made(Късометражен)(2012) - Charlie
Piece of a Cake(Късометражен)(2012) - Fettucini
Revan(2012) - Silvani
Beyond the Trophy(2012) - Gino Del Porto
Low Lifes(2012) - Don
The Encounter: Paradise Lost(2012) - Bruno Mingarelli
Rose's Diet(Късометражен)(2012) - Vito
A Fallen Angel(Късометражен)(2012) - Cerberus
The Final Shift(2012) - Maslow
American Liar(2012) - Attorney Kelogg
A Comic Trap(2011) - Waldbalm
A Kiss and a Promise(2011) - Det. Joseph Bello
Mysteria(2011) - Aleister
Impulse Black(2011) - Dr. Max Osbourne
Memphis Rising: Elvis Returns(2011) - Nicoletti
Boston Girls(2010) - Sargent Joseph Scotto
Family Virtues(Късометражен)(2010)
Minor League: A Football Story(2010) - Coach Whistler
The Sinners(2010) - The Father
Little Fockers(2010) - Party Parents
Awakening Arthur(Късометражен)(2010) - Arthur
Nightbeasts(2010) - Straw Hat Man
Death Calls(2010) - FBI Agent Padilla
Cage Free(2010) - Detective Gonzalez
American Mobster(2010) - Marco Leone
Sarah's Choice(2009) - Henry
Giallo(2009) - Inspector Mori
Fast & Furious(2009) - Braga Double
Without(Късометражен)(2009/I) - Man 02
Resurrection County(2008) - Parson
The Sit Down(Късометражен)(2008) - Paulie
Waiting for the Miracle(Късометражен)(2008) - Fulci
The Beneficiary(Късометражен)(2008) - Peter
Exact Bus Fare(Късометражен)(2008) - Razelli
2:22(2008) - Willy
David & Fatima(2008) - Dr. Levi
Fashion Victim(2008) - Gianni Versace
Safehouse(2008/I) - Antonio Moffa
The Stick Up Kids(2008) - Levine
Lady Samurai(2007) - Ian Stanley
No Names(Късометражен)(2007)
The Third Nail(2007) - Father Antonio
The Indian(2007) - Dr. Reed
You're So Dead(2007) - Julius
Sugar Creek(2007) - Pete St. Clair
Circumstances of Fate(2006) - Mobster
The System Within(2006) - Richard Lord
Vagabond(2006) - Ivan Mangele
The Still Life(2006) - Mr. Rifken
Even Money(2006/I) - Pit Boss
Unbeatable Harold(2006) - Drunk Customer
Devil's Highway(2005) - Joe
The Story of Bob(Късометражен)(2005) - Officer Paul Fiorentino
Confessions of a Pit Fighter(2005) - Mario
Chasing Ghosts(2005) - Anthony Parramatti
Today You Die(2005) - Bruno
Edison(2005) - Droste
Larva(2005) - Sheriff Lester
Sin's Kitchen(2004) - Vinnie
The Young and the Restless(Сериал)(2004) - Bertolli Lewis
Shadow of Fear(2004) - Mr. Davis
Skeleton Man(2004) - Blind Indian
Killer Weekend(2004) - Detective Luke Nicolleti
Submarines(2003) - Sajid Kahn
Studio City(Късометражен)(2003) - Carmine
The Jersey(Сериал)(2002)
Turn of Faith(2002) - Louie Muro
Cock & Bull Story(2002) - Charlie Murray
The Shield(Сериал)(2002) - Eddie Crosby
Whacked!(2002) - Lucky Salvatore
The Stick Up(2002) - Lt. Vincent Marino
The Black Rose(2000) - Agent Marzetti
Dungeons & Dragons(2000) - Azmath
Our Lips Are Sealed(2000) - Emil Hatchew
Texas Ranger(Сериал)(2000) - Clint Redman
Luckytown(2000) - Tony DeCarlo
Loser(2000) - Victor
Night of Terror(1999)
Ryan Caulfield: Year One(Сериал)(1999)
Early Edition(Сериал)(1999) - Mr. Escobar
Storm Catcher(1999) - General William Jacobs
Hitman's Run(1999) - Dominic Catania
Acapulco H.E.A.T.(Сериал)(1999) - Tully Sims
L.A. Heat(Сериал)(1999) - Alfredo Matessa
Ballad of the Nightingale(1999) - Uncle Frankie
Running Red(1999) - Chambers
Two Shades of Blue(1999) - Alvin Stone
Cool Crime(1999) - Uncle Bruce
Lansky(1999) - Vito Genovese
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine(Сериал)(1999) - Frankie Eyes
Unconditional Love(1999) - Harry Peskel
Air America(Сериал)(1999)
Malevolence(1999) - Holbrook
Thick as Thieves(1999) - Riles
Vengeance Unlimited(Сериал)(1999) - Michael Sanricci
The Perfect Shadow(1998) - Joaquin
Hijack(1998) - John Gathers
Butter(1998) - Visconti
Detour(1998) - Gianni Grasso
Back to Even(1998) - Volanta
She's Too Tall(1998) - Omar
Matter of Trust(1998) - Ben
Mike Hammer
Private Eye(Сериал)(1998) - Angel Grammatico
Smoke Signals(1998) - Burt Cicero
Lesser Prophets(1997) - Sal
Executive Target(1997) - Jack
High Tide(Сериал)(1997)
Laws of Deception(1997) - Raymond Kelsey
Donnie Brasco(1997) - Sonny Red
Opposite Corners(1997) - Carmine
Eraser - Turnabout(Видео Игра)(1996) - File Clerk (voice)
The Killer Inside(1996) - Detective Nicoletti
The Funeral(1996) - Enrico
Irresistible Impulse(1996) - Detective Nicolette
Overkill(1996/I) - Ben Anderson
Caroline in the City(Сериал)(1996) - Pauly Brown
Uninhibited(1995) - 'Papa' Escobar
Phantasmagoria(Видео Игра)(1995) - Carno
General Hospital(Сериал)(1995) - Joe Scully Sr.
Ballistic(1995) - Businessman
Night of the Archer(1994) - Oscar Lucci
Guardian Angel(1994) - David
Blindfold: Acts of Obsession(1994) - Officer Parker
3 Ninjas Kick Back(1994) - Shuttle Driver
Lookin' Italian(1994) - Charlie
Frasier(Сериал)(1994) - Rocco
Taxi Dancers(1994) - Miguelito
Midnight Kiss(1993) - Capt. Nicoletti
No Escape No Return(1993) - Larry
Quest of the Delta Knights(1993) - Incense Merchant
Deadly Rivals(1993) - The Interrogator
Sliver(1993) - Det. Howard
Bob(Сериал)(1993) - Robber
It Came from the Desert(Видео Игра)(1992) - Sheriff
Bikini Summer II(1992) - Joshua
Out for Blood(1992) - Geisler
A Time to Die(1991) - Eddie
Pros and Cons(Сериал)(1991) - Burns
Diplomatic Immunity(1991) - Serrano
Blood Ties(1991) - Vampire Hunter #3
The Last Hour(1991) - Frankie
Driving Me Crazy(1991) - Omar
Superboy(Сериал)(1991) - Garrett Waters
Jake and the Fatman(Сериал)(1991) - Manny Pacheco
Hangfire(1991) - Ace
Matlock(Сериал)(1990) - Ken Groman / William Hodges
The Rain Killer(1990) - Allenby
El Diablo(1990) - Bandit #1
Blue Desert(1990) - William Karp
Ministry of Vengeance(1989) - Ali Aboud
Easy Wheels(1989) - Nick
Sonny Spoon(Сериал)(1988) - Milton
Divorce Court(Сериал)(1988) - Mr. Conti
Midnight(1988) - Arnold
Traxx(1988) - Arturo
Crime Story(Сериал)(1987) - Phil Ross
Weeds(1987) - Parole Board
Open House(1987) - Shapiro
China Girl(1987) - Enrico Perito
Sidekicks(Сериал)(1987) - Chaffee
Hunter(Сериал)(1987) - Karl
The A-Team(Сериал)(1986)
Outrage!(1986) - Santini
Hollywood Vice Squad(1986) - Luchessi
Club Life(1986) - Ferd
Grandma's Bread(Късометражен)(1985) - Father
MacGyver(Сериал)(1985) - Black
Knots Landing(Сериал)(1984-1985) - Mechanic / Slim
T.J. Hooker(Сериал)(1982-1985) - Alex Lucas / Ernie Hanks / George Coleman / ...
A Death in California(Мини Сериал)(1985)
Finder of Lost Loves(Сериал)(1985) - Mechanic
Cagney & Lacey(Сериал)(1984) - Jogger
Fear City(1984) - Hitman #2
Firestarter(1984) - Blinded Agent
Chained Heat(1983) - Stone
Kiss Me Goodbye(1982) - Michael
The Concrete Jungle(1982) - Stone
Vice Squad(1982) - Duty Sergeant
Fantasy Island(Сериал)(1981) - Cavalier
It's a Living(Сериал)(1981) - Rick
CHiPs(Сериал)(1981) - Jesus
Barnaby Jones(Сериал)(1980) - Hit-Man
How the West Was Won(Сериал)(1979) - Antoine
The Amazing Spider-Man(Сериал)(1979) - Assault Team Bravo member
The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries(Сериал)(1977) - Roth
Police Story(Сериал)(1976) - Cop #3
Spencer's Pilots(Сериал)(1976) - Pete Carlislie
Alex & the Gypsy(1976) - Young Shepherd
Bridger(1976) - Modoc Leader
Atlantic City Jackpot(1976) - Steve
The Streets of San Francisco(Сериал)(1976) - Joey Lucero
Death Wish(1974) - Mugger (uncredited)
Badge 373(1973) - Sweet William's Hood


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