Ричард Кларкин (Richard Clarkin)

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Всички филми на Ричард Кларкин (Richard Clarkin)

Всички филми и роли на Ричард Кларкин (Richard Clarkin)

Актьор - Carmen(2022) - Tom
Son of a Critch(Сериал)(2022) - Dick Dunphy
Stardust(2020/II) - Mickelson
Learning to Love Again(2020) - Joe
I Was Lorena Bobbitt(2020) - Mr. Howard
Nurses(Сериал)(2020) - Det. Arlo Walker / Detective Arlo Walker / Detective Walker
Easy Land(2019) - Ben
Extracurricular(2018) - Dave Lauderback
Burden of Truth(Сериал)(2018) - Nate Dawson
Murdoch Mysteries(Сериал)(2010-2017) - Chief Constable Davis / Inspector Jeffrey Davis / Inspector Davis
Ordinary Days(2017/I) - Rich Cook
The Drawer Boy(2017) - Morgan
Great Great Great(2017) - David Paolini
Goon: Last of the Enforcers(2017) - Gord Ogilvey
Ride(Сериал)(2016) - Bill
Saving Hope(Сериал)(2015) - Ralph Lively
Rogue(Сериал)(2015) - ADA Fred Yunker
Killjoys(Сериал)(2015) - Hogan
Bitten(Сериал)(2015) - Dr. Randall Penner
The Transporter(Сериал)(2014) - Tommy Sands
The Anniversary(2014/I) - Paul Miller
Pitka Koirat: A Horse in the Folds(Късометражен)(2014) - Truut
Running Season(Късометражен)(2014) - Hank Wallace
Suits(Сериал)(2014) - Jacob Walker
Forget and Forgive(2014) - Clay Russo
Solo(2013/I) - Fred
Molly Maxwell(2013) - Raymond
The Firm(Сериал)(2012) - John Hannon
Lost Girl(Сериал)(2012) - Brother Douglas
Goon(2011) - Gord Ogilvey
The Listener(Сериал)(2011) - Sasha Mirinov
Republic of Doyle(Сериал)(2011) - Edward
and Insignificant(2010)
Heartland(Сериал)(2010) - Keith
Casino Jack(2010) - Partner #1
You Are Here(2010/II) - Hal - A Tracker
Flashpoint(Сериал)(2009) - Rafer Wilcox
Crangle's Collision(Късометражен)(2009) - Frank
Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends(Сериал)(2008) - Holley
The Border(Сериал)(2008) - Pavel Makarov
Production Office(2008) - Dick
Sadie(Сериал)(2005-2007) - Walter Hawthorne
Finn's Girl(2007) - Paul
The Altar Boy Gang(Сериал)(2007) - Tom Gallagher
Fire Serpent(2007) - Kohler
The Third Eye(2007) - Michael Miller
Playing House(2006) - Richard
Land of the Dead(2005) - Steele
Sisters in the Wilderness: The Lives of Susanna Moodie and Catharine Parr Traill(2004) - John Moodie
Penguins Behind Bars(Кратък телевизионен филм)(2003) - Charlie Abaloney (voice)
Earth: Final Conflict(Сериал)(1999-2002) - Nason / Mitchell
Queer as Folk(Сериал)(2002) - Shepherd Frankel
The Accuser(Сериал)(2000) - Dan Mason / The Accuser (voice)
The Thin Blue Lie(2000) - Scala
City of Fear(2000) - Venco
Monet: Shadow and Light(1999) - Pierre Auguste Renoir
War of 1812(Мини Сериал)(1999) - Andrew Jackson
PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal(Сериал)(1999) - Earl Carpenter / Sid
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis(Видео Игра)(1999) - Murphy (voice)
Teenage Space Vampires(1999) - Danvers
The Five Senses(1999) - Raymond
Power Stone(Сериал)(1999)
Mythic Warriors: Guardians of the Legend(Сериал)(1998) - Hermes
Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Couples(1998) - Simon (segment "Aart and Johtje Vos")
F/X: The Series(Сериал)(1997) - Pistone
La Femme Nikita(Сериал)(1997) - Gabriel Tyler
Kung Fu: The Legend Continues(Сериал)(1993-1996) - Bonaduce / Pearce


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