Шон Стоун (Sean Stone)

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1984-12-29 - New York City, New York, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Шон Стоун (Sean Stone)

Всички филми и роли на Шон Стоун (Sean Stone)

Актьор - My Grandpa the Assassin
Hollywood Rooftop(Сериал)(2021) - Rick
Daddy Issues(Късометражен)(2020/II) - Young Dad
Night Walk(2019/I) - Frank
Battle Fields(2018) - Bobby O'Malley
Fury of the Fist and the Golden Fleece(2018) - Fist
Ancient Civilizations(Сериал)(2017)
Outcall Presents: The Day Shift(Късометражен)(2017) - Frank
The Movie Man(Късометражен)(2016) - Henry Rogers
Union Bound(2016) - Joseph Hoover
Paranormal Activity Security Squad(2016) - Mason Pike
Please!(Късометражен)(2015) - Ken
Road Hard(2015) - Ryan
American Justice(2015) - TJ
Awakened(2013) - Man with the Fedora Hat
Don't Pass Me By(2013) - Josh Malek
A Star for Christmas(2012) - Nolan Denver
Savages(2012) - Eric / Marijuana Grower
Greystone Park(2012) - Sean
Nevo(Късометражен)(2011) - Stephan
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps(2010) - Rumor Hedge Fund Trader #1
W.(2008/I) - Fraternity Pledge #1
Any Given Sunday(1999) - Fan (as Sean C. Stone)
U Turn(1997) - Boy in Grocery Store
Nixon(1995) - Donald Nixon
Natural Born Killers(1994) - Kevin
Heaven & Earth(1993) - Young Boy with Jesuit Missionaries (uncredited)
JFK(1991) - Jasper Garrison
The Doors(1991) - Young Jim
Born on the Fourth of July(1989) - Young Jimmy
Wall Street(1987) - Rudy Gekko
Salvador(1986) - Boyle's Baby

Режисьор: A Child's Night Dream
Light Warriors: Legend of the Necronomicon
MetaHuman Brain Mapping(2018)
Greystone Park(2012)
Dangerous Dynasty: The Bush Legacy(2009)
No Stranger to Controversy: Oliver Stone's George W. Bush(2009)
Beyond Nixon(2008)
Nuremberg: The 60th Anniversary Director's Cut(2007)
Fight Against Time: Oliver Stone's Alexander(2005)
Perfect Is the Enemy of Good(2005)
Resurrecting 'Alexander'(2005)
The Death of 'Alexander'(2005)


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