Матю Бърд (Matthew Beard)

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1989-3-25 - London, England, UK

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Матю Бърд (Matthew Beard)

Всички филми и роли на Матю Бърд (Matthew Beard)

Актьор - Funny Woman(Сериал)(2022) - Bill
Magpie Murders(Сериал)(2022) - James Taylor / Fraser
Vienna Blood(Сериал)(2019-2021) - Max Liebermann
Avenue 5(Сериал)(2020) - Alan Lewis
Dracula(Мини Сериал)(2020) - Jack
Johnny English Strikes Again(2018) - P
Kiss Me First(Мини Сериал)(2018) - Adrian
Elizabeth Harvest(2018) - Oliver
The Party's Just Beginning(2018) - Alistair
Decline and Fall(Мини Сериал)(2017) - Arthur Potts
Carnage(2017) - Voice of Jeremy
The Pity of War: The Loves and Lives of the War Poets(2016) - Wilfred Owen
Out for a Walk(Късометражен)(2015) - Stephen
The Lovers(2015/I) - Matt
The Riot Club(2014) - Guy
The Imitation Game(2014) - Peter Hilton
Skylight(2014) - Edward Sergeant
Rogue(Сериал)(2013) - Max Laszlo
The Look of Love(2013) - Howard Raymond
Labyrinth(Мини Сериал)(2012) - Sajhe
Supermarket Girl(Късометражен)(2011) - Andy
One Day(2011) - Murray Cope
Chatroom(2010) - Jim
Acid Burn(Късометражен)(2010) - Richard
An Education(2009) - Graham
Trial & Retribution(Сериал)(2008) - Andy Harper
The Royal Today(Сериал)(2008) - Luke Alexander
When Did You Last See Your Father?(2007) - Blake (Teen)
Johnny and the Bomb(Мини Сериал)(2006) - Young Tom Maxwell
The Royal(Сериал)(2004) - Peter Blackwood
Fat Friends(Сериал)(2002-2004) - Lee / Lee McGary
The Eustace Bros.(Сериал)(2003) - Sam Eustace
Sons & Lovers(2003) - Young Paul
An Angel for May(2002) - Tom Collins
Where the Heart Is(Сериал)(1997-2002) - James Parker / Richard Cross / Boy One
Big Meg
Little Meg(Сериал)(2000) - Freddie Johnson
Soldier Soldier(Сериал)(1991) - Matthew Wilton


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