Актьор - Sherlock the Musical(2022) - Lestrade The Bystanders(2021) - Tim Hades The IP Section(Сериал)(2019-2020) - Brian Bread Pudding(Късометражен)(2019) - Albert A Late Bris(2018) - Rabbi Jerome Howard's Hot Roommate(Сериал)(2016) - Bart Whitehouse Clubhouse(Късометражен)(2016) - Oil Baron The Negotiator(Късометражен)(2015/II) - Hostage Stop Pepper Palmer(2014) - Rob Evans Daily ReHash(Сериал)(2013) - 'Himself' - Host (2013) Dr. Fubalous(Сериал)(2012) - Doug Gary the Unicorn(Сериал)(2012) Unicorn City(2012) - Clancy The Date(Късометражен)(2011/V) Vamp U(2011) - Tom Slansky Repo(2010) - Randy Air(Късометражен)(2009/I) - Tyler Walker Scout Camp(2009) - Stuart 'Trading Post' Stuartson The Adventures of Dash Dawson(2009) - Reflector Through the Valley(Късометражен)(2008/II) - Elder Decker The Singles 2nd Ward(2007) - Movie Jonathan Stalking Santa(2006) - Clarence's Roomate Pirates of the Great Salt Lake(2006) - Lance (Trailer Dude) Sons of Provo(2004) - Larry Leavitt