Джеймс Дювал (James Duval)

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September 10, 1972 - Detroit, Michigan, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Джеймс Дювал (James Duval)

Всички филми и роли на Джеймс Дювал (James Duval)

Актьор - Ashes - Owen
Buzzkillers - Trey
Flexx - Sam Morlock
Butch Cassidy's Forgotten Outlaw - Elzy Lay (rumored)
Quigley 2 - Bob
Sin Her Scared - Kane
The First Circle - Paul Porter
Like It Was Yesterday(Сериал)(2022) - Miles
The INN(2022) - Jack Raimi
Cadillac Respect(Късометражен) - Governor Hughes
Prelude - Officer Thomas Gucci
The Final Experiment - Mason Sanders
Free LSD(2023) - Homeless Man / The Producer
Doubt (And the Sky Began to Scream)(2022) - Samuel Olmedo Walter
Alien Vampire Busters - Pod captive
Bits - Brian
Cheer Bloody Murder - Reeves
For Nothing(Сериал) - Jack Benton (2020)
Future Punks
Night of the Zomghouls - Bodhi
Numbskull Revolution
Woods Witch(2022) - Garrett Gaspar
The Legend of Catclaws Mountain(2022) - Marcus McKinley
The Detective(Сериал) - CSI Officer Dave
Tales from the Other Side(2022) - Elijah (Segment: "Either / Or")
Adults Only(Сериал) - Jacques Joubert
Without Ward(2022) - Helmholtz W. Gault
The Runner(Късометражен)(2022/I) - Television Announcer
Boy Harsher: Machina featuring Mariana Saldaña(2022) - The Television Host
Challenger(2022) - Sid
Nightshade(2022) - Officer Camello
Amityville Karen(2022)
City Limits(2021/II) - Feodore
The Murdershow(2021)
Desert Moon(2021) - William
In from Outside(2021) - Tate
The Dog of Christmas(2021) - Nick
Under the Palm Tree(2021) - Dan Taylor
The Video Store(Късометражен)(2021) - Agent Elliot
Beast Mode(2020) - Huckle Saxton
Broads and Blackjack(2020) - Oscar Chavez
Spinning Dry(2019) - Samuel 'Norm' Normandie
Darling Nikki(2019) - Ethan / Nikki's boyfriend
From the Dead(2019) - Eddie
Bride+1(2019) - Jothem
Now Apocalypse(Сериал)(2019) - Homeless Man
The Master of Pulpits(2019) - Jimmy Duval
Space Diner Tales(Сериал)(2018) - Jett Walker
Junkie(2018/I) - Kie Alexander
American Nightmares(2018) - Felix
BoJack Horseman(Сериал)(2018) - Executive Grip
Mission Possible(2018) - Harry
Spreading Darkness(2017) - Mark Minscourri
The Black Room(2017) - Leo
Garlic & Gunpowder(2017) - Archie Bocci
Eschew(Късометражен)(2017) - Death
The Abduction of Jennifer Grayson(2017/II) - Jeremy
Mamma Loves Shortnin'(Късометражен)(2016) - Director
It Watches(2016) - Guy
Midnight 2020(2016) - Tiberius Malloy
American Romance(2016) - Stewart Miles
Boomer Hogs(Късометражен)(2016) - Dizzy
Anthrax: Blood Eagle Wings(2016) - The Hero
Punk's Dead: SLC Punk 2(2016) - John The Mod
A Fresh Coat of Paint(Късометражен)(2015) - Daniel
Dutch Hollow(2015) - Patrick Lewis
Hawaii Five-0(Сериал)(2015) - Kaili Huikala
Appetites(2015) - Paul
Tales of Halloween(2015) - Dante (segment "This Means War")
Delirium(2015/VII) - Burell
Shut Up and Drive(2015) - Ben
The Sparrows: Nesting(2015) - Hector Sanchez
Moxie(Късометражен)(2015/I) - Brad
Catch of the Day(2014) - Detective Alex Hoyt
Cut(Късометражен)(2014/I) - Fighter #0237
American Muscle(2014) - Tommy Two-Tone
Hercules Reborn(2014) - Horace
Naked Angel(2014) - Andreas
Window Licker(2014) - Dan Finkle
The Day of the Living Dead(2014) - Roger Abel
Dead Sea(2014) - Said
Tom Holland's Twisted Tales(2014) - Toughey (segment "Shockwave")
Twisted Tales(Сериал)(2013) - Toughey
American Girls(2013) - Bryan Palmer
Carlos Spills the Beans(2013) - Gay Scott
Prevertere(2013) - Blade
Tasting Wednesday(Късометражен)(2013) - Mr. Richards
Five Thirteen(2013) - Reggie
Amelia's 25th(2013) - Evan
American Idiots(2013) - Arrowroot
All Together Now(2013/I) - Zeke
9 Full Moons(2013) - Terry
Blue Dream(2013) - Robert Harmon
Look at Me(2012/I) - Frank
Undead: A Love Story(Късометражен)(2012) - Agent Gates
Sushi Girl(2012) - Francis
Free Samples(2012) - Antonio
Oblivion(2011/I) - Gaige Tandum
Sissy(Късометражен)(2011/I) - Frank
Touchback(2011) - Rodriguez
Alyce Kills(2011) - Vince
Now Here(2010/I) - Luis Ortiz
On Holiday(2010/I) - Henry
The Black Belle(2010) - James Duval (as Jimmy Duval)
The Music Box(Късометражен)(2010) - Allister
Playback(2010/I) - Clark
Kaboom(2010) - The Messiah
Everything Will Happen Before You Die(2010) - Paynie 'The Eagle'
Caller ID: Entity(2010) - Miles
Cornered!(2009) - Jimmy
The Black Waters of Echo's Pond(2009) - Rick
Thirsty(Късометражен)(2009) - Beverage Announcer (voice)
Penance(2009/I) - Sleazy party guy
2 Dudes and a Dream(2009) - Phil
Evilution(2008) - Asia Mark
Toxic(2008) - Brad
The Art of Travel(2008) - Taylor 'One Ball'
Kush(2007) - Cyrus
Luck of the Draw(Късометражен)(2007) - Grady
The Pacific and Eddy(2007) - Noel
Numb(Късометражен)(2007/II) - Caleb
The Iron Man(2006) - Lawyer 2
Pancho and Lefty(Късометражен)(2006) - Lefty
Roman(2006) - Goth Dude (scenes deleted)
Mad Cowgirl(2006) - Thierry
Venice Underground(2005) - Lucious Jackson
Chasing Ghosts(2005) - Dmitri Parramatti
Standing Still(2005) - Store Clerk
Window Theory(2005) - 'Big' Dave Kordelewski
The Untitled J.C. Project(Късометражен)(2004) - Judas
Open House(2004) - Joel Rodman
Frog-g-g!(2004) - Freb
Red Zone(2003) - Ray
Comic Book Villains(2002) - Baz
Scumrock(2002) - Drew
May(2002) - Blank
Amerikana(2001) - Chris
The Tag(Късометражен)(2001) - Viggs
The Doe Boy(2001) - Hunter
Donnie Darko(2001) - Frank
This Is How the World Ends(2000) - Blue
Gone in 60 Seconds(2000) - Freb
The Weekend(1999) - Robert
Hotel Alexandria(Мини Сериал)(1999) - Romero
Go(1999) - Singh
Stamp and Deliver(1998)
The Clown at Midnight(1998) - George
Wild Horses(1998) - Jimmy
SLC Punk!(1998) - John the Mod (as Jimmy Duval)
How to Make the Cruelest Month(1998) - Westy
River Made to Drown In(1997) - Jaime
Nowhere(1997) - Dark
Independence Day(1996) - Miguel
The Doom Generation(1995) - Jordan White
Mod Fuck Explosion(1994) - Smack (Biker)
Nine Inch Nails: Broken(1993) - Actor (voice)
Totally F***ed Up(1993) - Andy
An Ambush of Ghosts(1993) - Student #1


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