Анибал О. Лерас (Anibal O. Lleras)

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1955-7-26 - Cayey, Puerto Rico

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Анибал О. Лерас (Anibal O. Lleras)

Всички филми и роли на Анибал О. Лерас (Anibal O. Lleras)

Актьор - The GateWay(Сериал) - Spanish King (2022)
Imprisoned(2018) - Cheff
A Felon in New York(2017) - Charlie
Back to the Beginning(2015/I) - Chao
Lavoe(2011) - Bodyguard (uncredited)
La soga(2009) - Rafa's crew #1
Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia(2009) - Carlos Rivera
Pedro(2008) - Hector Zamora
Spare Parts(Късометражен)(2006/II)
Siempre te amare(2004) - Body guard
Encuentros(2003) - Sordier
De la mano de un ángel(2002) - Telemundo--P.R.
All Night Bodega(2002) - Ramon (as Anibal Lleras)
Más allá del límite(2002) - Plane Passenger (uncredited)
The Sleepy Time Gal(2001) - Mr. Vega
Wonderland(Сериал)(2000) - Actor
O.K. Garage(1998) - Angel - Mechanic
A Brooklyn State of Mind(1998) - Man at Rivera's (as Anibal O. Lieras)
The Devil's Advocate(1997) - Restaurant Cheff (uncredited)
The Preacher's Wife(1996) - Pizza Man (uncredited)
Assassins(1995) - Cabbie
Sweet Nothing(1995) - Georgy
Die Hard with a Vengeance(1995) - Train Passenger (uncredited)
Someone Else's America(1995) - Filipino
Nobody's Fool(1994) - Juror (uncredited)
Law & Order(Сериал)(1991-1994) - Antonio / Man #1
NYPD Blue(Сериал)(1994) - Bidder #2
No Escape No Return(1993) - Caesar (as Anibal Lleras)
Dancing to a Different Beat(1993) - Demon guy
Flodder in Amerika!(1992) - Mexicaanse dief
Laws of Gravity(1992) - Rey (as Anibel Leirras)
In the Soup(1992) - Uncle Teo's Friend
Las chicas de hoy en día(Сериал)(1991)
The Super(1991) - Neighbour (uncredited)
Regarding Henry(1991) - Hospital Pacient (uncredited)
Hangin' with the Homeboys(1991) - Neighbour (uncredited)
The Hard Way(1991) - Detective (uncredited)
Scenes from a Mall(1991) - Janitor (uncredited)
The Bronx War(1991) - Sam
The Marilyn Diaries(1990) - Nicaragua - Contras rebels leader
Goodfellas(1990) - Fellas Chauffer (uncredited)
State of Grace(1990) - Club-Pool Play-1 (uncredited)
Backstreet Dreams(1990) - Under the Bridge Biker (uncredited)
Presumed Innocent(1990) - Arrested Convict (uncredited)
Frankenhooker(1990) - Pimp (uncredited)
Q&A(1990) - 'After Hours' Patron (as Anibal Lleras)
A Shock to the System(1990) - Homeless (uncredited)
Murder in Black and White(1990) - Street Singer (uncredited)
Kojak: Fatal Flaw(1989) - Standin (uncredited)
The Occultist(1988) - President Davalos (as Anibal Lleras)
Times Square(1980) - Cabby (uncredited)
Natas es Satan(1977) - Bomb Squad #One


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