Бликса Баргелд (Blixa Bargeld)

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1959-1-12 - Berlin, Germany

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Бликса Баргелд (Blixa Bargeld)

Всички филми и роли на Бликса Баргелд (Blixa Bargeld)

Актьор - Golden Twenties(2019) - Nachbar
Einstürzende Neubauten: Elbphilharmonie LIVE(2017)
Anhedonia(2016) - Diabolus
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: Babe
I'm on Fire(2003) - Blixa Bargeld
Recycled(2000) - Barmann
Die sieben Feuer des Todes(1997)
Die totale Therapie(1996) - Dr. Romero
Baby Trouble Hole(1996) - Performer
The Terrorists!(1992)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: Straight to You(1992) - Blixa Bargeld
The Song(Късометражен)(1991)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: The Weeping Song(1990)
IDn2(Късометражен)(1990) - Entry
Nihil oder Alle Zeit der Welt(1987) - Visionär
Wings of Desire(1987) - Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Bad Blood for the Vampyr(Късометражен)(1984) - Evil Priest


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