Том Беринджър (Tom Berenger)

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May 31, 1949 - Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Всички филми на Том Беринджър (Tom Berenger)

Всички филми и роли на Том Беринджър (Tom Berenger)

Актьор - Black Warrant(2022) - Nick Falconi
Nogales(2022) - Sonny Kilbane
The Most Dangerous Game(2022) - Benjamin Colt
The Desperate Riders(2022) - Doc Tillman
A Tale of Two Guns(2022) - Marshall McTeague
Battle of the Bulge: Winter War(2020) - Major McCulley
Sniper: Assassin's End(2020) - Thomas Beckett
Adam(2020) - Jerry Niskar
Blood and Money(2020) - Jim Reed
Supervized(2019) - Ray
Stakeout(2019) - Joe Smith
1st Born(2019) - Tucker Jefferson
American Dresser(2018) - John Moore
Gone Are The Days(2018) - Will
Wunderland(2018) - Maj. McCulley
Cops and Robbers(2017) - Captain Randolph
Sniper: Ultimate Kill(2017) - Thomas Beckett
Training Day(Сериал)(2017) - Stan Gursky
Major Crimes(Сериал)(2013-2015) - Jackson Raydor
Impact Earth(2015) - Herbert Sloan
Reach Me(2014) - Teddy
Sniper: Legacy(2014) - Thomas Beckett
Lonesome Dove Church(2014) - John Shepherd
Doc Holliday's Revenge(2014/II) - Judge Wells
Hawaii Five-0(Сериал)(2014) - Eddie Williams
Bad Country(2014) - Lutin Adams
Hatfields & McCoys(Мини Сериал)(2012) - Jim Vance
Brake(2012/I) - Ben Reynolds
War Flowers(2012) - General Josiah McIntire
Bucksville(2011) - The Patron of Justice
XIII: The Series(Сериал)(2011) - Rainer Gerhardt
Last Will(2011) - Frank Emery
Faster(2010) - Warden
Inception(2010) - Browning
Sinners and Saints(2010) - Captain Trahan
Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball(2010) - Walter Weed
Breaking Point(2009) - Steven Luisi
Silent Venom(2009) - Admiral Bradley Wallace
The Making of 'Charlie Valentine': Behind the Scenes with Michael Weatherly(Късометражен)(2009) - Becker
The Hitmen Diaries: Charlie Valentine(2009) - Becker
Amber Alert: Terror on the Highway(2008) - Larsan
Stiletto(2008/II) - Virgil Vadalos
October Road(Сериал)(2007-2008) - Bob 'The Commander' Garrett
The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey(2007) - Jonathan Toomey
America's Iliad: The Siege of Charleston(2007) - Narrator (voice)
Amy Coyne(2006) - Mac
Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King(Мини Сериал)(2006) - Richard Kinnell
Into the West(Мини Сериал)(2005) - Colonel J. Chivington
Detective(2005) - Sgt. Malcolm Ainslie
Sniper 3(2004) - Thomas Beckett
Capital City(2004) - Sen. Foxworthy
Peacemakers(Сериал)(2003) - Marshal Jared Stone
Third Watch(Сериал)(2003) - Aaron Noble
Sniper 2(2002) - Beckett
The Junction Boys(2002) - Paul 'Bear' Bryant
Johnson County War(2002) - Cain Hammett
Eye See You(2002) - Hank
Cruel and Unusual(2001) - Art Stoner
Ally McBeal(Сериал)(2001) - Harrison Wyatt
True Blue(2001) - Rembrandt Macy
The Hollywood Sign(2001) - Tom Greener
Training Day(2001) - Stan Gursky
Cutaway(2000) - Red Line
Law & Order(Сериал)(2000) - Dean Tyler
Takedown(2000) - McCoy Rollins
In the Company of Spies(1999) - Kevin Jefferson
Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying(1999) - Sikes
One Man's Hero(1999) - John Riley
Diplomatic Siege(1999) - Gen. Buck Swain
A Murder of Crows(1998) - Clifford Dubose
Shadow of Doubt(1998) - Jack Campioni
The Gingerbread Man(1998) - Pete Randle
Rough Riders(Мини Сериал)(1997) - Theodore Roosevelt
An Occasional Hell(1996) - Dr. Ernest Dewalt
The Substitute(1996) - Shale
Last of the Dogmen(1995) - Lewis Gates
Body Language(1995) - Atty. Gavin St. Claire
The Avenging Angel(1995) - Miles Utley
Chasers(1994) - Rock Reilly
Major League II(1994) - Jake Taylor
Gettysburg(1993) - Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet
Sliver(1993) - Jack Landsford
Cheers(Сериал)(1993) - Don Santry
Sniper(1993) - Thomas Beckett
At Play in the Fields of the Lord(1991) - Lewis Moon
Dream On(Сериал)(1991) - Nick Spencer
Shattered(1991) - Dan Merrick
The Field(1990) - Peter - The American
Love at Large(1990) - Harry Dobbs
Born on the Fourth of July(1989) - Recruiting Sergeant
Major League(1989) - Jake Taylor
Last Rites(1988) - Father Michael Pace
Betrayed(1988) - Gary Simmons
Shoot to Kill(1988) - Jonathan Knox
Someone to Watch Over Me(1987) - Mike Keegan
Platoon(1986) - Sgt. Barnes
If Tomorrow Comes(Мини Сериал)(1986) - Jeff Stevens
Rustlers' Rhapsody(1985) - Rex O'Herlihan
Fear City(1984) - Matt Rossi
Eddie and the Cruisers(1983) - Frank Ridgeway
The Big Chill(1983) - Sam
Beyond the Door(1982) - Matthew Jackson
The Dogs of War(1980) - Drew
Flesh & Blood(1979) - Bobby Fallon
Butch and Sundance: The Early Days(1979) - Butch Cassidy
In Praise of Older Women(1978) - Andras Vayda
Rush It(1978) - Richard Moore
Looking for Mr. Goodbar(1977) - Gary
We Hardly Knew Ye(1977) - Billy Sutton
The Sentinel(1977) - Man at end
One Life to Live(Сериал)(1975-1976) - Tim Siegel

Мини Биография

Номинираният за "Оскар", носител на награди "Златен глобус" и "Еми" Том Беренгер е роден като Томас Майкъл Мур и израства в работническо римокатолическо семейство от ирландски произход. Баща му е печатар на вестник Chicago Sun-Times. Том посещава университета в Мисури, за да учи журналистика. Там за първи път се явява на прослушване за роля в "Кой се страхува от Вирджиния Улф" в колежанския театър по прищявка и залог със съквартирант; печели ролята на "Ник", втората главна мъжка роля.

След няколко участия в регионален театър Беренгер посещава студиото за актьорско майсторство на Херберт Бергхоф в Ню Йорк. Там той се занимава професионално с актьорско майсторство. Избира "Беренгер" за свое професионално име, по името на свой приятел от училище, тъй като в Actors' Equity вече имало "Том Мур". Филмовият му дебют е във филма Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977 г.), последван от роли във филми като The Big Chill (1983 г.), Eddie and the Cruisers (1983 г.), Platoon (1986 г.), Someone to Watch Over Me (1987 г.), Shoot to Kill (1988 г.), Betrayed (1988 г.), Last Rites (1988), Major League (1989), Shattered (1991), Gettysburg (1993), The Substitute (1996), Sniper (1993), Rough Riders (1997), Inception (2010), Hatfields & McCoys (2012) и много други. - И.И. превод


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