Мелвил Пупо (Melvil Poupaud)

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1973-1-26 - Paris, France

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Мелвил Пупо (Melvil Poupaud)

Всички филми и роли на Мелвил Пупо (Melvil Poupaud)

Актьор - OVNI(s)(Сериал)(2021-2022) - Didier Mathure
Brother and Sister(2022) - Louis Vuillard
One Fine Morning(2022) - Clément
Petite fleur(2022) - Jean-Claude
The Young Lovers(2021) - Pierre Escande
Summer of 85(2020) - Monsieur Lefèvre
An Officer and a Spy(2019) - Maître Labori
Golden Youth(2019) - Hubert / Lucille's husband
By the Grace of God(2018) - Alexandre Guérin
Insoupçonnable(Сериал)(2018) - Paul Brodsky
Silent Streams(2018)
When Margaux Meets Margaux(2018) - Marc
The Lady in the Portrait(2017) - Frère Jean-Denis Attiret
La pimbêche à vélo(Късометражен)(2017) - Melvil
Victoria(2016) - Vincent Kossarski
By the Sea(2015) - François
Face Down(2015) - Samy
Mad Love(2015) - Le curé
Le grand jeu(2015/I) - Pierre Blum
Fidelio: Alice's Odyssey(2014) - Gaël
Lines of Wellington(Мини Сериал)(2012) - Marechal Massena
Lines of Wellington(2012) - Marechal Massena
Laurence Anyways(2012) - Laurence Alia
The Argument(Късометражен)(2011/I) - Man
The Orphan Girl Without an Arm(2011) - Robinson
Mysteries of Lisbon(Мини Сериал)(2011) - Ernest Lacroze
Mistérios de Lisboa - O Filme(2010) - Coronel Ernest Lacroze
The Edge(2010) - François
Black Heaven(2010) - Vincent
The Counterfeiters(2010) - Edouard
Lucky Luke(2009) - Jesse James
44 Inch Chest(2009) - Loverboy
Hideaway(2009) - Louis
Crime Is Our Business(2008) - Frédéric Charpentier
A Christmas Tale(2008) - Ivan Vuillard - - Abel and Junon's youngest child
Speed Racer(2008) - Johnny 'Goodboy' Jones
The Broken(2008) - Stefan Chambers
Towards Zero(2007) - Guillaume Neuville
Un homme perdu(2007) - Thomas Koré
Broken English(2007) - Julien
Melvil(2006) - Melvil
Time to Leave(2005) - Romain
Qui a tué Johnny Mac?(Късометражен)(2004) - Johnny Mac
Monde extérieur(Късометражен)(2004) - Régis
Je suis votre homme(2004) - Bruno
Pronobis(Късометражен)(2003) - Philippe / son jumeau
Les sentiments(2003) - François
Le divorce(2003) - Charles-Henri de Persand
Shimkent hôtel(2003) - Alex
Rémi(Късометражен)(2001) - Rémi
A Hell of a Day(2001) - Ben
La chambre obscure(2000) - Bertrand
Love Torn in a Dream(2000) - Paul / Fils de Mariani / Loup / ...
A Raiz do Coração(2000) - Vicente Corvo
Quelque chose(Късометражен)(1999)
Marcel Proust's Time Regained(1999) - Le Prince de Foix
Les kidnappeurs(1998) - Armand Carpentier
Marianne(1997) - Valville
Shooting Stars(1997) - Lenny
Genealogies of a Crime(1997) - René
Souvenir(1996) - Charles
A Summer's Tale(1996) - Gaspard
Three Lives and Only One Death(1996) - Martin
Diary of a Seducer(1996) - Gregoire
Hillbilly Chainsaw Massacre(Късометражен)(1995)
La vie de Marianne(Сериал)(1995) - Valville
Those Were the Days(1995) - Axel
Innocent Lies(1995) - Louis / Jeremy's friend
3000 scénarios contre un virus(Сериал)(1995)
Élisa(1995) - Pharmacist's Son
Boulevard Mac Donald(Късометражен)(1994)
Major and Minor(1994) - Antoine
Under the Stars(1993) - Mathieu
Normal People Are Nothing Exceptional(1993) - Germain
Archipel(1992) - Michel
The Lover(1992) - The younger brother
The 15 Year Old Girl(1989) - Thomas
3 jours...(Късометражен)(1988) - Melvil
Dans un miroir(1986)
Richard III(1986) - Le jeune prince de Galles
Treasure Island(1986) - Jim Hawkins
Ces jours où les remords vous font vraiment mal au coeur(Късометражен)(1985)
L'éveillé du pont de l'Alma(1985) - Michel
Qui es-tu Johnny Mac?(Късометражен)(1984) - Johnny Mac / Le tueur
City of Pirates(1983) - Malo
the boy

Режисьор: Melvil(2006)
Qui a tué Johnny Mac?(2004)
Quelque chose(1999)
Boulevard Mac Donald(1994)
3 jours...(1988)
Ces jours où les remords vous font vraiment mal au coeur(1985)
Qui es-tu Johnny Mac?(1984)


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