Ейдън Куин (Aidan Quinn)

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March 8, 1959 - Chicago, Illinois, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Ейдън Куин (Aidan Quinn)

Всички филми и роли на Ейдън Куин (Aidan Quinn)

Актьор - Butterfly in the Typewriter - Barnet Rosset
Cry from the Sea
Food Fight(2022) - Daniel
The Gettysburg Address(Документален) - Theodore Parker (voice)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2007-2022) - Burton Lowe / Ben Nicholson
Blacklight(2022) - Gabriel Robinson
O Hóspede Americano(Мини Сериал)(2021) - Theodore Roosevelt (2019)
Spiked(2021/I) - John Wilson
Elementary(Сериал)(2012-2019) - Captain Thomas Gregson
The Investigation: A Search for the Truth in Ten Acts(2019) - Donald Trump Jr
Change in the Air(2018) - Moody
Ford 100(2017) - Narrator
Stay(2013/I) - Dermot Fay
Rushlights(2013) - Cameron Brogden
The Last Keepers(2013) - John Carver
The Horses of McBride(2012) - Matt Davidson
Allegiance(2012/I) - Lieutenant Colonel Owens
Prime Suspect(Сериал)(2011-2012) - Lieutenant Kevin Sweeney
If I Were You(2012) - Derek
The Greening of Whitney Brown(2011) - Henry Brown
The Stand Up(2011) - Sandy
Weeds(Сериал)(2011) - CEO
Unknown(2011/I) - Martin B
Across the Line: The Exodus of Charlie Wright(2010) - Charlie Wright
Festival of Lights(2010) - Adem
Elle s'appelait Sarah(2010) - William Rainsferd
White Collar(Сериал)(2010) - Professor George Oswald
Flipped(2010/I) - Richard Baker
Jonah Hex(2010) - President Grant
The 5th Quarter(2010) - Steven Abbate
Madonna: Celebration - The Video Collection(2009) - Dez (video 'Into the Groove')
A Shine of Rainbows(2009) - Alec
Handsome Harry(2009) - Prof. Porter
The Eclipse(2009) - Nicholas Holden
The Prince of Motor City(2008) - Charlie Hamilton
Wild Child(2008) - Gerry Moore
Canterbury's Law(Сериал)(2008) - Matt Furey
32A(2007) - Frank Brennan
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee(2007) - Henry Dawes
Dark Matter(2007/I) - Jacob Reiser
The Book of Daniel(Сериал)(2006) - Daniel Webster
Mayday(2005) - John Berry
Empire Falls(Мини Сериал)(2005) - David Roby
Third Watch(Сериал)(2004-2005) - Lieutenant John Miller / Captain Miller
The Exonerated(2005) - Kerry Max Cook
Nine Lives(2005) - Henry
Proud(2004) - Commodore Alfred Lind
Return to Sender(2004/I) - Frank Nitzche
Miracle Run(2004) - Douglas Thomas
See You in My Dreams(2004) - Joe F. Brown
Shadow of Fear(2004) - Detective Scofield
Cavedweller(2004) - Clint Windsor
Plainsong(2004) - Tom Guthrie
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius(2004) - Harry Vardon
Freedom: A History of US(Сериал)(Документална поредица)(2003) - Mob Member / Philadelphia Press Editorial
Song for a Raggy Boy(2003) - William Franklin
Benedict Arnold: A Question of Honor(2003) - Gen. Benedict Arnold
Evelyn(2002) - Nick Barron
Stolen Summer(2002) - Joe O'Malley
Night Visions(Сериал)(2001) - Jeremy Bell (segment "The Passenger List")
The Prince and the Pauper(2000) - Miles Hendon
Two of Us(2000) - Paul McCartney
Songcatcher(2000) - Tom Bledsoe
Music of the Heart(1999) - Brian
In Dreams(1999) - Paul Cooper
Practical Magic(1998) - Gary Hallet
This Is My Father(1998) - Kieran O'Day
Forbidden Territory: Stanley's Search for Livingstone(1997) - Henry Morton Stanley
The Assignment(1997) - Lt. Cmdr. Annibal Ramirez / Carlos
Commandments(1997) - Seth Warner
Michael Collins(1996) - Harry Boland
Looking for Richard(Документален)(1996) - Richmond
Lumière and Company(Документален)(1995)
Haunted(1995) - Prof. David Ash
The Stars Fell on Henrietta(1995) - Don Day
Legends of the Fall(1994) - Alfred
Frankenstein(1994) - Walton
Blink(1993) - Detective John Hallstrom
Benny & Joon(1993) - Benny Pearl
A Private Matter(1992) - Bob Finkbine
The Playboys(1992) - Tom Casey
At Play in the Fields of the Lord(1991) - Martin Quarrier
Lies of the Twins(1991) - James McEwan / Jonathan McEwan
Avalon(1990) - Jules Kaye
The Handmaid's Tale(1990) - Nick
The Lemon Sisters(1989) - Frankie McGuinness
Perfect Witness(1989) - Sam Paxton
Crusoe(1988) - Crusoe
Stakeout(1987) - Richard 'Stick' Montgomery
American Playhouse(Сериал)(1987) - Chris Keller
The Mission(1986) - Felipe
An Early Frost(1985) - Michael Pierson
Desperately Seeking Susan(1985) - Dez
Reckless(1984) - Johnny Rourke

Режисьор: Elementary(2016)

Мини Биография

Ейдън Куин е роден на 8 март 1959 г. в Чикаго, Илинойс, САЩ. Той е актьор и продуцент, известен с филмите "Практическа магия" (1998), "Бени и Джун" (1993) и "Обърнато" (2010). От 1 септември 1987 г. е женен за Елизабет Брако. Те имат две деца. - И.И. превод


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