Джон Филбин (John Philbin)

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1960-4-27 - California, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Джон Филбин (John Philbin)

Всички филми и роли на Джон Филбин (John Philbin)

Актьор - Virus of the Undead: Pandemic Outbreak - Richardson
Death Face VS' Bikini Beach Party(2022) - JP
Ghost Babe(2020) - Al Patron
Undateable John(2019) - Undateable John
White Wolves(2019) - The Man in the Sea
Bones(Сериал)(2017) - Ned Dixon
Ovation(2015/I) - Party Guest
Bikini Inception(2015)
The Perfect House(2013) - Jeff
Shadow(Късометражен)(2013/II) - Eric Davis
Help! I'm Alive(Сериал)(2012)
Hipster(Късометражен)(2011) - Surfer
Soul Surfer(2011) - Fuel TV Reporter #2
Zombie Farm(2007) - Agent Richardson
Riptide(Късометражен)(2006) - The Dude
The Break(2003) - Candrell
The Edge of the Midway(2001) - Dan
Perfect Fit(2000) - Monty
Fail Safe(2000)
ATF(1999) - Randy
Girl(1998) - Mr. Jones
Moonbase(1997) - Lucas
Levitation(1997) - The Police Officer
Law & Order(Сериал)(1997) - Fleet Manager
The Killing Jar(1997) - Pete Lawrence
Blossom Time(1996) - Arthur Steele
The Crew(1994) - Alex
Tombstone(1993) - Tom McLaury
Black Widow Murders: The Blanche Taylor Moore Story(1993) - Ray Jr
The Chili Con Carne Club(Късометражен)(1993) - Pete Connelly
Tequila and Bonetti(Сериал)(1992) - Tucker
Point Break(1991) - Nathanial
Dillinger(1991) - Hamilton
The Young Riders(Сериал)(1990) - Aaron Darnell
Wiseguy(Сериал)(1989) - Stephen
Martians Go Home(1989) - Donny
The Edge(Сериал)(1989) - Deputy Andy
Honor Bound(1988) - Sergeant Max Young
The Four Minute Mile(1988) - Wes Santee
The Boost(1988) - Tim (uncredited)
Disaster at Silo 7(1988) - Pvt. Phillips (uncredited)
Under Cover(1987) - Officer Vic Fieldson
North Shore(1987) - Turtle
Shy People(1987) - Tommy
Women of Valor(1986) - Paraplegic soldier
Resting Place(1986) - Bradford Erskine
Chase(1985) - Bobby
This Child Is Mine(1985) - Matt
Amazing Stories(Сериал)(1985) - Bullseye
The Return of the Living Dead(1985) - Chuck
The New Kids(1985) - Gideon
Not My Kid(1985) - Brian
Maximum Security(Сериал)(1984) - Harry's brother
U.S.A.(1984) - Cowboy
Children of the Corn(1984) - Amos


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